早兩年來港演出而掀起一片搶飛熱潮的日本音樂大師 #久石讓,將於今年12月再度來港演奏!這次他更會首演兩首管弦樂作品,並演出 #宮崎駿 動畫電影《#魔女宅急便》的組曲。
是次音樂會與 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra 合作,將有2套共4場。曲目包括作品《Woman》、《魔女宅急便》組曲,以及兩首管弦樂作品(首演)──第二交響曲,以及三支圓號協奏曲《邊界》,由日本圓號演奏家福川伸陽、港樂首席圓號江藺及聯合首席圓號柏如瑟 (Russell Bonifede) 合奏。
音樂會門票優先預訂只接受網上實名訂購,先到先得,詳情將於 2020 年 6 月 22 日在港樂網站公布。而城市售票網公開發售詳情則會於10月中公佈。樂迷記得留意!
久石讓城市售票網 在 Eric Fan 范健文 Facebook 的精選貼文
昨晚,港樂久石讓音樂會舉行首演,觀眾席上有香港導演許鞍華。Encore 環節,久石讓更特地演奏許導演的《明月幾時有》主題曲,觀眾都站立鼓掌。
由於部份中籤人士放棄購買門票,今日下午三點的場次尚有大約 200 張門票。門票將於今日上午十點,在香港文化中心城市售票網售票處發售,先到先得。
睽違八年再來港 久石讓談與宮崎駿合作 嘆辛苦如奧運
久石讓城市售票網 在 林柏希William Facebook 的最佳解答
香港管弦樂團 #久石讓 音樂會5月5日星期六下午三時場次之抽籤實名購票程序經已完成。由於部份中籤人士放棄購買門票,現有238張5月5日星期六下午三時場次的門票(門票數量為$1,080票價131張、$880票價50張、$680票價46張以及$480票價11張)於演出當日(即5月5日)早上10時起於香港文化中心城市售票網售票處以實名制發售,先到先得(不設網上、應用程式及電話購票)。
【#入場重要資訊:建議 #中午1230 到達會場】5月5日星期六下午三時場次以 #實名制 入場,所有持票人士須於節目開始前準備足夠時間到達香港文化中心,進行身份核實。向場館職員出示附照片的有效身份證明文件正本,以核對持票人士的樣貌、姓名及門票上的姓名是否一致,核對無誤後,方可入場。為避免長時間排隊等候,港樂建議持票人士於 #節目開始前兩個半小時(即5月5日下午十二時半)到場進行身份核實。在核對無誤後,工作人員將會為持票觀眾提供識認以確保核實身份後不能轉讓予他人入場,觀眾可自由進出文化中心範圍,並在音樂會開始前重返音樂廳入場。
Due to unpurchased tickets during the previous Ticket Ballot procedure for the Joe Hisaishi in Concert, 238 tickets (131 $1,080 tickets, 50 $880 tickets, 46 $680 tickets and 11 $480 tickets) of the 5 May 3 p.m. performance will be made available for public sales on the concert day (i.e. 5 May) from 10 a.m. at the URBTIX outlet of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre (not available for sale via internet, ticketing app and telephone booking service). Tickets are sold through real-name and first-come, first-served basis.
These tickets can only be purchased IN PERSON with a valid photo ID (true copy). Each person can purchase a maximum of 2 tickets, and the English full-name of the fellow concert-goer (that matches his/her photo ID) must also be presented during purchase to be printed on the tickets. These names will be verified during concert admission.
【#ImportantAdmissionInfo – You are recommended to check-in at #1230pm】All ticket holders of 5 May 3 p.m. performance must bring along their valid photo ID (true copy) for admission. Venue staff will check the name on the ticket against the name on the photo ID (true copy). Admission will only be allowed after successful verification.
It is highly recommended to arrive at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre 2.5 hours prior to the performance (i.e. 5 May 12:30pm) for check-in to avoid a long queue. Audience members who are successfully checked-in can freely hang around Hong Kong Cultural Centre area and return to the Concert Hall at a time closer to the concert commencement.
As we are expecting a crowded and lengthy admission process, if audience members do not reserve sufficient time for verification which leads to delay entry, admission can only be made until a suitable concert break (e.g. intermission). Thank you for your patience and consideration in making the pilot Real-Name admission possible.
Please refer to http://msg.cityline.com/joe.htm for details on the Ticket Ballot Real-Name System and Admission Procedures.