

wash your hands song的相關標籤

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來了。花了幾天的時間整理了大家在FB熱情投稿的歌詞,我們的《別找我麻煩》之全民防疫的完整版終於完成!不知為何,心裡就很想和大家有一首一起創作的歌、雖然是舊歌,但填上新歌詞,這些心情都是我們的,都是我們在經歷的,所以意義非凡,feels like we are united with this song 🥰 也謝謝所有樂手老師們,除了演唱會的音樂要排練,被我操,還願意加班彈了一個現場版。謝謝粉絲們可愛又幽默的詞!有看到自己的詞嗎? 其實要拼湊起來還蠻有挑戰,有些是整個句子,有些是概念和關鍵字,有些很有意思,但接不上,所以可惜用不到。也要謝謝詞達人葛大為幫忙編輯這次的歌詞拼湊和貢獻.....還有謝謝小天使,用手機一鏡到底拍的’MV’🤣 只有一次機會!(因為樂手要下班,壓力超大的哈哈哈哈⋯)然後很貼心的放上歌詞!好有才華,大家掌聲給小天使👏! 希望你們會喜歡😬 😘 詞:全民! 曲:蔡健雅 別找我麻煩 (全民防疫版) 你防疫了嗎?今天量體溫了嗎? 乖乖待在家 先別出去趴趴造 記得和人類 保持幾公尺距離 暫時不握手擁抱 *病毒病毒快走開 你可知道戴口罩很難受 好難受oh 病毒病毒快走開 除了難受手機也打不開 好困惑oh 你還想怎麼樣 搞得人都抓狂 求你幫個忙 病毒病毒別找我麻煩 是注定的嗎? 快世界末日了嗎? 衛生紙竟然 一夜間都被搶光 看新聞報導 街上人群都解散 新冠肺炎來鬧場 *病毒病毒快走開 你可知道 我多想見朋友 吃個飯 oh 病毒病毒快走開 不停洗手噴酒精手很乾 心很酸 oh 你還想怎麼樣 搞得人都抓狂 求你幫個忙 病毒病毒別找我麻煩 *病毒病毒快走開 你可知道前線醫護人員 忙不完 oh 病毒病毒快走開 我好懷念能到處去旅行 多愉快 oh 你還想怎麼樣 全世界都抓狂 求你幫個忙 病毒病毒別找我麻煩 我勤洗手 戴口罩 保持社交距離 叫外賣 放門外 誰都不准進來 病毒快走開 Dark Cloud (Covid-19 virus version) English translation by Tanya Have you taken preventive measures? Have you taken your temperature? Be good and stay home, don’t go out partying Remember to stay a few meters away from every human No handshaking or hugging for now *Virus Virus please go away Don’t you know it’s a pain to wear masks, such a pain Virus Virus please go away Besides being a pain, my phone can’t work (can’t get my facial recognition), what a bother What are you doing? You’re making us all go crazy Please do me a favor Virus Virus please go away Is it meant to be? Is the world coming to an end? Toilet papers are all sold out suddenly The news are reporting deserted streets The corona virus is here to cause trouble *Virus Virus please go away Don’t you know I really want to see my friends and have a meal together Virus Virus go away Incessantly washing my hands are making them so dry, making my heart feel bitter What are you doing? You’re making us all go crazy Please do me a favor Virus Virus please go away *Virus Virus please go away Don’t you know our frontline health workers are acutely overworked? Virus Virus go away I miss the days where I can travel everywhere, such happy days What are you doing? The whole world is going crazy Please do me a favor Virus Virus please go away I wash my hands dutifully Wear my masks Practice social distancing Call for takeout delivery Please leave them at the door No one’s allowed to come indoor Virus please go away

(小天使)#全民防疫 大家一起度過!❤️ #戴口罩 #勤洗手 #避免群聚...

