【澳洲生活】什麼?!啤酒與嬰兒(Beer and Bubs)?? 這兩個字看似搭不上邊,但卻巧妙地被連起來了😆🍺👶
懷孕倒數四十幾天,上個禮拜 York 去上了一堂男人專屬的「爸爸生產教育課」😬 由助產士在酒吧授課三小時,讓男生們可以互相交流😆
不然國外這邊流行的「產前教育課程」主要都是講孕婦跟新生兒🤰爸爸在旁邊常常還是搞不懂要幹麻。 所以官網上說不準女性參加,因為是屬於男人的「安全空間」,讓準爸爸們可以放心提問😌
York 說這堂課最棒的地方不是學習新知識(畢竟網路上/書籍都有教學)而是能夠跟其他爸爸們聊天,他懂他們、他們也懂他,回到家感覺沒有之前那麼緊張了😺
根據澳洲的產前/產後憂鬱症組織的統計,1/20的男人會有產前憂鬱症、1/10 則會有產後憂鬱。這邊不是只先於心情低落,而是不再是原本的自我😔
我覺得 York 這堂課的經驗很有趣,於是寫了這篇「準爸爸陪產 :男人專屬的爸爸教室,生產教育課後心得」➡️ https://www.travelwithwinny.com/zh/準爸爸陪產-生產教育課 給有興趣的人簡單了解一下 😊
Ps. 住澳洲的朋友們,也可以參考 Beer and Bubs: childbirth education for dads at the pub 的網頁以及官網 http://www.beerandbubs.com.au 唷~😀
Pss. 因為 York 上課太專心了,都忘了拍照。 只好放一張婚禮的吧台照片跟朋友送的懷孕教科書來當貼圖 😆
#澳洲生產 #產前教育課 #準爸爸陪產 #一堂三小時才約台幣一千四含晚餐
Beers and bubs? These two words doesn't seem to go together 😆
Well, it usually doesn't! Unless you attend a childbirth education course that's specifically tailored for men, held by midwives in a pub 🍻👶
While there are many birth classes on the market, most concentrate on the mom & the baby, which leaves men not having enough knowledge in the delivery room😅
This course is a "safe space for men", only men can attend, no women allowed. It's great as York came back saying he felt like there's people who understood him😌
Otherwise the statistics for perinatal depression for men are surprisingly high😲
If you live in Australia and is expecting a baby, I highly recommend dads to attend Beer and Bubs: childbirth education for dads at the pub 🍻 That 3 hours is definitely worth it😀
Website➡️ http://www.beerandbubs.com.au 😊
📚《跟著Winny勇闖中美洲》2019 → http://goo.gl/RYPSTp
📚《地心引力抓不住的冒險家》2018 → https://bit.ly/2kYdpgt
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一堂三小時才約台幣一千四含晚餐 在 瑜珈資訊 的美食出口停車場
十日內關、多場瑜伽冥想工坊與培訓的練習。 同時在三年前即率先開始線上課程的學習,尤其以陰瑜 伽和睡眠瑜伽(Yoga ... ... <看更多>