Observing changes to the surrounding forest, brought on by climate change.

Observing changes to the surrounding forest, brought on by climate change.
130 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle is a small fly-in community with big ambitions for tackling climate change. ... <看更多>
#1. Our Clean Future: A Yukon strategy for climate change ...
Our Clean Future outlines actions the Government of Yukon will take to address climate change, build a green economy and ensure Yukoners can ...
#2. Yukon's greenhouse gas emissions increased 24% in past ...
Yukon's 2021 annual state of the environment report found that greenhouse gas emissions increased 24 per cent between 2009 and 2019.
#3. Climate Change in Yukon - Auditor General
1. Research on climate change shows that temperatures in Yukon have risen at a faster rate than in Canada as a whole. In 2016, most of Yukon had average ...
#4. Climate Change | Yukon Energy
The research indicated that Yukoners should expect: · an increase in average annual temperatures · changes in precipitation patterns · a greater frequency of ...
#5. Climate change research | Yukon University
Our climate change researchers partner with communities, industry, First Nations, academics and government leaders to explore and respond to climate change ...
#6. Climate Change Adaptation - AICBR
The land that has sustained the Vuntut Gwitchin, People of the Lakes, in the Far North of Yukon, Canada, is undergoing rapid changes from global warming. This ...
#7. U of T researcher explores impact of climate change on food ...
Under the supervision of Associate Professor Tracey Galloway, Seto is partnering with the Yukon government and Yukon University to assess the ...
#8. Corporate Services and Climate Change - Government of Yukon
Climate Change Secretariat 2 ; Kirsten Burrows, Senior Analyst, [email protected] ; Nelly Bouevitch, Adaptation Manager, [email protected] ...
#9. A Northern Moment: Tackling Yukon Climate Change
Across Yukon, communities have found creative solutions to tackle climate change. Through the Government of Canada's Indigenous ...
#10. Climate change - Yukon News
Youth panel on climate change presents conclusions to Yukon government ... Canada in a Changing Climate: National Issues report, released June 28, 2021.
#11. Director of Climate Change with the Government of Yukon
Our actions support a healthy, sustainable and prosperous Yukon now and into the future. Yukon government's Climate Change Secretariat has the lead role in ...
#12. whitehorse climate change adaptation plan
WHITEHORSE CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION PLAN. Prepared by the Whitehorse Adaptation Project Team. Northern Climate ExChange, Yukon Research Centre, ...
#13. Yukon's first Clean Future report released - The Environment ...
... on the Yukon's progress towards implementing the climate change ... first-ever Yukon-wide strategy to address the changing climate in ...
#14. Government of Canada supports climate action by the ...
Today, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, ... up to $2.3 million to support a climate action initiative by the Government of Yukon.
#15. Speak up on the new Yukon Climate Change, Energy & Green ...
Yukon government is creating a Climate Change, Energy & Green Economy plan, and your comments are needed! This consultation ends Monday, December 17, 2018.
#16. Adapting to Climate Change in the Southwest Yukon - jstor
Key words: climate change, impacts, adaptation, sustainable forest management, southwest Yukon, spruce bark beetle, Yukon. Territory, Champagne and Aishihik ...
#17. Candidates selected for Yukon Climate Leadership Council
The 45 per cent emissions reduction target complements the actions outlined in Our Clean Future: A Yukon strategy for climate change, ...
#18. Canada's Auditor General says Yukon not doing enough ...
“To successfully adapt to the impacts of climate change and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” The impacts of climate change are being seen everywhere. Warmer ...
#19. Yukon Flats changes are impacting rural residents - UAF news ...
Research conducted by the University of Alaska and Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge is exploring how climate change affects the land, ...
Environment Yukon. Environmental Programs Branch, V-8. Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6. Email: [email protected] www.environmentyukon.gov.yk.ca.
#21. This little-known climate change hazard is creeping across ...
Permafrost slumps — where the land collapses in on itself — are threatening infrastructure in the Yukon and elsewhere.
State of the environment reporting demonstrates to the public how Yukon is progressing towards the goal of maintaining and improving the quality of Yukon's ...
#23. Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Legislation in Yukon - Osler ...
reduce Yukon's greenhouse gas emissions; ensure Yukoners have access to reliable, affordable and renewable energy; adapt to the impacts of climate change; ...
#24. Yukon Liberals have a climate change plan. Other parties do ...
WHITEHORSE - You demand action on climate change, so the Liberal Government has launched a $500 million plan to protect your children's ...
