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感謝人在洛杉磯的製作人Mike Green 謝謝他把滅火器帶到另一個層次。 - 入圍 金曲31 最佳專輯製作人獎, Mike有些話和感謝想跟大家分享。 Wow, Thank you so much! Thank you to Sam, ORio, JC, KG, May, Ken and everyone of Fire On Music. Thank you so much to the Taiwan Ministry of Culture for recognizing this album. It’s amazing how music can bring people from all over the world together. Like a producer from LA and a band from Taiwan. I hope one day soon I can come over there and hear everybody scream at the top of their lungs: ‘’Let me stand up like a Taiwanese!’’ Thank you very much! - 也再次感謝在金曲獎送20歲的滅火器這麼棒的生日禮物。 - ⇁ On Fire Day 2020-Fire NEXT 新篇章:滅火器20週年演唱會⇁ ​ |時間:12/26 19:00​ |地點:高雄9號碼頭​ ​ |票價:​ 10/06 19:00全面開賣:​ 「海上的人」預售票 A區 $2400​ 「再會青春」預售票 B區 $1900​ 「無名英雄」三五成群四人套票 A區 $7200 / B區$5700​ ​ ​ ​「衝啦」高雄大YA襲早鳥預售票 ​ $1945 #完售​ |售票系統:iNDIEVOX​ |售票網址:https://www.indievox.com/activity/detail/20_iV006447b

感謝人在洛杉磯的製作人Mike Green 謝謝他把滅火器帶到另一個層次。 - 入圍 金曲31...