2021首PO 來聊聊我的海外求職之心路歷程
前情提要…去年底拿到"就業英語證照",並完成金融證照的第一科(共三科),想想應該來試試看找些金融相關的工作,但沒想到投了20幾個金融職缺,竟然沒有得到任何面試機會…重點"沒有得到任何面試機會",不是不錄用,是"沒有任何面試機會" (按,這是我從來想有想過的事)。
前後有三個recruitment agency跟我聯絡,共同結論就是,他們覺得我的經歷看起來很不錯,很想幫我找資深一點的職位,但現實面卻是: 不論妳經歷有多漂亮,金融業經驗多長,沒有當地經驗在這邊就是零。好啊~ 那我從零開始嘛,我從entry level開始總行了吧! ㄟ~ 還是不行歐~ 市場上有那麼多社會新鮮人便宜又好使喚,為什麼要用妳這個"有經驗的"又"可能叫不動的"老菜鳥。 靠~ 所以我到底是有經驗,還是沒經驗啦!!! Anyway...我的求職路就是一個鬼打牆…。
朋友說,妳就放寬心顧好小孩,讓J去賺錢就好啦! 不可諱言,我一開始確實是這麼想,但我發現我要的並不是錢這麼簡單。我須要的是一個認同感,一個可以發揮所長、展現自我的舞台…
沒意外的話,未來幾年我會專注在貸款業務上(不是高利貸,不要誤會),從房屋貸款、商業貸款、建築貸款到開發貸款,我都有機會涉獵,未來我就會成為一個專業的mortgage broker 或 mortgage adviser。
大部份的業務工作都是commission based,公司和你是合作關系而不是聘僱關系。因此,公司不會付你底薪,而且你會須要成立自己的company(像sole trader但是是limited company structure),才可以跟公司簽合作契約,然後獨立報帳報稅和退稅(有點像台灣在講的靠行)。看起來,好像很多事要自己來,但這個妳所依靠的公司其實仍然扮演非常重要的角色,除了內部中後台資源、教育訓練、經驗分享和指導外,也因為有公司,我才有機會接觸到潛在客戶群和大型銀行及貸放款機構。
於是,本人也成立了一間自己的公司- SCG。申請過程有點緊張,但天哪,紐西蘭真的是全世界最容易成立公司的國家了。我前後花不到24小時就完成申請,不用資本額,不用公司章程什麼的…只須要有自己的稅號就可以設立一間公司了。而且我slogan都想好了…
"Supreme Capital,the best funding Gateway"
紐西蘭的朋友們~ 之後請記得:
台灣 recruitment agency 在 國發會 Facebook 的最讚貼文
#新式外來居留人口統一證號 110年1月
不但降低各種困擾,並增加對我國的歸屬感,外國朋友也能夠順暢地進行各類 #網路購物、 #訂票、 #醫療掛號 等與日常生活息息相關的各項服務🙌
國發會亦將持續推動 #雙語國家政策 及 #攬才留才政策 等
📍Introduction to the New UI No. of Foreign Nationals
➪ https://youtu.be/-6qCkzeV8AM
#新式外來人口統一證號 #友善外國人生活 #攬才
【No more impediments for foreign residents using an ARC to book transport, shop online, or register to see a doctor!】
January 2021 brings the official launch of a new UI No. format for foreign residents!
In the past, foreign friends have often been vexed by inconveniences stemming from the UI No. format of ARCs, as has been communicated to the government through the ECCT, AmCham, and other organizations. The NDC has held multiple consultations with the National Immigration Agency and other relevant agencies on achieving a solution to this problem. Now, at last, from January 2, 2021, the problem will be solved by the issuance of a new UI No. format for resident permits!
The new UI No. format matches the national ID card number format. Instead of beginning with two English letters, it starts with a single English letter followed by a nine-digit number, the same as citizen ID cards. Apart from removing all kinds of difficulties for foreign residents, it will also give them a stronger sense of belonging in Taiwan. The new UI No. can be used without a hitch to utilize all kinds of everyday services such as booking seats on public transport, buying things online, making medical appointments, and more.