#25. Climate change and northern communities: Sean Carey ...
McMaster researcher Sean Carey works with Indigenous communities to study the dramatic impact of climate change in the Yukon.
#26. Yukon election 2021: where the parties stand on climate and ...
With Yukon election 2021 race under way, here's where Yukon Party, Yukon NDP, and Yukon ... Climate change and Yukon's biggest emitters.
#27. Climate Change Risk and Planning Response in Dawson City ...
Climate Change Risk and Planning Response in Dawson City, Yukon – A Look into How Wildfire. Features in Local Decision-Making.
#28. Informing the development of Our Clean Future: a Yukon ...
Our Clean Future is a package of policies announced by the Government of Yukon. It is a strategy to address climate change, energy and a ...
#29. Climate Change In Canada's Yukon - NPR
NPR's Scott Simon speaks to Paul Josie, a member of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, about how climate change in Canada's Yukon territory ...
#30. Climate change and forest fires in Yukon Territory - ScienceBase
Climate change has the potential to affect the boreal forest of Canada. Forest fires are a crucial component of the boreal ecosystem and climate change may ...
#31. Yukon Indigenous Community Climate Change Champions
The Yukon Indigenous Community Climate Change Champions is a workshop/initiative for Indigenous youth all over the Yukon. The aim is to arm youth with the ...
#32. Climate change and the preparedness of Canadian Provinces ...
This report assesses the preparedness of Canada's provinces and Yukon to limit climate change related flood damage, relative to current (2016) and future ...
#33. Natural Resources & Environment - Council of Yukon First ...
This includes mining, mineral exploration, development assessment, fish and wildlife and their habitats, northern contaminants, and climate change.
#34. A Q&A with Chris Rider on the climate crisis - CPAWS Yukon
When you look at this past summer (floods in the Yukon and extreme ... For a long time, people have said the costs of addressing climate change are too high ...
#35. Permafrost, tectonics, and past and future regional climate ...
Permafrost, tectonics, and past and future regional climate change, Yukon and adjacent Northwest Territories. Author: C. R. BurnAuthors Info & Affiliations.
#36. Morrison Hershfield's Forest Pearson Selected for Yukon's ...
The Yukon Climate Leadership Council was formed in November and has met ... Read more about our Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation ...
#37. World Bound Yukon 2022: 24-day Climate Change & Outdoor ...
World Bound Courses are Fireside's premier leadership climate change education training experience giving teens from around the world an elevated experience ...
#38. Yukon Public Engagement on Climate Change, Green ...
Yukon Public Engagement on Climate Change, Green Economy Strategy ... The Government of Yukon, Yukon First Nations, transboundary Indigenous ...
#39. Yukon community to declare climate change state of emergency
Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation chief says declaration is communitys responsibility to the world.
#40. 2017 : independent auditor's report : climate change in Yukon ...
"This audit focused on whether selected Government of Yukon departments had worked to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to the impacts of climate ...
#41. Climate Change, Health, and Vulnerability in Canadian ... - NCBI
A common definition of Canada's North that we use here includes the three territorial administrative regions north of 60° latitude (Yukon, Northwest Territories ...
#42. Study Climate Change Policy in the Yukon! - Northern Review
Yukon College—. Yukon University from May 2020—has offered a unique ten-month, part- time, post-degree Certificate in Climate Change Policy (CCPC) since ...
#43. Perspectives of forest practitioners on climate change ...
Forestry practitioners in the Yukon and Northwest Territories of Canada were asked to complete a questionnaire examining the likely impacts of climate ...
#44. Permafrost Loss Changes Yukon River Chemistry with ... - USGS
... significant changes in the freshwater chemistry and hydrology of Alaska's Yukon River Basin with potential global climate implications.
#45. Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Northern Canada
Yukon Region - The Yukon has exhibited a clearly identifiable warming trend of 1.5 o C over the past 100 years. Warming has occurred mainly in winter and spring ...
#46. Planning with Communities – Planning for Climate Change
Developing hazard mitigation strategies to prepare for the impacts of climate change on Northern infrastructure and communities.
#47. Caring for our Environment - Platform 2016 - Yukon NDP
Climate change is the single most urgent environmental issue facing Yukon, Canada and the planet. We are all citizens with global responsibilities to reduce and ...
#48. Yukon First Nations Climate Action Fellowship
In addressing the challenges of climate change with spirit and actions that reflect a Yukon First Nations worldview, we will together co-create a Yukon that ...
