🈴 A collaboration with Keong Saik Bakery by Chef Soon. 🈴
☘️ 无盐牛油 Unsalted Butter 120g
☘️ 糖粉 Icing sugar 50g
☘️ 玉米粉 Corn flour 6g
☘️ 全麦粉 Wholemeal flour 24g
☘️ 奶粉Milk powder 18g
☘️ 低筋面粉 Cake flour 150g
☘️ 南瓜籽/ 葵花籽 Pumpkin seed and sunflower seed 共40g
🍪 牛油取出,放室温一小时。预热烤箱160c。
🍪 先烤南瓜籽和葵花籽8分钟,以增加口感和风味。
🍪 牛油和糖粉混合,但不要过度搅拌,以免出油,影响烘焙效果。
🍪 加入所有其他材料,混合成面团就可以了。 捏成小丸状。
🍪 160c 烤箱,烤20-22 分钟。
❤️ 南瓜籽和葵花籽可以用坚果和果干取代,分量相同。
❤️ 小孩习惯的奶粉都可以。
❤️ 马铃薯粉可以取代玉米粉,份量相同,使成品口感会更细更滑。
❤️ 可以用等量细黄糖或砂糖取代糖粉,只是口感可能略粗。
【 Nutritious High Fiber Butter Cookies 】
🍪 Preheat oven to 160c. Use room temperature butter.
🍪 Bake pumpkin and sunflower seeds for 8 mins, 160c.
🍪 Mix butter and icing sugar, dont over stir to avoid oil separation.
🍪 Add in all other ingredients, mix to form a dough. Separate into cubes.
🍪 Bake for around 20-22mins, 160c.
❤️ You may replace seeds with equal amount of nuts or dried fruit.
❤️ Any milk powder is fine.
❤️ Potato starch can replace corn starch, same amount. The texture will be smoother by adding starch.
❤️ Icing sugar can be replaced by equal amount of fine brown sugar. The texture maybe a bit coarse.
Chef Soon 分享专业烘焙知识和详细做法,请观看直播:
For more details and tips, pls refer to live broadcast: