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念慈李專業噴槍彩妝 Nien Tsz Lee Professional Airbrush Makeup
About author
念慈李專業噴槍彩妝Nien Tsz Lee Professional Airbrush Makeup
~ 歡迎試用產品 請先電話預約~
Nien Tsz Lee Professional Airbrush Makeup is Asia’s leading brand of airbrush makeup. Our products are used by some of the top celebrities and makeup artists in Asia. Nien Tsz Lee is a well known makeup artist for Taiwanese celebrities. Her work has been published in magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Bazaar, and Vogue. Showcasing her expertise, Lee has appeared in various newspapers and television shows teaching her makeup techniques.
add:2FL, No. 9, Section 1, Fuxing South Road, Songshan District
Taipei City, 10565, Taiwan.
念慈李 專業噴槍彩妝 亞洲第一專業噴槍彩妝品牌 營業時間: 星期一~五:請先電話預約 週六.週日公休 Tel : +886-2-2775-3380
念慈李 專業噴槍彩妝 亞洲第一專業噴槍彩妝品牌 營業時間: 星期一~五:請先電話預約 週六.週日公休 Tel : +886-2-2775-3380