【科技援外成果 - 提升友邦地理資訊系統應用能力】
On May 7, 2015, after a small eruption by Telica, #Nicaragua’s most active #volcano 🌋, the surrounding towns were covered with volcanic ash. On May 28, another volcano, Concepción, also became active, and later that year a third, Momotombo, began to generate lava flow. The Taiwanese government has provided Nicaraguan 🇳🇮 authorities with satellite images and analyses of volcanic ash in the wake of this uptick in volcanic activity, replacing the manpower and resource-heavy crater measurements that were previously in use and reducing the risks posed to technicians.
「中美洲GIS應用能力提升計畫」成果在國立臺灣科學教育館的展出只到8月5日,還沒看過的外粉要好好把握機會啦~ 不小心錯過了也沒關係😏,9/18-11/11@臺中市政府、12/14-明年4/7@國立科學工藝博物館,還是能看到滿滿的科技外交成果唷!⏰工商服務時間結束,那小編繼續來劇透,這次登場的主角是尼加拉瓜...
2015年5月尼加拉瓜最活耀的特利卡火山 (Telica) 小規模噴發,讓附近的城鎮佈滿了火山灰,數星期後,另一座康塞普西翁火山 (Concepción) 也跟蓍噴發,莫莫通博火山 (Momotombo) 甚至還噴發產生火山熔岩!台灣立即運用福衛2號進行火山區域的衛星影像拍攝🛰️,提供火山灰和熔岩流分析資料給尼國政府,採取緊急應變措施~
Embajada Taiwan R.O.C en Nicaragua
✅其他成果@薩爾瓦多🇸🇻️ https://goo.gl/Rcpjbj
✅更多新聞 https://goo.gl/JUkz7w
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