打臉來打臉去,目前可確定菲律賓確實有拿姜皇池的文章來証明太平島的淡水不足。但我認為,第一,區區一篇報紙文章不會是作成判決的主要証據,否則太過可笑; 第二,要判斷是不是島,淡水足不足也不是重點。像小琉球也是淡水不足,直到1981年從牡丹水庫連接小琉球的海底水管鋪設完成,才解決水的問題。澎湖的淡水更缺,蓋了海水淡化廠才解決。
Day 4 Monday, 30th November 2015
Hearing on the Merits and Remaining Issues
of Jurisdiction and Admissibility
Mr President, no further corroboration is needed, but there is more if you would like to see it. Professor Chiang Huang-chih, one of Taiwan's pre-eminent authorities on law of the sea, who teaches public international law and law of the sea at the National University of Taiwan, and is the author of International Law and Taiwan and Introduction to Public International Law and Law of the Sea, published an article in April 2015 which said this about Itu Aba: "There is no oil or food on the island. There used to be fresh water, but after decades of over-extraction there is nothing left and water must be imported from Taiwan. All necessities, except sunlight and air, have to be supplied from outside the island."[52]
[52] Chiang Huang-chih, "Itu Aba claim a distracting waste", Taipei Times (27 Nov. 2015), available at http://www.taipeitimes.com/…/editorials/archives/2015/04/02…, p. 1. Hearing on Merits, Annex 839.
太平島變礁 菲大法官的論點居然用這個[影]
2016/07/13 19:34
太平島遭指水枯 4月學者登島飲水成反證
2016/07/13 22:01
苗博雅 MiaoPoya 2016年7月13日 22:40
重點是姜皇池的這段:「There is no oil or food on the island. There used to be fresh water, but after decades of over-extraction there is nothing left and water must be imported from Taiwan. All necessities, except sunlight and air, have to be supplied from outside the island.」
新聞稿(Press release,共11頁)
427. At the Hearing on the Merits, the Philippines summarised its view of the evidence concerning Itu Aba as follows:
(1) there is no fresh water on Itu Aba suitable for drinking or capable of sustaining a human settlement;
(2) there is no natural source of nourishment on the feature capable of sustaining a human settlement;
(3) there is no soil on Itu Aba capable of facilitating any kind of agricultural production that could sustain human habitation;
(4) there has never been a population on the feature that is indigenous to it;
(5) excluding military garrisons, there has never been human settlement of any kind on Itu Aba;
(6) there was not even a military occupation prior to World War II
(7) the Taiwanese troops that are garrisoned at Itu Aba are entirely dependent for their survival on supplies from Taiwan, and apart from sunlight and air, they derive nothing they need from the feature itself;
(8) no economic activity has been or is performed on Itu Aba.
584. Ultimately, the Tribunal notes that the freshwater resources of these features, combined presumably with rainwater collection, evidently have supported small numbers of people in the past (see paragraph 601 below) and concludes that they are therefore able to do so in their natural condition, whether or not that remains the case today.
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