【福禍兩相依】(English writing below)
08 Jul 2019 - 146 訂閱
29 Dec 2019 - 300 訂閱
03 Mar 2020 - 1000 訂閱
今天 - 2000 訂閱
感謝那七位讀者相信我匹黑馬。 ❤️
Youtube 看到這流量的高漲,便以它那全能的演算法把那影片推出去給更多用戶。
欸,不是說Youtube在中國被禁嗎? 😏
有隨著名氣增長的光鮮亮麗,也自然會有 🤬 一面。
沒本事好好辯論,就用精子隊。你要從你國家射到新加坡嗎?好厲害的火箭 🚀。但你要公平啊,也給大家看看你的照片,好讓大家為你鼓掌鼓掌。👏👏👏
女大十八變,長大後我自然變得比較端莊,只是沒想到當年的勇猛,對已年過四十的我還能受用. 😂
也感謝我的臉書朋友,多年來給予我這安全的空間成長,長出一雙強壯的翅膀來甩一下那些不尊重女性的呆子。 😁
08 Jul 2019 - 146 subs
29 Dec 2019 - 300 subs
03 Mar 2020 - 1000 subs
Today - 2000 subs
At any time of the day, there are now 42 of me talking on YouTube about what it takes to live a better Destiny.
I started weekly YouTube uploads in end June 2019. That is 2 years after my channel started.
In July 2019, I did a poll in my Stories, asking my readers if they thought I would hit 1K subs by end of the year.
Of the 7 who voted, they all think I would. Some of them even dropped me PMs of confidence.
I was late by 65 days.
But as soon as I hit 1000 subs, my channel crossed the 2K mark in a matter of few days.
Thank you to the 7 readers who saw the dark horse in me. ❤️
This uprise in my channel started on 17 Feb 2020, when a gentleman shared my old video on a Hong Kong forum, to encourage abstinence from sexual misdeeds.
It brought in a wave of viewers, 95% men.
Yeah, that same video that some dude shared on a Singapore forum in a crass way. Got about 100K views now.
YouTube recognised the upsurge and pushed my video to more of its users with its almighty algorithm.
And out of a sudden, I have an influx of male audience from mainly Taiwan, Malaysia and... China.
Eh, thought Youtube banned in China? 😏
This is good news because if you follow my stories, you will know that in end Feb, I tried starting a channel in Bilibili (China’s younger version of Youtube). I also opened a Weibo account.
But my videos didn’t pass their stringent checks and were dismissed as superstitious and feudal. #whattheduck
Turned out that Heaven had other plans for my channel.
I always prefer meeting my clients in person and initially wondered if I will have a drop in clients or cancellations of consultations with the current epidemic situation.
Didn’t happen.
I get requests for video calls and will be doing one for the first time to New Zealand.
But there’s always two sides to a coin.
The ooh-la-la side of increased popularity,
And the 🤬 side.
I was mistaken to be a Taiwanese, and got a snide remark that me using English shows a lack of confidence in my culture and me wanting to win over the Westerners.
Eh bro, no confidence in my culture, I NUS graduate what for become Feng Shui practitioner? You think fun to be laughed superstitious meh? 🤔
Also, not all who speak good Mandarin must be Taiwanese. There are Singaporeans who can also speak good Mandarin. #weareSingaporeweareSingapore
Even if I’m a Taiwanese and choose to use English in my videos, remember this: We are all inter-dependent. Chinese Metaphysics and Buddhism were never meant to serve only one breed of humans.
Our ancestors have much bigger love and foresight than that. Learn from them.
There were also lewd comments like a man who said I’m bluffing and wanted to shoot his semen on my face.
Wah, cannot debate properly, resort to using sperm army.🏆
Shoot from your country to Singapore? You sure have a powerful rocket. Come, let’s be fair. Show us photos of yourself and let everyone clap for you this champion.
I told my Shifu about this. His wise words: tell him to save it for his offspring.
Jokes aside...
I just want you to know whatever we face in the past always help us to handle our future challenges better.
I received very bad beatings and scoldings from my mum as a kid, because of her foul temper. I endured for 26 years before I married.
When I was in SQ, as a junior, I was constantly being picked at (aka bullied) for 2 years by a senior colleague. I never once complained to my supervisor.
But things got so obvious and serious, that our team inflight supervisor held a team meeting during our Los Angeles stay over, to ask the colleague what was wrong with her.
When the husband asked if I was okay with the sudden naysayers, I replied that this was nothing compared to what I had been through. It is also delusional to expect everyone to like what I do.
Also, I used to get into fights with boys in school. Yeah, really the kick, slap, punch, pull hair, pull school uniform kind. Plus colourful vulgarities and hand gestures in all languages.
I had grown more demure since, just never thought that gung-ho side will be useful as a content creator in my 40s. 😂
I made a vow in 2006 when my grandmother passed away. That I would propagate Buddhism and Chinese Metaphysics to benefit sentient beings. So that she and my grandpa would be reborn in the Pureland.
It had been 14 years.
I’m a bit slow, but the fun is just beginning.
Thank you to my 2K+ subs and all the encouraging comments you left me.
Thank you to my FB friends, who have given me this safe space to grow my wings so strong that I can whack fools who disrespect women. 😁
Stay with me, my friend. Let’s see how high we can soar together. ❤️
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過24萬的網紅暗網仔 2.0,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour 訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/chann...