【雙點擊即可領取今日份小可愛|New Video Out】 ⠀ 大家前陣子應該都有被鯊魚寶寶洗腦過一陣吧? 今天再來逆行洗腦各位一波~~~~ 可可愛愛的旋律嘴角忍不住上揚,加上輕快洗腦節奏,大人小孩都難逃鯊魚寶寶的手掌心! ⠀ 2020年發生太多震驚事,以後孩子歷史考卷,不知道年代答案的填2020年應該都有可能是正解吧XD 漢堡王甚至太想告別2020,直接跳過5個月,已經開始慶祝聖誕節了! 所以今天的鯊魚寶寶,希望帶回到童年孩子心,最純真無憂無慮的時候。 ⠀ Baby Shark最後歌詞是safe at last (沒事了)是不是超級可愛,也非常適合現在的時節?這首歌也有被改編成可愛的洗手歌,所以大家請聽鯊魚寶寶的話,多洗手,好好撐過疫情喔! 特別感謝2D cafe 提供場地❤️❤️ 覺得想朝聖的人可以去 @2d.cafetw 喝杯咖啡呦😎😎 ⠀ 如果喜歡我的cover,請分享訂閱我的Youtube頻道。記得在那邊按讚留言分享給家人朋友看,也可以留言跟我說想要聽我cover什麼作品。 ⠀ 歡迎大家在沒有下雨的週末到信義區香堤大道,聽cover歌曲的live版!詳細演出相關資訊,都會更新在我的限時動態!⠀ - Bet you all have been brainwashed by Baby Shark lol But that's not the last, today I'm gotta "rephrase"my own style Baby Shark! ⠀ 2020 has not been very kind so far and even Burger King celebrates Christmas in July because like many of us, they have had enough of 2020. We all have had enough of 2020!!! Sameeee here so I hope to bring everyone back to the most innocent and carefree time of childhood through this cutie song. ⠀⠀⠀ The last lyrics of Baby Shark is safe at last. Isn’t it super cute and quite suitable (coincidentally) for current situation?Baby Shark has also been adapted into the cute song for encouraging kids to wash hands so listen to Baby Shark, wash your hands, stay safe n enjoy my Baby Shark 😄 ⠀ Feel free to come to Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out on my Instagram stories! ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ - 小提琴 Violin: 林子安 Lin Tzu An 攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor:@santon.w 文字編輯 Social media editor/manager:Lily Wu - @pinkfong.official #子安在哪裡 #子安在Youtube頻道coverBabyShark #我是子安我是孩子王 #子安幼幼台 #用林三歲也太恥了吧一點創意都沒有 #是5歲又28個月 #冷知識鯊魚牙齒超級白 #BabyShark #BabySharkChallenge #BabySharkWithoutBorders #Pinkfong #KidsSongs #BabiesSongs #ToddlerSongs #SmartStudy #AnViolin #instaAnViolin #林子安 #街頭藝人 #TaipeiViolin #XinYiViolin #violin #buskerintaipei #coversong #violincover #instacover

【雙點擊即可領取今日份小可愛|New Video Out】 ⠀ 大家前陣子應該都有被鯊魚寶寶洗腦過一...

Here’s a little song I re-wrote, You might wanna sing it note for note, But don’t worry, Be Happy 😃 . Covid-19 we have some trouble, But if we worry, we’ll make it double... Don’t worry, (wash your hands, stay at home) Be happy 😃 . You keep complaining you can’t find bread 🍞 While you’re eating that big juicy steak 😐 So don’t worry (Don’t be an ass) Just be happy 😃 . There are heroes out there fighting for our lives, To make sure everybody survives. So don’t worry (stay at home) And be Worthy 👑 . Staying alone at home for awhile, And you ain’t got no #oppa to make you smile, But don’t worry, (use your imagination) And be happy 😃 . Ain’t got no job can’t our bills, But we’ve got so much to be grateful still... So don’t worry, Be happy 😃 . . . #dontworrybehappy #chelsiangmusic #covid19 #stayhomesavelives #stayhome #singersongwriter #cover #parodysong #hair by Number76 Publika #skin by Sliq Clinic KL Eco City #flattenthecurvewithdoublewoot #baju by Doublewoot #brightside #staypositive

Here’s a little song I re-wrote, You might wanna s...

So sape minat boyzllmen jugak, boleh guna lagu ni ok? Hehehhe.. wash your hands for at least 20 secs ok? Start dari “we belong together....” habis ke “play with my mind...” gituh.. or can just stick with happy birthday song x 2.. yg penting cuci tangan dengan sabun selama 20 saat! Sama sama kita membasmi 🦠 ! #washyourhands #20saat #stayathome #dudukrumah

So sape minat boyzllmen jugak, boleh guna lagu ni ...

Till 14th April, Malaysia! 🇲🇾❤️ Even when you're at home, remember to wash your hands with soap and water! Britney was singing so fast, but I tried to squeeze in as many steps to wash your hands properly, before the song stops HAHA 🤣. You get my point lah! Stay safe okayyy, love you! ❤️❤️❤️ @kensapothecary #CleanHandsSaveLives #CleanHandsChallenge #KENSapothecary

Till 14th April, Malaysia! 🇲🇾❤️ Even when you're a...