去年,山區監管方式發生了積極變化。 取消了有關山林的戒嚴規定。 但是,河流和湖泊水域仍然受到嚴格限制。發展觀光條例第36條,正啟用限制在許多不同領區域。 這是一條非常強大的法律,只是因為有人出現在該地區而受到懲罰。
這是 不公平地阻止人們體驗探索大自然的條例
蚯蚓坑也在去年被關閉 ,那是沒有必要的。原因是發生意外時離消防隊太遠,會耽誤救援……那偏遠山區裡居民的意外呢?
在有人不小心掉進峽谷導致溺水之後,當地政府將它封了。發展觀光 條例第36條,僅防止人們故意下水戲水。 法律甚至沒有防止或不適用於這些不幸事故意外的起因。 您如果去那裡,仍然可以合法掉入峽谷並淹死,但是您不能在那裡安全游泳。
它被關閉是因為該地區在颱風期間可能會造成洪水氾濫。 但瑞凡啊~颱風一年只發生幾天,抱持寧可錯殺一百,不可錯放一人的因素,無論如何都要禁止全年進入該區。
超熱門的 八煙溫泉仍然關閉中。 請大家發表關閉感言。
當政府關閉了數十個地方,如大安溪峽谷(卓蘭大峽谷)等令人驚嘆的地方。 是否有考量重新開放它們的法律機制? 任何政客敢於重新開放一個先前宣佈為危險的地區嗎?
事故是可以預防的。 通過教育,培訓和警惕可以預防它們。 無法通過關閉該區域來阻止意外發生。 那只是迫使人們去別的地方。 不會有什麼多大不同。
事故發生在人們去的地方。 人們都去最好棒的地方。 當最棒的地方關閉時,他們會去下一個最棒的地方。 結論是,台灣所有最好棒的地方都將肯定且慢慢地關閉。 如果我們不做任何事情,以後將無處可去。
我對109年度/2020年的夢想是,可以修改發展觀光條例第36條,使其條例僅適用於旅遊團體公司。 個人如果願意,應該可以冒險。 且應該每年需要檢視所有先前被控制及關閉的區域,以及被限制的有效期限,是否可以重見天日,而不是萬年不變的封閉。
Last year there was a positive change in the way that mountains are regulated. Some regulations were lifted regarding visiting wilderness areas. However, the rivers and lakes are still heavily restricted. Act for Tourism Development; Article 36 is being applied in many areas. It's a very strong law that penalized people just for being in the area.
And unfairly prevents people from experiencing nature
The wormhole was closed last year. That was unnecessary.
Wannian Canyon, is still closed. It was closed after some people accidentally fell into the canyon, resulting in drowning. Article 36 only prevents people from going into the water intentionally. The law does not even prevent or apply to the cause of these unfortunate accidents. You can still legally fall in and drown if you want, but you can’t swim safely.
Jade Gate is still closed. It's closed because that area can flood during a typhoon. Typhoons happen only a few days a year, but it's forbidden to enter all year regardless.
Bayan Hot Spring is still closed. Comment why you think that is.
Dozens more places, amazing places like Daan Canyon, are closed. Is there even a legal mechanism to reopen them? Would any politician dare to open an area previously declared dangerous?
Accidents are preventable. They are preventable by education, training, and vigilance. They are not preventable by closing the location. That just forces people to go somewhere else. It won't be any different.
Accidents happen where people go. People go to the best places. When that is closed, they go to the next best. The result is that slowly but surely, all of the best places in Taiwan are closing. If we don't do something, there will be no place left to go.
My dream for 109/2020 is that Article 36 can be amended to only apply to tour companies. Individuals should be free to take risks if they so desire. Also require review of all previously controlled areas, and an expiration date on the restriction if it is not renewed.
- 關於卓蘭大峽谷開放 在 Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於卓蘭大峽谷開放 在 Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於卓蘭大峽谷開放 在 卓蘭大峽谷封閉2023-精選在臉書/Facebook/Dcard上的焦點 ... 的評價
- 關於卓蘭大峽谷開放 在 卓蘭大峽谷封閉2023-精選在臉書/Facebook/Dcard上的焦點 ... 的評價
- 關於卓蘭大峽谷開放 在 卓蘭大峽谷開放的推薦與評價,MOBILE01、FACEBOOK 的評價
- 關於卓蘭大峽谷開放 在 卓蘭大峽谷開放的推薦與評價,MOBILE01、FACEBOOK 的評價
- 關於卓蘭大峽谷開放 在 2015/5/19 卓蘭白布帆登大克山大峽谷by Arsue Dean 的評價
- 關於卓蘭大峽谷開放 在 [苗栗景點]只可遠觀的卓蘭大峽谷(免門票) - 加油地圖 的評價
- 關於卓蘭大峽谷開放 在 有卓蘭人可以請問嗎?大峽谷的事 - Mobile01 的評價
卓蘭大峽谷開放 在 Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩 Facebook 的最讚貼文
去年,山區監管方式發生了積極變化。 取消了有關山林的戒嚴規定。 但是,河流和湖泊水域仍然受到嚴格限制。發展觀光條例第36條,正啟用限制在許多不同領區域。 這是一條非常強大的法律,只是因為有人出現在該地區而受到懲罰。
這是 不公平地阻止人們體驗探索大自然的條例
蚯蚓坑也在去年被關閉 ,那是沒有必要的。原因是發生意外時離消防隊太遠,會耽誤救援……那偏遠山區裡居民的意外呢?