校服的起源 在 暗網仔 2.0 Youtube 的最讚貼文
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour
訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8vabPSRIBpwSJEMAPCnzVQ?sub_confirmation=1
鬼故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4rmkFI1ik0&list=PLglqLngY6gv5BCwaoP-q6DOwUmw1lIusF
我最高觀看次數的影片 (我為何不再拍暗網? 只說一次): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbihKaqEEQw&t=127s
曼德拉效應: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMutzRIE_uE&list=PLglqLngY6gv5BCwaoP-q6DOwUmw1lIusF&index=17&t=5s
我的100K成長故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdhtp6A6YJE
破解Kate yup事件是假的! 不是綁架! 不要被騙! (Facebook上的證據): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NJVt56ORWo&t=2s
日本最殘酷的直播節目: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E81OKVX7wc
網上最可怕的一個字 (Ft. HenHen TV): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLedkSHc7Os&t=145s
Rule #1: always make them need and depend on you
Rule #5 always stay 2 steps ahead of the game
Rule #7 make sure you own there minds, body’s and souls
當中有暢銷書講解法則高達48個那麼多, 差不多像孫子兵法一樣.
男女不平等在亞洲來講, 韓國男女地位低傳統上性別角色較重. 2013年英國雜誌The Economist指出, 韓國女人除了家庭主婦外, 極少有任何權威性的角色.
韓國過份的男尊女卑導致男性容易產生厭女心態, 女的容易被控制甚至勒索.
(案例一): 2004年15歲崔姓少女因誤交網友遭至少40名高中生綁架輪姦, 案件之後都只是輕判並草草結案.
事件最後升級到100個共犯, 主要因為崔姓少女當時被威脅所致.
所以16年之後的今天, N號房事件主腦之一 ‘博士’ 被捕後, 外界有150萬人聯合要求警方公開所有這個N號房的會員的名字. 是想改變這個權衡吧!
2020年3月尾南韓爆發一個由即時通訊軟件Telegram的巨型, 性剝削案件.
有74位受害女性, 16位是未成年的, 當中多名小朋友, 最年輕有11歲的小學生. 被迫在鏡頭前手淫, 被強姦, 食si飲尿, 身上刻字, 將蟲放進自己私處,
大家好! 又是我暗網仔一起進入N號房看一看. 其實這一單影響亞洲的新聞, 有多位online source已經描述過整個案件. 今天我們除了描述現有資訊我更想借用這事件解答兩個大迷團.
1號房 (起源)
根據被訪問的一位末成年受害者, 她是2018年讀初中時在交友app認識N號房的人. 對面的人offer了一份月薪四百萬won, 即是2萬5千港幣的part time工作. 需要錢的受害者只好將自己銀行帳戶, 電話, 地址給對方. 之後雙方在Telegram上對方慢慢開始要求受害者的裸體照. 她有拒絕, 但對方卻用禮物和金錢收買她讓她心動.
最誇張是要她穿著校服用筆直到流血為止. 她總共拍了40條這些影片.
N號房聊天室是18’年12月由一個名Godgod的人創立, 初時GodGod營運8個不同Telegram聊天室, 名 “一號房” “二號房” 到 “8號房” . 每個房間內有3-4位他們稱為 ‘女奴’ 的少女被迫為房內會員表演.
2019年2月GodGod把N號房的營運交給用戶Watchman然後就消失. 自此開始出現更多更殘忍的聊天室之餘, 捕擒少女的手段也越來越大膽. 他們炫耀這手段叫 ‘釣魚.’ 他們會到Twitter找一些穿著比較少的女孩, 有些是網紅, 然後假冒警察騙她們說網上流傳她們的性愛影片, 除後send一個連結給她們, 連結會轉載到一個假Twitter登入主頁, 要她們輸入自己用戶名字和密碼. 一但進入到她們個人資料後, 就用公布她們個人或家人資料威脅她們, 一步一步張她們變成性奴.
2019年9月現時媒體公開被拘捕的 ‘博士’ 開始管理N號房, 會員需要付很多錢的 ‘博士房’ 將N號房火速成為非常掙錢的生意. 被捕後 ‘博士’ 趙周彬家中搜出超過1.3億韓元的現金. 其他他們掙的都是虛擬貨幣.
被確認整個N號房事件至今已傳超過11,297份照片和影片檔案, 當中有107份是屬於未成年人士或小朋友的.
2號房 (GodGod是誰?)
榑士身份被公開為25歲一位前大學期刊的編輯. Watchman是38歲的文員, 2019年10月Watchman曾因偷拍女性被起訴. 但整仵事件的源頭Godgod到現在還被警方追捕. GodGod在2019年頭更在男士受歡迎的討論區中炫耀過自己一定不會被捕.
據說Godgod是一位20歲學生. 當時是因為要準備高考才停止管理N號房. 一個學生要做這樣的工作是為了錢? 好像是對女人的那種權力吸引一些
3號房 (那些會員)
爆料! 爆料! 博士在Wikitree新聞報導網說N號房26萬會員當中有兩位是男藝人! 今次N號房事件可算是在韓國起公憤, 導致 ‘國民請願’ 公開所有會員的身分. 有指會員當中除了有藝人也有政治人物和大企業ceo.
4月1號韓國法務部長官秋美愛在KBS電視台廣播中說 “最後被抓的人將面臨最嚴厲的處罰, 趕緊自首. “ 也有人說 “因為Telegram軟件的保密性很強, 因為海外務器, 所以根本查不到”
我覺得像N號房這麼大的事件, 雖然Telegram是一間屬俄羅斯的公司, 但要提供這些犯罪資料是一定做到的.
如果像大家所講有260,000這些 ‘會員’ 而南韓人口有5100萬, 這個196比1的比例代表每196人當中有一位會是N號房會員. 這樣的話當中一定有巨影響力的人. 而如果260,000人每一位都同樣重判的話, 有機會當中會因此更影響韓國社會. 這情況又不能選擇性重或輕判, 那可能怎麼辨呢?
這名單是N號房終極秘密, 而唯一方法就是現時這樣說: 找不到.