1997年末,《鐵達尼號 Titanic》在洛杉磯首映,眾星雲集,卻獨缺一個人,飾演蘿絲的凱特.溫絲蕾(Kate Winslet)。 . 身為一部舉世矚目的大片女主角,又是影壇新秀,凱特.溫絲蕾沒有...
1997年末,《鐵達尼號 Titanic》在洛杉磯首映,眾星雲集,卻獨缺一個人,飾演蘿絲的凱特.溫絲蕾(Kate Winslet)。 . 身為一部舉世矚目的大片女主角,又是影壇新秀,凱特.溫絲蕾沒有...
Growing up, my gran dressed me in hideous clothes...
G7聯合聲明譴責普京落毒,如果再制裁嘅話,以後俄羅斯咪可能剩係用人仔囉? //We will con...
It’s hideous. ❤️ Donate us ⬇️ https://www.paypal....
My most hideous look on screen ever appears on th...
Woohoo the makeover with XiaoTina is out!!! Her ma...
Heard so much good stuff about Huawei phones and ...
Decided to get up, look cute and be a painter for ...
I have followed my heart to true beauty,I have als...
📖 EEC小說選讀:The Picture of Dorian Gray (道林·格雷的畫像) c...