🔎第一階段: 準備作品集、履歷
🔺Part 1. 景觀設計師撰寫履歷的6個重點:
1️⃣ 看完一定要被記得的優點是?
2️⃣ 展現個人美感特色
3️⃣ 展現特殊才華或其他經歷
景觀設計是需要團隊合作的,因此能否在團體中與人溝通融洽、同時也能獨立作業? 或是領導一個團隊,也都是評審的重點。亮眼的學經歷的背後,即使跟景觀設計完全沒關係,如果能體現以上這些軟技能或其他個人特色,便能加分許多。
4️⃣ 危機也是轉機
通常學經歷中如果有gap year,可以想想怎麼寫可以讓他成為你的優勢,或著是轉換 跑道的朋友,可以強調你''喜觀學習各種事物,而接觸景觀後找到自己的志趣所在''等。
5️⃣ 學校資源請多利用
學校都會有career service部門提供cv模板或舉辦講座/workshop,帶著你寫cv,或是有修稿服務也不要錯過。另外,請教有經驗的前輩們,在國外找工作更可以少去許多冤枉路。
6️⃣ 盡早準備、時時更新
🔎STAGE 1: Preparation of Portfolio, CV
Your CV must capture your employer’s attention to learn about you and what you can offer to them immediately and effectively. This would allow your potential employer to identify and consider your application out of the hundreds of other entries they have received.
🔺Part 1 - 6 key points a landscape architect should consider in their CV
1️⃣ Creating a memorable CV.
An employer spends an average of 10 seconds browsing through each CV. Make your CV easy to read, concise and logically structured with a clear layout.
Remember to emphasize and highlight specific skills and key values that show that you are not only suitable for the job but would also be a good fit to the company.
Keep in mind that your ultimate goal is to capture your employer’s attention, remember your strengths and convince them to hire you.
2️⃣ A Designer’s Aesthetics.
The first steps of becoming a designer is to develop a sense of style and character in your works. It is crucial that your CV and Portfolio both echo the same key theme and message. This would help establish an identity that would make your application much more memorable.
3️⃣ What can you offer other than academic experience?
Landscape architecture is a multidisciplinary profession that revolves heavily around teamwork. Mentioning soft skills and personal qualities such as being an adaptable team-player who can also work independently or even lead a team would be strengths that set you apart from other applicants.
4️⃣ With change brings new opportunities.
For students who have a gap year in their academic studies, think about how you can include this additional experience to your advantage.
For career switchers, you can consider sharing how your previous experiences have sculpted your design journey, your joy and curiosity of learning different subjects and how you finally found interest within the realm of landscape architecture.
5️⃣ Making the Most of Your University’s Resources.
Every university would have a career service department which provides CV templates or hold lectures/workshops that give guidance in writing your CV, checking and reviewing it.
Reaching out to experienced graduates and peers for their advice regarding overseas job applications would also help reduce the amount of time and effort spent on unnecessary work and improve success rates.
6️⃣ Prepare early and update frequently.
A CV would normally require you to include 2 letter of recommendations (Referees). It is recommended that you plan ahead and prepare your CV and Portfolio as early as possible for review.
At the same time, approach professors/advisors who know you well, ask for their permission and request them to be your referee – It is time-consuming to write and they might have multiple request as well, give buffer time! Meanwhile, remember to update your CV regularly.
作品集排版模板 在 Johntool-工具王阿璋 Facebook 的最佳解答
【#工程師分享】新手必備 線上履歷🦾
你還在用 Word 和 PPT 製作履歷嗎?
👉🏻Blink Resume
作品集排版模板 在 漂漂老師 Facebook 的最佳解答
💻想要有 Adobe Illustrator 設計工具的彈性,卻又有大量頁面需要編排?
📚Adobe #InDesign 便是為了印刷、出版而生的排版軟體,適合進行多頁編排,製作書冊刊物。
漂漂老師在這裡想推薦給粉絲同學們一門課「InDesign 排版即戰力|履歷、雜誌、電子書全部搞定」,是 #林協霆 老師今年全新推出的線上課程。興趣使然自學設計、曾教授超過2000名學生的他,兼具自學與專業的角度,帶領學生一一克服使用 Adobe Indesign軟體的痛點。
從設計與印刷基礎觀念導入,一步步熟悉軟體介面與必用工具,並將排版與色彩運用設計在範例中,更包含 InDesign多種強大必學的雜誌、手冊、作品集、電子書排版設計,還延伸到履歷、論文、簡報、互動式PDF等。
漂漂老師認為一套好的 InDesign 課程,應該要有 #內容策劃 #平面印刷 #電子出版 三方面的完整規劃,並且由淺入深,詳細拆解各個實務中必定要會的技巧,才能讓想要做內容出版、美術設計、排版設計的朋友,在專業領域裡好好發揮!
📌 InDesign 排版即戰力|履歷、雜誌、電子書全部搞定
2021年 全新 InDesign 2.0課程 軟體操作+案例實作,完課即能應用!
🔖 十二類文書實作大公開,平面數位一門全包,模板檔案一次帶走!
🔖 帶你完整走過刊物製作流程,從規畫、設計、排版、到輸出,掌握各環節重點
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