#新集數上線 #張維中 #東京模樣Podcast 普吉島泰有趣!《以你的心詮釋我的愛》feat. 泰國安達曼男孩(下)
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STARFiSH agent星予經紀打造台灣運動全新格局
集結跨界最強運動與職人 誓言開創全”星”運動版圖
STARFiSH Concept星予國際(星予公關)成立17年來,公關事業版圖橫跨國際精品、時尚、美妝、金融、汽車、酒商等頂級客戶,在業界創造出眾多精采成功的公關案例,深根台灣市場並享譽國際。近年來,在熱愛運動的執行總監于長君的帶領之下,連續四年支持AAI車隊,隨隊出征法國與亞洲24h Le Mans「24小時利曼大賽」; 2016、2017年國際CDIY青年馬場馬術錦標賽及CSIJ-B青少年障礙超越錦標賽、2018-2019泰國馬術公主盃、2018-2019香港馬術浪琴盃支持台灣青少年馬術國手;以及泰國普吉島AKA Thailand 2017-2020贊助商與合作夥伴,協辦在泰國普吉島海邊沙灘上Primal FC MMA國際格鬥賽事,讓多項國際運動賽事獲得更多國際媒體與台灣關注,引領各界菁英拓展全新面貌,展現其運動行銷超強能量。尤以贊助策辦桌球選手江宏傑與福原愛世紀婚禮國際記者會,造成享譽國際的運動佳話。
STARFiSH agent星予經紀立志將運動人才推上國際舞台,並期望難得的運動家精神能成為年輕一代的榜樣。於2019年10月3日在Dynasty皇家官邸聯誼會盛大舉辦STARFiSH agent跨界運動職人聯合記者會,由執行總監于長君與明星主持人阿Ken偕同攜手STARFiSH agent星予經紀旗下各領域菁英參與這場跨界盛事,與媒體與眾嘉賓分享時間淬鍊而成的職人生涯,宣告”星運動”正式納入全新事業版圖,連接國際體育脈動,創造台灣全新格局。
STARFiSH agent星予經紀跨界運動職人聯合記者會上,邀請到美國UFC明星選手同時也是AKA Thailand創辦人Mike Swick麥可斯維克首度來台為本活動站台,與STARFiSH agent星予經紀旗下各職人包括台灣賽車教父陳俊杉、AAI車隊賽車手Betty Chen陳映瑜、全球華人最年輕劍道範士八段吳重山、哈雷改裝車世界冠軍葉韋廷、快艇衝浪雙冠軍母女檔陳美彤與12歲陳宥蓁、國際馬術總會第八分區主席黃啟芳、超逆齡70歲瑜珈老師陳冬蓮等一同出席現場盛事。近年來運動熱潮於全球大勢興起,STARFiSH agent星予經紀立志推廣台灣運動職業與優異職人,記者會上各職人闡述了其冠軍光環背後艱辛歷程,經由多年苦心耕耘才得以擁有現今的成就,更可以看到運動職人們在STARFiSH agent星予經紀經營之下現身於螢光幕前為品牌拍攝廣告及代言,讓眾人以不同角度探究各職人所帶出其運動領域背後故事與專業。記者會當天現場展示超跑Ferrari 488 GT3,漢諾威馬術俱樂部提供白馬一匹,以及重機改裝車 ( 2018 Ducati Hypermotard Custom Street Tracker By Rough Crafts ),讓與會來賓對各項運動產業更進一步認識。
執行總監于長君也道出 :「與STARFiSH agent星予經紀合作的這些運動員、職人都是我的好友兼人生導師,在他們身上我學習到什麼是真正的運動家精神,更獲得了一種使命感,好的態度要繼續推廣給下一代的年輕人學習,讓台灣的運動職人站上國際舞台,嶄露台灣的運動實力。同時,他們也是鼓勵並支持我成立STARFiSH agent經紀部門的主要力量,非常感謝他們的信任,期望日後能帶領大家開拓嶄新運動世界觀。」
記者會活動尾聲,執行總監于長君與STARFiSH agent旗下職人運動員齊聚於運動職人牆前共同簽名合影,並舉起代表台灣文化的珍珠奶茶向與會貴賓們致意,宣示STARFiSH agent運動經紀部門正式啟程,展現STARFiSH星予公關專業態度與國際接軌,也憑藉著這份實力將運動、時尚、藝術融合而創立STARFiSH agent,帶領運動職人們走向下一巔峰!