#49. Yukon River Dumping More Mercury Thanks to Climate Change
The Yukon River is delivering upwards of five tons of mercury a year to the Arctic environment, likely in response to a warming climate, ...
#50. Yukon Supplement - The Climate Leaders Playbook
Yukon municipalities who are interested in acting on climate change, but could also be used by other stakeholders including Local Advisory Councils, ...
#51. Yukon and Northern BC First Nations tackle ... - Yahoo Finance
Yukon and Northern BC First Nations tackle climate change using Indigenous knowledge and science · YUKON · Today, Minister of Northern Affairs, ...
#52. Dawson Climate Change Adaptation Plan
In 2007, the Northern Climate ExChange, a Yukon-based non-profit organization, began working with three Yukon communities on climate change ...
#53. Chief Dana Tizya-Tramm's climate change fight - The ...
OLD CROW, Yukon — Perched on the edge of the Porcupine river, Dana Tizya-Tramm pointed upstream to a stand of black spruce trees that jutted ...
#54. Yukon Flats Changes | IARC
Right before I transferred to Arctic Refuge, I attended the first climate change workshop my agency held in Alaska. It was a sobering week.
#55. Yukon First Nations sign climate change declaration
The first-ever Yukon First Nations Climate Action Gathering in Whitehorse has produced a climate change declaration aimed at setting the ...
#56. Climate change stole a Yukon river almost overnight ...
Climate change stole a Yukon river almost overnight, scientists say. Here's how. Its water rerouted by a retreating glacier, the Slims River ...
#57. Climate Change in Yukon - Working Group on Environmental ...
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, ... Yukon is a small emitter of greenhouse gases, but like other places in the ...
#58. Climate Change and the Preparedness of Canadian ...
Climate Change and the Preparedness of Canadian Provinces and Yukon to Limit Potential Flood Damage. About the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation.
#59. Knowing our strengths and weaknesses helps weather ...
An expert panel on how Canadians cope with the realities of climate change was released, and the Yukon has a place at the table.
#60. Community Observations on Climate Change - Alaska Native ...
climate change impacts assessment in. Arctic Village, Fort Yukon, and Venetie. Funding was provided by the USGS and in-.
#61. Indigenous Observations of Climate Change in the Lower ...
Indigenous Observations of Climate Change in the. Lower Yukon River Basin, Alaska. Nicole Herman-Mercer, Paul F. Schuster, and Karonhiakt'tie Bryan Maracle.
#62. Climate Change in Yukon and Northern Ontario - Wildlife ...
As one of our most pressing environmental challenges, WCS Canada is working to find solutions to climate change across the country. As part of ...
#63. How Tribes of the North Are Taking Climate Matters into Their ...
In order to understand the diverse impact climate change has on different ... The Yukon Territory is one of three northern territories in ...
#64. Climate Change Reroutes a Yukon River in a Geological Instant
In the blink of a geological eye, climate change has helped reverse the flow of water melting from a glacier in Canada's Yukon, a hijacking ...
#65. Q & A: Representing the Yukon at COP25 - Centre for ...
With the UN climate change conference under way in Spain, participant Kluane Adamek discusses the Yukon's priorities and concerns.
#66. Hydrologic effects of climate change in the Yukon River Basin
In: Taylor E, Taylor B (eds) Responding to global climate change in British Columbia and Yukon: climate impacts and adaptation.
#67. Yukon and Northern BC First Nations tackle climate change ...
CNW/ - The Government of Canada is working together in partnership with Indigenous and Northern communities in finding solutions to adapt to ...
#68. Aletta Leitch - Senior Project Manager, Climate Change ...
Coordinating the development of a new integrated strategy on climate change, energy and green economy for Yukon, in collaboration with Yukon First Nations, ...
#69. Climate Change Debate | Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre
Sunday, July 8 - Climate Change Debate. Global warming: is it all doom and gloom, or are there benefits of a warmer climate and longer ...
CROSS-CURRICULAR UNIT. YUKON. CLIMATE CHANGE. Science | English Language Arts. Yukon First Nations Curriculum Working Group ...
#71. Decision Making for Climate Change - Yukon University
This course is delivered by the Northern Climate ExChange (NCE) of the Yukon Research Centre in partnership with Yukon Government's Climate Change ...
#72. Yukon River, beset by salmon woes and mercury threats ...
