斯巴達衝刺賽的初體驗心得:沒想到我竟然喜歡障礙賽。也許我很早就已經習慣跟自己競爭。只是這次還可以看到終點線,也可以領獎。😂 🏅
My first Spartan Sprint 5K in Kaohsiung. Never in a million years did I ever think I would run an obstacle race course but this was crazy fun. I’m rather used to competing against oneself but at least here you can see the finish line. And you get a medal, too.
But seriously, the medal is just the bonus. After wallowing in the dark for all these years, just showing up and getting sunburned felt like a champion. Up next, I’m signing up for the Super 13K in the fall. Who’s with me?! #spartansprint #spartankaohsiung #spartanrace #斯巴達衝刺賽 #斯巴達障礙賽 #高雄 @ 高雄