【駐立陶宛台灣代表處 即將開張!】
外交部吳部長宣佈,台灣即將在 #立陶宛 🇱🇹 首都維爾紐斯設立 #駐立陶宛台灣代表處 (The Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania),各項準備工作已緊鑼密鼓籌備中!!!
立陶宛工業強大,在科技、生技與資訊等產業都極具競爭力,也是 #共享自由民主價值的好夥伴,超過半數國會議員曾致函WHO幹事長支持台灣參與世界衛生大會;前陣子 #主動捐贈2萬劑疫苗,立陶宛外長Gabrielius Landsbergis的名言:「 #熱愛自由的人民應該互相關照。」更是溫暖台灣人民的心❤️
台灣和立陶宛都位處 #捍衛民主體制的戰略前線,在互相設立據點後,各方面的交流都會加深,透過共享價值的緊密連結,兩國人民可以一起在國際社會中發揮正面的良善力量,為世界的和平、穩定和繁榮,做出貢獻。
If you caught our livestream earlier today, you’ll have heard the great news that we’re establishing a representative office in #Lithuania!
The office, part of our efforts to expand our relationships in Central and #EasternEurope, particularly with #Baltic States, will be located in the capital #Vilnius under the name “The Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania.” Preparations for the establishment of the office are currently underway, following the announcement by the Lithuanian government of their intent to establish an office in Taiwan in the Autumn.
The country, a member of the OECD, the EU and NATO, has strong expertise in the #laser, #biotech, #satellite, #ICT and #fintech sectors.
As two like-minded nations on the front-line of the struggle to uphold global democracy, we hope that the establishment of these offices will bring us closer together and lead to increased trade and exchange across a range of sectors, as well as strengthening the friendship between our peoples, on the foundation of mutual trust.
Lithuania has been a good partner for Taiwan in the international community, with over half of the country’s legislature signing a letter supporting Taiwan’s participation in the World Health Assembly two years running and a recent donation of 20,000 vaccines.
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