#前輩們常說一代不如一代可是時代是一直在進步的 😜
這次「壽而康:院藏醫藥圖書文物特展」其實很有趣,不但可以發現 #不同的醫學傳統對於身體的敘述及觀看方式大相逕庭,更可以從傳統中醫、日本醫學、佛教、道教、傳統法醫學等不同視角的身體論述,以及傳統中醫和近代日本醫學的穴位理論,發現上下兩千年間人們對身體的認識與不同醫療文化間的交流影響。
附圖是「透視身體」單元中所展出的【玄門脈訣內照圖】Xuanmen Maijue Neizhao Tu (Diagnosing and Treating Diseases through Viscera)
壽而康:院藏醫藥圖書文物特展(2019/03/27 ~ 06/30)
陳列室:北部院區 第一展覽區 103, 104
Traditional Chinese Medical Texts on Life, Health and Longevity in the Collection of the National Palace Museum (27 MARCH 2019 ~ 30 JUNE 2019)
Gallery: 103, 104 (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area I
Website: https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh108/HealthandLongevity/en
会場:北部院区 第一展覧エリア 103,104
◎The Human Body in Perspective
Different medical traditions describe and understand the human body in vastly different ways. Chinese medicine holds that the human body is covered with acupuncture points that are joined in pathways transporting vital energy to the organs and the meridian system. As the acupuncture points correspond to internal organs, disorders of the organs and associated pain can be relieved by stimulating the points through insertion of needles or moxibustion therapy. Medical texts displayed in this section include Xuanmen Maijue Neizhao Tu (Methods of Diagnosing and Treating Diseases through Viscera), Wuzang Cidi Tu(Drawings of the Five Viscera), Qipo Wuzangjing (Jivaka's Five Viscera Classic), the Korean Dongui Bogam(Priceless Book about Medicines of an Eastern Country) and Xiyuanlu (Records of the Washing Away of Wrongs). Not only do they provide an overview of how traditional practitioners of Chinese, Japanese, Buddhist, Taoist and forensic medicine looked at the human body, but also set forth acupuncture theories from traditional Chinese medicine and modern Japanese medicine. Visitors to this section will get a glimpse into how people over the last two millennia have understood the human body, and how different medical cultures have cross-pollinated.
不同的醫學傳統對於身體的敘述及觀看方式大相逕庭 在 #當時人們的身體認知大不同... - 國立故宮博物院National Palace ... 的美食出口停車場
這次「壽而康:院藏醫藥圖書文物特展」其實很有趣,不但可以發現#不同的醫學傳統對於身體的敘述及觀看方式大相逕庭,更可以從傳統中醫、日本醫學、佛教、道教、傳統法 ... ... <看更多>