4 ways to get rid of those meaty legs
第一招 西瓜去浮腫
第二招 勤按穴位
第三招 下肢水腫茶療
第四招 簡易床上拉筋
抱腳法 - 收緊大腿內側肌肉
4 ways to get rid of those meaty legs
Faced with hot weather, wearing shorts or skirts with sandals would feel quite good. But if you often wear high heels, sit or stand for prolonged periods of time, your legs may experience swelling issues. Try these four ways to achieve slim legs to show off this summer!
1- have watermelon
Water melon is a great summer fruit that can replenish fluids as well as promote diuresis to remove excess heat in the body to which helps to reduce swelling near the legs. Note that those with asthenic cold spleen and stomach, prone to diarrhea, suffer from diabetes, or have menstruation should eat with caution.
2- massage your acupoint
Cheng Shan Point
Location: On the lower leg, in the depression formed below the bellies of the gastrocnemius muscle when the muscle is flexed
Press with your thumbs for about 20 times
Effects: relieve edema, improve lines of your legs, promote blood circulation and relieve leg cramps.
3- Low body edema healing tea
Ingredients: 6g bighead atractylodes rhizome, 10g hyacinth bean coat, 10g smilax, 1 dried citrus peel
Preparation: rinse all ingredients thoroughly, cook with 800ml of water for 30 minutes
Effects: strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness. Improve body swelling especially in the lower body and the eyes.
4- simple stretches
Stretching is easy to do even if you don’t have time. You can stretch on your bed before bed time so there should be no more excuses. For each movement, maintain for 15-20 seconds and repeat each for 10 times.
butterfly stretch- to tighten the inner thigh muscles
Sit up tall and press the soles of your feet together and hold them together with your hands. Lean your head forward and round your back.
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