關於loving u的評價, Nora Danish
I can’t imagine anyone who’s a better father or more loving husband than you ♥️ The video says it a...
I can’t imagine anyone who’s a better father or more loving husband than you ♥️ The video says it a...
16th December 2010 is the premier day of movie "Ye...
Finally sampai jugak at @fatimahmohsinsg Beautiful...
老公 @kh3n_chua 生日快樂 命中注定兜兜轉轉十年多,老婆再次与老公相遇,遇见你,爱你,是上...
From Mai co-host to Mai friend to Mai sista, I do...
Thanks @auulala @bossdancinger13 @nongra_samara fo...
Today's the birthday of a man whom I love very muc...
Minat ngn kak @ellaaminuddin ni sejak zaman hingus...
Vừa hay MV I'M STILL LOVING YOU cán mốc 10.000.000...
Bangkit! Gitu semangat masuk kelas online.. feelin...