#常識不再是常識 #反智到令我白眼翻到後腦了
Press statement made by the Society on 16 Feb 2020:
“Universal Masking to combat the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in HKSAR”
The latest scientific evidence suggests that Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is mainly transmitted via droplet and/or theoretically fomite through close contact. Aside from severe pneumonia, some patients with COVID-19 may present with mild symptoms which are indistinguishable from common cold or flu, and possible asymptomatic transmission has also been documented.
In response to the statements made by The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong (FMSHK) at a press conference held on 15 Feb 2020, The Hong Kong Society for Infectious Diseases (HKSID) would like to restate our stance on the use of surgical mask for the general public at the time of an impending COVID-19 outbreak in Hong Kong:
1/ Wearing surgical masks has been shown to be effective in stopping transmission of other respiratory viruses, and we fully support the notion of wearing surgical masks by all persons at all times in public areas regardless of whether symptoms of COVID-19 is present.
2/ When symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, coughing, and/or shortness-of-breath, are observed, one should seek immediate medical attention, refrain from social gathering, and wear surgical mask at all times.
3/ Aside from wearing surgical masks, the general public should continue to observe good personal hygiene, including frequent and thorough hand washing by soap and water, hand disinfection by 70-80% alcohol-based handrub, putting toilet lid down before flushing, and maintain drainage pipes properly by adding water to U-traps regularly.
以下是本學會於 二零二零年二月十六日發表的新聞公佈:
1. 研究顯示佩戴外科口罩有助預防呼吸道病毒傳播, 本會認為市民無論有否新型冠狀病毒肺炎病徵, 都應在公眾場所時刻佩戴外科口罩。
2. 有新型冠狀病毒肺炎病徵之人士,例如發熱,咳嗽,氣喘 ,應立刻就醫,避免與他人聚會,以及經常佩戴外科口罩。
3. 除了佩戴外科口罩之外, 市民亦應 加緊注意個人衛生包括:經常以梘液及清水潔手或使用70-80% 酒精搓手液搓手, 如廁後先蓋廁板再沖廁, 以及妥善保養排水渠管,定期注水入U型隔氣。