在有人不小心掉進峽谷導致溺水之後,當地政府將它封了。發展觀光 條例第36條,僅防止人們故意下水戲水。 法律甚至沒有防止或不適用於這些不幸事故意外的起因。 您如果去那裡,仍然可以合法掉入峽谷並淹死,但是您不能在那裡安全游泳。
它被關閉是因為該地區在颱風期間可能會造成洪水氾濫。 但瑞凡啊~颱風一年只發生幾天,抱持寧可錯殺一百,不可錯放一人的因素,無論如何都要禁止全年進入該區。
超熱門的 八煙溫泉仍然關閉中。 請大家發表關閉感言。
當政府關閉了數十個地方,如大安溪峽谷(卓蘭大峽谷)等令人驚嘆的地方。 是否有考量重新開放它們的法律機制? 任何政客敢於重新開放一個先前宣佈為危險的地區嗎?
事故是可以預防的。 通過教育,培訓和警惕可以預防它們。 無法通過關閉該區域來阻止意外發生。 那只是迫使人們去別的地方。 不會有什麼多大不同。
事故發生在人們去的地方。 人們都去最好棒的地方。 當最棒的地方關閉時,他們會去下一個最棒的地方。 結論是,台灣所有最好棒的地方都將肯定且慢慢地關閉。 如果我們不做任何事情,以後將無處可去。
我對109年度/2020年的夢想是,可以修改發展觀光條例第36條,使其條例僅適用於旅遊團體公司。 個人如果願意,應該可以冒險。 且應該每年需要檢視所有先前被控制及關閉的區域,以及被限制的有效期限,是否可以重見天日,而不是萬年不變的封閉。
Last year there was a positive change in the way that mountains are regulated. Some regulations were lifted regarding visiting wilderness areas. However, the rivers and lakes are still heavily restricted. Act for Tourism Development; Article 36 is being applied in many areas. It's a very strong law that penalized people just for being in the area.
And unfairly prevents people from experiencing nature
The wormhole was closed last year. That was unnecessary.
Wannian Canyon, is still closed. It was closed after some people accidentally fell into the canyon, resulting in drowning. Article 36 only prevents people from going into the water intentionally. The law does not even prevent or apply to the cause of these unfortunate accidents. You can still legally fall in and drown if you want, but you can’t swim safely.
Jade Gate is still closed. It's closed because that area can flood during a typhoon. Typhoons happen only a few days a year, but it's forbidden to enter all year regardless.
Bayan Hot Spring is still closed. Comment why you think that is.
Dozens more places, amazing places like Daan Canyon, are closed. Is there even a legal mechanism to reopen them? Would any politician dare to open an area previously declared dangerous?
Accidents are preventable. They are preventable by education, training, and vigilance. They are not preventable by closing the location. That just forces people to go somewhere else. It won't be any different.
Accidents happen where people go. People go to the best places. When that is closed, they go to the next best. The result is that slowly but surely, all of the best places in Taiwan are closing. If we don't do something, there will be no place left to go.
My dream for 109/2020 is that Article 36 can be amended to only apply to tour companies. Individuals should be free to take risks if they so desire. Also require review of all previously controlled areas, and an expiration date on the restriction if it is not renewed.
卓蘭大峽谷開放 在 卓蘭大峽谷封閉2023-精選在臉書/Facebook/Dcard上的焦點 ... 的美食出口停車場
Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩在Facebook上關於卓蘭大峽谷封閉的文章與內容 ... 任何政客敢於重新開放一個先前宣佈為危險的地區嗎? 事故是可以預防的。 ... <看更多>
卓蘭大峽谷開放 在 2015/5/19 卓蘭白布帆登大克山大峽谷by Arsue Dean 的美食出口停車場
從日據理番時期,大克山因地理位置關係,即與熊佧山,二本松成崎角之勢架設砲台嚴密監控我台原著先民,兩年前卓蘭地區發展觀光,開放古砲台步道使得此山容易攀登, ... ... <看更多>
卓蘭大峽谷開放 在 卓蘭大峽谷封閉2023-精選在臉書/Facebook/Dcard上的焦點 ... 的美食出口停車場
Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩在Facebook上關於卓蘭大峽谷封閉的文章與內容 ... 任何政客敢於重新開放一個先前宣佈為危險的地區嗎? 事故是可以預防的。 ... <看更多>