關於sorry for the confusion的評價, 謙預 Qianyu.sg
【為什麼壞人有錢,好人沒有錢?】 Why are the Evil-Doers Rich, and Mr Good Guys Poor? 這支影片幾年前上傳到Youtube時,有觀眾留言問: 老師...
【為什麼壞人有錢,好人沒有錢?】 Why are the Evil-Doers Rich, and Mr Good Guys Poor? 這支影片幾年前上傳到Youtube時,有觀眾留言問: 老師...
isaacgram I deleted this but now reuploading fo...
「Sorry,我講錯嘢。」 "Apologies, I misspoke today." 今朝英首...
Open Letter To Anas Zubedy - A Counter-Letter to D...
Sorry for the confusion, phải đõi lại. Ngày mai s...
Hey guys, as some of you may know my "Twitter" ac...
Since so many people have been asking me recently ...
Hello everyone, Please be aware that my stageit c...
Google drive record of crimes against humanity by...
Hi guys. So sorry about the confusion in the sche...