[News / 甜點新聞] Cedric Grolet 主廚將在2019年底開二店!/ Cédric Grolet, the best pastry chef of the world, to open his second shop by the end of the year (for English, please click “see more”)
七月底才剛結束在台北三天快閃甜點店活動的 Cédric Grolet 主廚日前宣佈 #將在巴黎歌劇院附近開二店!為大家整理新店鋪的資訊如下:
1. 時間:今年年底之前。日前接受我訪問時,主廚曾透露因為法國法規繁瑣,他為了新店的裝修、營運問題等傷透腦筋,但希望能在年底之前順利開幕。
2. 地點:之前主廚僅說會在巴黎歌劇院( Opéra )附近,但 Time Out Paris
的這篇報導中指出,地點將會在之前 Jeffrey Cagnes 主廚(巴黎歷史最悠久的甜點店 Stohrer 甜點主廚)Casse Noisette 的舊址(35 avenue de l'Opéra, 75002 Paris),佔地 300m2。將會有內用的茶沙龍( salon de thé )區。
3. 販賣品項:Time Out Paris 的這篇報導指出該店將會成為「巴黎最好的麵包店」之一,並指出會有麵包、維也納早餐酥皮麵包類( viennoiserie )、巧克力、糖果、盤式甜點等可以內用與外帶的作品。而主廚在訪問時透露,該店會是一個「與一店完全不同的概念」,他會將經典的法式甜點重新加入個人詮釋後帶給大家。大家可以在他最近 Instagram 帳戶上的發文( 巧克力麵包、可頌等)看出端倪。
Cédric Grolet, the most influential pastry chef of the world is going to open his second shop in Paris by the end of the year! I’ve summarised some key information that you have to know:
1. Time: By the end of the year 2019. During my interview with the chef, the latter has disclosed that he’s been putting lots of efforts dealing with the complicated regulations and huge paper-work required in France, but hopefully he can make it by the end of the year.
2. Location: it’ll be in the Opéra neighbourhood in Paris. Time Out Paris has indicated precisely that it will be on the same location that once hosted Casse Noisette, the shop of the chef Jeffrey Cagnes ( current head pastry chef of Stohrer, the oldest pastry shop in Paris), which occupies 300m2 on Avenue de l’Opéra. And there will be a tea salon for eating in.
3. Items: The chef has told me that this shop will be “completely different from the first one” and he will bring us his own interpretations of the French classics. In this article by Time Out Paris, it is said that this shop is going to be “one of the best boulangeries in Paris” that serves bread, viennoiseries, chocolate, confectionery, and dishes for both eat-in and take-away!
❣️ To tell you a secret, the chef’s second recipe book will be based on the same concept as his second shop, “revisiting great Parisian classics”, which also aims to be released later this year. I had a sneak peek at some pages. The neat and beautiful photography has perfectly presented the items covered and has brought out the elegance rooted in ordinary French daily life.
So, maybe it’s time to plan your year-end trip to Paris already? ✈️😉
#yingspastryguide #paris #cedricgrolet
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