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這次回台灣,我終於找到機會拜訪了很久以前就心儀不已的 COFE,他們受到巧克力界「from bean to bar」(從挑選可可豆到生產巧克力塊都由同一家店掌握製程)的風潮啟發,#精選台灣莊園精品咖啡豆與台灣茶,#完全取代巧克力中的可可固形物(cacao mass),再用經長時間低溫萃取的台灣屏東天然可可脂(cacao butter)形成質地;接著以台灣原生種金珠黃豆粉當作乳化劑、少量純淨冰糖調味,#將咖啡與茶的香氣濃縮呈現。
這塊「喫茶吧」(COTE bar)是由曾獲得2018 ICA國際巧克力大賽數面獎牌的九日風製作,質地柔滑、香氣撲鼻,雖然可可脂的味道對我來說個性仍然有些明顯,但瑕不掩瑜,用吃的就能體驗到台灣茶的優異品質,非常有趣。更重要的是,這是 #台灣職人用創意突破產業規模限制的成果,將台灣的好農產品 #以知識加工,#用嶄新的味覺體驗記憶他們的身世來歷,讓小農的心血被更多人以不同方式欣賞。
COFE 的空間非常寧靜敞亮,服務人員解說細心親切,另外還有 在欉紅 red on tree 以法式工法呈現台灣水果富饒風情的手工果醬,以及台灣特色餐點;樓下還是用印花布紀錄台灣風情、近來更進軍日本大受歡迎的 in Blooom 印花樂 。再加上大稻埕的各種特色店家,很適合花一下午靜心品賞 ❣️
Do you know that you can taste tea and coffee in a different form in Taiwan?
During my short stay in Taipei this time, I visited COFE, where you could taste high quality tea and coffee in bar form. Inspired by the “from bean to bar” concept, COFE carefully selects a variety of Taiwanese specialty coffees and teas that replace the cacao mass, using the low temperature processed cacao butter from the Ping-Dong grown cacao beans to provide the substance. Emulsified by the soya powder made of domestic soybeans “金珠” (Golden Pearls, provisional translation) and seasoned by pure crystal sugar, the COFE and COTE bars are concentrates of best Taiwanese local products.
I love tea, especially Taiwanese tea. So when I stood in front of the display of such diversified choices, it was a real marvel. Oolong, Oriental Beauty, JingXuan and Longjing are just basic, you could even find local specialties from Nantou and Alishan. I picked the WenShan Baozhong tea at the end, will have to try some other choices next time!
The COTE tea bar is smooth in texture, elegant in flavour, and delicate in smell. The taste of cocoa butter is a little bit pronounced for me but everything else is impeccable. Moreover, by providing a new and interesting taste experience, this creation breaks the limits of small production scale and highlights the efforts and craftsmanship of Taiwanese farmers and artisans alike.
Situated in Dadaocheng, COFE owns a large and luminous space which sometimes is a luxury in Taipei. Their staff is very kind and considerate. Besides the COFE and COTE bars, Red on Tree jams made of Taiwanese quality fruits as well as other local specialties are also available. Downstairs you could also find “in Bloom”, a famous Taiwanese brand specialised in print cloth. They have a huge range of products in print cloth with patterns collected in Taiwanese daily life and local environment.
#yingspastryguide #taipei #cofebar #cotebar #台灣茶 #台灣咖啡
台灣職人用創意突破產業規模限制的成果 在 燒賣研究所:電商人的培養皿 - Facebook 的美食出口停車場
全台最挑戰突破社會框架,抓住市場的所有可能 在Web3.0 萌芽的此時,電商數位行銷學習更應該理論與實作兼具。 目前台灣整體創意型的人才分佈呈現鐘型分配,會說或會做 ... ... <看更多>