美國UFC明星選手Mike Swick麥可斯維克也將在記者會隔天拍攝Esquire雜誌,以及出席台灣服裝設計師DOUCHANGLEE竇騰璜 張李玉菁2020春夏時裝秀。
台灣賽車教父 – 陳俊杉 :「賽車是一項專業,同時又有些封閉的運動,不過自從認識STARFiSH之後,透過專業的宣傳與行銷,讓更多人認識賽車運動。未來也希望與STARFiSH的合作,讓國內賽車運動更蓬勃的發展。」
全球華人最年輕劍道範士八段 - 吳重山 :「劍道之道在於”煉心”二字,透過修煉劍的理法形成完美的人格,劍道的精神”十年磨一劍”展現的是劍道的持之以恆與不懈的追求。以”星”出發,祝願STARFiSH agent引領風潮將新時代運動帶入前所未有的新里程碑 ! 」
國際馬術總會第八分區主席 - 黃啟芳 :「人生中最快樂的事之一,莫過於與大家分享喜歡的興趣與活動。 這次很感謝STARFiSH給予這個機會讓我把我最愛的馬術運動介紹並分享給大家。騎馬長期被標榜是一個貴族運動。但是除此之外,只有少數人知道馬術運動也是唯一男女選手一起比賽的奧運。這運動除了展現人與動物最真誠的互動之外,更能拉近親子關係。與其說他是一種運動不如說它也可以是一個 lifestyle (生活態度) 。」
快艇衝浪冠軍選手 - 陳美彤 :「轉戰選手三年多,從沒想過滑水的興趣能帶領我站上國際舞台,真心熱愛這項運動,也期盼接下來和STARFiSH的合作透過與更多元的品牌連結機會,讓大眾更認識我所愛的運動,激起不一樣的火花。」
哈雷改裝車世界冠軍 - 葉韋廷 :「 在台灣如果要試著努力做厲害的事,STARFiSH讓我用專業的角度面對各種困難的對手。」
超逆齡Yoga老師 - 陳冬蓮 :「STARFiSH給了我人生中另一個里程碑,讓我接觸到不同領域的人、事,物。未來更希望STARFiSH能引領讓銀髮族群能勇敢的跟我一起瑜伽,延展身體,健康樂活的過每一天。」
AKA Thailand創辦人 - Mike Swick麥可斯維克 :「 It has been an absolute pleasure working with June Yu and STARFiSH Concept the last 4 years. Her expertise is vast and her results speak for themselves. I look forward to a long and successful relationship with June and STARFiSH !」
STARFiSH agent is creating a new Taiwan sporting presence, combining the latest designs, style and fashion, and sports professionals’ spokespersons
Since the founding of STARFiSH Concept Public Relations over 17 years ago, our business has expanded to include a wide range of industries such as luxury goods, fashion, cosmetics, finance, automotive, alcohol and other high-end clients, creating our own unique presence in the industry, with strong roots in Taiwan and a well-established international reputation. In recent years, under the leadership of Managing Director June Yu, we have supported the AAI team to France for the 24h Le Mans for four consecutive years, as well as the Asian 24h Le Mans. In 2016 and 2017 we managed the CDIY and CSIJ-B equestrian events, the 2018-2019 Thai Equestrian Princess’ Cup, the 2018-2019 LONGINES Hong Kong Cup - where we supported the Taiwan Junior equestrians – and we also co-sponsored and partnered with AKA Thailand in 2017-2020, and co-hosted the Primal FC MMA Beach Competition in Phuket, Thailand, ensuring athletes gained exposure from the global and local Taiwan media. We created the new faces of international sports. We also created global media exposure in our international press conference for the wedding of the century between tennis table stars Hung-Chieh Chuang and Fukuhara Ai.
STARFiSH shares the competitive spirit of the world class athletes we represent as we work with them to and ensures that they reach the international stage. On October 3, 2019 STARFiSH launches its “Sports Stars” public relations business at a Global press conference at the Dynasty Club. Guests include diverse sports professionals, Managing Director June Yu, Celebrity MC Ken, and the global team of STARFiSH agents who will share these athletes’ personal success stories, as the firm creates a new face for Taiwan on the global sports stage.
