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關於talk意思的評價, 陶傑

前外相聶偉敬就香港暴血局勢,緊急致函香港特首林鄭月娥。 於是,又到了學英文時間。 先留意上款:聶偉敬稱林鄭為 Dear Mrs Lam,而不是 Dear Carrie。 一般而言,即使是...

Lin : "Are you ok ?" Me : "Im fine . Sorry this time couldn’t bring you out for meal due to my busy schedule" Lin : "Don’t mention it . So are u joining Singapore Open ? " Me : "Sadly no mate . Will continue to train hard to be fit enough for our next tournaments ." Lin :"Ya , lets strive together " #mutualrespect #oldisgold #malaysiaopen2019 This is our short talk at the podium. “你还好吗?” “我okay啊,不好意思这次没时间带你去吃饭。" " 没关系,那你会去新加坡吗?" " 不会啦没参加,下次再约,一起继续加油。" “好,一起加油。” #一起加油

Lin : "Are you ok ?" Me : "Im fine . Sorry this ti...