The NDC has made a strong commitment to helping foreigners fit into life in Taiwan. Besides setting up a platform for addressing problems relating to the use of ARCs, it has also orchestrated the amendment of various regulations to provide ARCs with the same legal validity as foreign passports for the purpose of identifying the holder. The NDC has also held numerous meetings over the past two years to secure funding and coordinate solutions to problems of ARC utility.
The NDC will continue promoting the bilingual nation policy along with measures for talent recruitment and retention, to create a welcoming environment, give foreign friends a heightened sense of belonging in Taiwan, and make our country a gathering hub for talent from around the world!
#New UI No. format #Foreigner-friendly #Talent recruitment
台灣 recruitment agency 在 台灣光鹽生物科技學苑 Facebook 的最佳解答
【International Live Webinar Series】Strategies for Applying Clinical Trials in Europe歐洲臨床試驗申請策略與佈局
Part 1: 2020/12/01 (Tues) 16:30 ~ 18:00 (GMT+8)
Part 2: 2020/12/03 (Thurs) 16:30 ~ 18:00 (GMT+8)
Location:Online Webinar Training
Instructor:Anika Staack, Founder of ARC-TRAICOA / EU-QPPV
【Course Outline】
Part 1 2020/12/01 (Tues) 16:30 ~ 18:00 (GMT+8)
A. Europe – One Union with differences
B. European Clinical Trial Directive
1.Role of national competent authorities
2.Role of ethics committees (central / local)
3.Role of investigator
4.Role of sponsor
5.Role of EMA
C. Planning clinical trials in Europe
1.Analysis of product
b.Patient group
2.Analysis of end points
3 .Analysis of protocol
4.Preparing feasibility
5.Choosing Key Opinion Leaders
6.Sponsor or IIT?
7.Similar studies already running?
Part 2 2020/12/03 (Thurs) 16:30 ~ 18:00 (GMT+8)
A. Applying clinical trial
1.Collecting information you need
2.Establishing study team
B. Required entry into EudraCT
C. Required approval from national HAs and ethics
D. Required fulfilment of national data protection laws
E. Considerations
1.Doing it by yourselves
2.Contracting CRO
F. Upcoming issues: Site and patient recruitment, site resources, patients withdrawal, protocol amendments
G. Final presentation of study reports
Online Course Fees include 2 Webinars, 90 minutes each:
Special Price $160 USD per Person; Original Price $180 USD
(*1) Certificate of Attendance will be issued only if participants attend both part 1 & 2 webinar
(*2) Certificate of Completed Assessment will be issued only if participant pass the assessment
Register here 👉 https://forms.gle/Kj9yMVynsq7yzSzs8
Co-Organizer:Salt and Light Institute
【Target Audience】
(1.) Anyone who is interested in clinical trials in Europe
(2.) Anyone who has experience in working in clinical trials related field such as PI,PM,RA,RD,MA,DM,ST,CRA, CRC,QC,QA, etc)
【Instructor CV】
Anika Staack
Current Position:
Founder of ARC-TRAICOA
EU-Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance (EU-QPPV)
Local German QPPV Consultant and Speaker
Previous Experience:
EU-QPPV / Stufenplanbeauftragte & Group Leader PV at Medice
Senior Drug Safety Manager at ICON
Lead Site Management Associate at PRA
Clinical Research Associate at SKM Oncology
Expertise Databases: European Medicine Agency EudraVigilance and xEVMPD
Quality Assurance: Audits & Inspections, SOP Writing and QA documentation, recalls and product quality
Clinical Trial Management: Feasibility, monitoring, eCRF set-up, database reconciliation, site selection, contract management, patient recruitment, study reports
Authorization process: PSMF, RMP & PSUR Writing, answering authority requests, Risk Management, overseeing product life-cycle
Education Background:
Master of Science (Biology)
Email: bioschool@biotech-edu.com Tel: (+886) 02-2545-9721 ext.18