This exclusive STARFiSH event hosts a diverse coterie of sports professionals including leading US UFC star and founder of AKA Thailand, Mike Swick, on his first ever trip to Taiwan, the godfather of racing, Jun San Chen, AAI racing star Betty Chen, Johnson Wu - the youngest Chinese to attain the Kendo rank of Hachida, modified Harley designer Winston Yeh, mother and daughter Wakesurfing Champion pair Kimberly Chen and her 12 year old Jocelyn Chan, the Chairman of Region Eight of the Fédération Équestre Internationale, Jack Huang, and the amazing septuagenarian yoga instructor, Gloria Chen. Sports is a global phenomenon, and STARFiSH is proud to represent leading international and Taiwan athletes. This press conference will serve to introduce the intense personal struggles and stories behind these champions’ successes and their path to professional achievement, and also show how STARFiSH will promote this array of talent to the world. Sports lovers will enjoy seeing a genuine Ferrari 488 GT3 racing car, a white horse from the Hannover Equestrian Club, 2018 Ducati Hypermotard Custom Street Tacker by Rough Crafts, and a full complement of competitive sporting goods on display, ensuring all guests can appreciate more about the respective sports.
June Yu, the Managing Director, notes that: “these athletes working with STARFiSH agent are not only close personal friends and life coaches, but I have learned from them the real athletic spirit, a strong sense of mission, as well as a desire to promote their success to the next generation , ensuring Taiwan’s sporting stars enjoy a place on the international stage where they can reveal Taiwan’s sporting prowess and power. At the same time, they have also encouraged and supported me in establishing the STARFiSH sports talent agency division, and I am pleased to enjoy their trust, as we hope to lead them to new pinnacles of sporting accomplishment at the international level.”
At the end of the press conference, STARFiSH agent Managing Director June Yu will appear together with the sports stars and a photoboard of their success stories. There will be opportunities for autographs and a group photo to officially launch the STARFiSH professional sports talent agency, demonstrating the STARFiSH professional approach and international reach, as the firm integrates sports with style and the arts, as STARFiSH leads these athletes to ever greater achievements!
UFC Star, Mike Swick will be posing for an Esquire magazine exclusive the day after the press conference, as well as attending the Taiwan fashion designers Stephane Dou and Changlee Yugin’s brand DOUCHANGLEE 2020 SS Fashion Show.
The godfather of Taiwan racing, Jun San Chen, remarked: “The racing profession is, at times, a somewhat closed-off sport, but after meeting STARFiSH and their professional publicity team, they have exposed racing to a greater audience. I hope to continue cooperating with STARFiSH into the future, as we develop our domestic racing sports. ”
The world’s youngest Chinese master Kendo Hachida, Johnson Wu, stated: “The path to Kendo is about training the hear; as one trains with the sword one develops human character, and the Kendo spirit ensures a strong devotion to patience and lasting values. By working with STARFiSH with its focus on sporting stars, I am sure we will witness a new athletic milestone.”
Jack Huang, Chairman of Region Eight of the Fédération Équestre Internationale explained: “One of the most rewarding and pleasing things in life is to enjoy a shared interest and activity with one’s family. So I am very happy that STARFiSH has afforded me this opportunity to share the equestrian sport with the public. Even though equestrian enjoys a reputation as the sport of Kings, it is also highly egalitarian. Equestrian is one of the few sports where men and women can compete together on an equal footing in the same events. It is also a sport where humans and animals interact with great sincerity, and it affords an excellent opportunity for close family bonds. Instead of describing equestrian as a sport, it might be more apt to describe it as a lifestyle.”
Kimberly Chen, a wakesurfing champion said: “After having competed in wakesurfing for three years now, I had never thought my interest would expose me to the world stage, but working with StarFish made me realize that if you really love a sport and are dedicated, it is possible to teach the public an appreciation of your favorite sports, and ignite the sparks of their interest, too”.
Winston Yeh, design champion for modified Harleys, notes: “If you want to try to be the best at something in Taiwan, the professional perspective that STARFiSH offers is perfect to resolve any challenges along the way”.
Gloria Chen, an amazing 70 plus yoga instructor explains:”STARFiSH has allowed me to reach a new peak in life, as I am able to explore diverse people, activities and things. I aspire to continue enjoying STARFiSH leadership to help senior citizens to engage in yoga, developing body and mind and enjoying the Lohas spirit everyday”.
Mike Swick, founder of AKA Thailand remarks how:“It has been an absolute pleasure working with June Yu and STARFiSH Concept the last 4 years. Her expertise is vast and her results speak for themselves. I look forward to a long and successful relationship with June and STARFiSH !”
普 吉島 精品 在 2分之一強 Youtube 的精選貼文
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普 吉島 精品 在 Sunny背包流浪記 Youtube 的最佳貼文
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