The Yukon River, one of several major Arctic rivers, is undergoing major climate-related changes. (Ken Hill / National Park Service).
#73. Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Nunavut
current and future changes brought on by climate change. Well-planned actions are the foundation ... collaborative activities in Yukon (YK), the Northwest.
#74. Examining climate-biome (“cliome”) shifts for Yukon and its ...
Three regional changes, if accompanied by vegetation redistribution, represent biome shifts: complete loss of climate conditions for arctic tundra in northern ...
#75. A new strategy for climate change, energy and green ...
Our Clean Future, the draft climate change, energy and green economy strategy for Yukon, is now out for public engagement.
#76. Climate Change and Brant Geese in the YK Delta - Frontier ...
Researchers explore the implications of this mismatch in Alaska's Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, investigating alterations in the carbon storage ...
#77. A snapshot of Alaska's Yukon Delta shows climate change's ...
Moose populations, too, are on the rise. But for the Yukon and other Arctic deltas — where higher floodwaters due to climate change are likely ...
#78. Late Cenozoic climate change paces landscape adjustments ...
Here, we determine cosmogenic isotope and luminescence ages of well-preserved bedrock terraces along the Fortymile River (Yukon River basin) to ...
#79. In the Yukon, climate change is making buildings fall down
In the Yukon, climate change is making buildings fall down · Dawson City is so cold that the average temperature is below freezing, which means ...
#80. Research reveals evidence of climate change in the Yukon ...
A new University of Toronto study confirms that recent climate warming in the central Yukon region has surpassed the warmest temperatures ...
#81. Hydrologic Effects of Climate Change in the Yukon River Basin
Potential hydrologic effects of climate change were assessed for the YRB by imposing changes in precipitation and temperature derived from ...
#82. Yukon College art students tell the story of climate change ...
Art students are part of a unique collaboration between scientists and northern communities to record climate-change impact.
#83. Yukon climate change report confirms rapid warming and ...
Whitehorse, Yukon, February 10, 2016 –A new and comprehensive report documenting climate change in Yukon has been released by the Northern ...
#84. Yukon warmest it has been in 13600 years - ScienceDaily
... climate change in Canada's north. A study confirms that recent climate warming in the central Yukon region has surpassed the warmest ...
#85. Youth Panel on Climate Change presents recommendations ...
Officials from Bringing Youth Towards Equality (BYTE), the Climate Change Secretariat and the Yukon First Nations Climate Fellows also ...
#86. Yukon Climate Change Connect - Home | Facebook
Yukon Climate Change Connect. 7 likes. Display information on climate change relevant to the Yukon and northern Canada.
#87. CBC News: The National - A tiny Yukon community with big ...
130 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle is a small fly-in community with big ambitions for tackling climate change.
#88. Climate change causes 'river piracy' in Canada's Yukon - BBC
A team of scientists say a melting glacier in Canada's Yukon has caused a river to completely change course. Their findings, published in ...
ambitious agenda set out in the original action plan. It documents the Government of Yukon's strategic climate change approach—its successes, its challenges ...
#90. Yukon - Wikipedia
Climate [edit] ... While the average winter temperature in the Yukon is mild by Canadian arctic standards, no other place in North America gets as ...
#91. How Warming Is Profoundly Changing a Great Northern ...
Kluane National Park in southwestern Yukon, in the center of a vast, ice-bound area in Canada and Alaska undergoing rapid climate change.
#92. Shocking satellite image shows Alaska's formerly frozen ...
Shocking satellite image shows Alaska's formerly frozen Yukon Delta ... is also associate director of the Cooperative Institute for Climate, ...
#93. In Alaska's 'last frontier,' climate change provides new ...
Alaska's Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge is a land of towering spruce trees, plentiful lakes and the branching rivers. Grasslands and ...
#94. Environment Canada: Weather Information
The Canadian Centre for Climate Services (CCCS) is here to help Canadians plan for climate change. We deliver climate services driven by user needs, ...
#95. Climate change causes rivers in Yukon to change direction.
Glaciers are sensitive indicators for climate change in mountain regions! Flight over huge summits and icefields of Kluane Glacier.
#96. Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge (N.W.R.), Proposed Land ...
Comment 6057.013 From U.S. EPA : Climate Change EPA commends the FWS for its discussion of climate change as it relates to the exchange and the project area ...
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Yukon Climate Change Connect. 7 likes. Display information on climate change relevant to the Yukon and northern Canada. ... <看更多>