釋果慨 (法鼓山弘化發展專案總召集人)
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感恩 師父的話 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
The Great Power of Master Dai Hu
文 / 吳女士
Written by: Ms Goh
非常感恩菩薩的慈悲,明明之中通過姐姐的介紹,讓我有機會認識師父。 姐姐介紹我看師父的臉書視頻,也跟我說有機會一定要撥電話給師父。
起初,我第一次看見師父的視頻, 沒有想到師父是那麼的年輕、英俊的師父😍。 心想這位師父這麼年輕,會厲害嗎?
將近15年來,我的胃因為工作的原因而出現了問題。 這問題看了好幾位醫生都沒法解決,可說是無藥可救。 我的身體就好比住了一隻活貓。 不能控制的,時不時就會發出貓叫聲,不騙你。 有時就像小貓肚子餓找食物的聲音,有時就像大貓要打架的聲音。同事聽了都會開玩笑,還給我取小名為貓貓 "Kitty"。在去年,新上司一聽到就皺眉頭,今年,年頭也因為這怪聲而被罵,哭到我眼睛腫到幾乎不能打開。工作的壓力、身體的問題,讓心情、心靈越來越不好。有時就想拿把刀切開肚子,把那只貓給抓出來。每當想起被罵的那一次,眼淚就不受控制的留下。😭
幾次試著撥電話給師父都打不通。天天在想, 天天心裡祈求,師父幫我。
我非常的贊嘆師父的厲害!對於玄學、看八字非常的厲害。 他比我更瞭解我自己。
我對師父說,師父好像裝了閉路電視在我家。 師父所說的句句都對。百發百中!🎯
我看到了改變! 最讓我開心的是不用吃藥,跟隨我多年的"貓"病,這兩個多月都沒出現了。😄
I'm very grateful for Bodhisattva's Great Compassion for playing the role of a middleman. Through my Elder Sister, I got to know Master Dai Hu. My Sis encouraged me to look at Master Dai Hu's Facebook’s posts and told me that I should try to make a call to Master Dai Hu.
When I first saw Master Dai Hu's Facebook video, my first impression of Master Dai Hu was, he was so young and handsome-looking. I was thinking in the back of my mind, what great power will he have, for him being so young?
Gradually, after watching many Master Dai Hu's videos, my craving to want to look for Master Dai Hu's help grew greater. I wish that he could help me.
For the past 15 years, I developed gastric issue due to the nature of my work. I had sought help from many doctors but they couldn't seem to cure me. There was literally no cure to my condition. My stomach often involuntary made cat meowing sounds. It wasn't a joke. Even my doctors was puzzled by my sounds. But no treatment and medication could totally cured it. I often laugh and tell people that I swallow a cat alive. And this "cat" is living inside me. The involuntary sounds I made can seem like a small kitten looking for food from its mother. Sometime, it will sound like angry big cats going to engage into a fight. I often got teased by my colleagues. They even gave me a nickname "Kitty".
Things started to get worse this year, after I got transferred to a new department. Although I had explained to my "cat" issue to my new manager, she didn't seem to empathise with my condition. She would frown whenever she heard my meowing sounds. I felt so alien.
In the beginning of this year, there was an incident that happened, I was scolded by a senior for the sound I made. I felt so sad that I cried so bad. Both my eyes swelled until I couldn't even open them the next day. The stress from work and worsening health condition put me on the verge of depression. I was so angry, negative and frustrated with myself. I would often think of taking a knife to cut open my stomach to take that "cat" out of my body. Even till now, whenever I think of the scolding incident that happened, my eyes will well with tears.
After failing to call through Master Dai Hu a couple of times . I pray daily, prayed that one day Master Dai Hu will answer my call for help.
I want to thank Bodhisattva & Master Dai Hu for my wish comes true. On 4th August, the phone call didn't end in voicemail. It was Master Dai Hu's calming voice coming from the other end of the phone. I was so rejoiced! Tears of happiness kept flowing down my cheeks during my conversation with Master Dai Hu.
I am very impressed by the great power of Master Dai Hu. His accuracy in Chinese Metaphysics and Bazi is more than superb! He knows more about me than I know myself. I laughed telling Master Dai Hu, he must have installed CCTV at every corner of my house. Whatever he said, was so right! He deserves more than a round of applause 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Master Dai Hu told me that I'm suitable to eat any types of food, for example western food, Japanese food. All types of food except noodles. Noodles doesn't suit my five elements. I didn't even tell him that due to my stomach issue, I consumed noodle soup almost daily, as it is warm and light to my problematic stomach.
Ever since I adhered to Master Dai Hu's advice, I had stopped eating noodle, cut away my 20+years of long hair and did some changes that suited my five elements, and began reciting the name of Bodhisattva.
I saw changes! Without taking any medication, the "Cat" that lives within me seem to vanish! For more than 2 months! Even my colleagues notice. They said they had not heard my cat cries. I finally behaves normal, Good normal. My work is smoother. My mood seems calmer, peaceful. Life is more positive. I'm really happy. ❤️😇
I'm really very grateful for Master Dai Hu. ❤️
Thank you Master Dai Hu for creating Master Dai Hu Channel 988; for giving me a chance to learn.
感恩 師父的話 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
文/何月玲 女士 Written by: Mdm Carine Ho
我真心想與大家分享我這很棒的經驗。期盼你也都有緣能見到玳瑚師父。🙏 師父,感谢您的教导,我會多加努力學習和閱讀您的文章。❤
I felt so grateful and could not express more to thank you, Master Dai Hu, for the kindness you shown in giving me these golden opportunities to attend your tea sessions.
I could recalled my first meet up session with Master Dai Hu was on 11 December 2016. It was a health-themed tea session. That day I was down with my sinus once again and this issue has been troubling me since a very young age. That is, till I met Shifu whom I remain grateful to.
Sadly, I had to wear a mask to attend the tea session with Shifu on that day. Shifu did go through some areas of my Bazi and he gave me a valuable advice on the type of hot drink, which suits me best. I heeded his advice not to drink tea.
As the days passed, without realizing it, my sinus problem has improved tremendously. My affinity with Shifu did not end at my 1st tea session. The third session I attended was the CNY Prosperity Dinner Session held by Shifu on 30 January 2017. Shifu is a very detailed and caring Master. He asked about my sinus problem and I was happy to tell him that my health recovered so much, after following his advice. It was amazing! I vividly recalled what Shifu told me during my 1st tea session with him, that every time I see Shifu, my sinusitis condition will gradually improve and recover. Here's the truth unveiled: yes indeed! I did not take any medication and I felt so much better now.
I felt so blessed and fortunate. I do treasure each tea/dinner session. The quality time spent with Shifu is always positive and encouraging, with good advice given. One important point to note: Shifu will always cautiously remind us: No Killing. Admit your wrong and mend it right. Repent by doing lots of good deeds to gain more merits.
I would truly want to share these great experiences with everyone. May you have the affinity with Shifu one day. 🙏Shifu, thank you so much for your teaching. I will put in more effort to learn and read your articles. ❤