I am tired of being used as the whipping-boy for all the mistakes that are made in the office . 辦公室里一出差錯就讓我背黑鍋,我已經忍無可忍了。 But sometimes , ...
#2. 用tired of造句,tired of的例句,双语对照(21-30) - 查查在线词典
I suppose she'd got tired of a gay life and wanted to settle down . 我想她一定是厌倦了放荡的生活,想要安定下来。 更多例句: 1 2 ...
用get tired of造句和"get tired of"的例句: 1. One gets tired of sad happenings .種種不幸的遭遇使得人厭煩了。 2. You never get tired of hearing this story .
#4. be tired of中文, be tired of是什麼意思 - 查查綫上辭典
be tired of中文::厭煩做某事…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋be tired of的中文翻譯,be tired of的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
造句 與例句 手機版 · We are tired of doing so much homework 我們對做這么多作業感到厭倦。 · It's difficult to find be tired of doing in a sentence. 用be tired of ...
#6. tired of中文, tired of是什麼意思:膩… - 查查在線詞典
例句與用法 · I never tire of listening to classical music . · I am tired of hunting the same old coon . · I am tired of his soft soap ! · One gets tired of sad ...
#7. Dr.eye 譯典通| 句庫| tired of 例句
她厭倦到處拋頭露面。 I'm tired of his stock reply. 我已聽厭了他老一套的回答。
be tired of 造句 ... I'm tired of doing so much homework. ... Alan Hansen must be tired of being remindedhesaid of Sir Alex Ferguson's ...
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供be tired of的在線翻譯,be tired of是什麼意思,be tired of的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
使用Reverso Context: i'm tired of being,在英语-中文情境中翻译"I'm tired of"
#11. tired 造句/ 例句 - 趣词词典
tired 造句 / 例句 ; 1. I think you are mentally tired. 我觉得你的头脑累了。 ; 2. She looked tired and dispirited. 她显得疲倦而且神情沮丧。 ; 3. He looked tired and ...
#12. (be) tired of (【片語】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"(be) tired of" 例句 ... I'm tired of waiting. 我很厭倦等待。 I'm tired of being alone. 我厭倦孤獨。
#13. be tired of 造句 - 雨露学习互助
be tired of 造句 ... I'm tired of doing so much homework. 我已经疲惫于做这么多家庭作业了! ... I am tired of your funny behavior. ... I am tired of hearing him ...
#14. tired中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
例句中的單詞與輸入詞條不匹配。 該例句含有令人反感的內容。 取消 提交.
#15. grow tired of doing something的意思 - 希平方
But even then, you eventually grow tired of resenting your ex. 但即使如此,你最後還是會對怨恨前任感到厭煩。 觀賞完整影片 分享至FB ...
#16. 用tired of造句子三年级|二年级|一年级简单的 - 字典
tired of造句. 1、'The man who is tired of London is tired of life,' he quoted.(“厌倦伦敦等于厌倦生活。”他引述道。) 2、Oh, I'm tired of always being a ...
#17. 用tired造句
本資訊是關於用be tired of造句(高級句子),用tired、hungry、thirsty、stressed out、造句,用tired和seat造句,tired造句相關的內容,由東光縣教育為您 ...
#18. tired of是什么意思,tired of怎么读 - 英语翻译在线翻译
tired of 的中文意思:,点击查看详细解释:tired of的中文翻译、tired of的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握tired of这个短语。
#19. 歡迎造句~增加印象~ I'm tired of... - 每日一句學英文
歡迎造句~增加印象~ I'm tired of Ving/N. 我厭倦XXX了;我受不了XXX了 e.g., I'm tired of my work. 我厭倦了我的工作了。
#20. tired of 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
tired of 例句. She was tired of analysis and subtlety and all the accessories of a decadent civilization. 她對分析,辨別以及所有頹廢文明的附屬品已感到厭煩了 ...
#21. 第170講be tired with 和be tired of 意思很不一樣 - 每日頭條
tired 意思有兩個1] 勞累的,困的2] 厭倦的。 在一些中國南方方言,累和厭倦也有相同的意思,例如,一個人對另一個人說:看見你我都感到困!
#22. be tired of中文翻譯 | get tired of用法 - 訂房優惠報報
get tired of用法,大家都在找解答。be tired of中文:厭煩做某事…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋be tired of的中文翻譯,be tired of的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#23. be tired of (对……厌倦) 用以上短语造句并翻译 - 作业九九网
他干过一阵子挨户推销的事,但因常吃闭门羹,很快就讨厌那项工作了. be tired 感到疲倦例句与用法: He was tired of running errands for his sister. 他已厌烦给姐姐当跑腿 ...
#24. 使用這五個句子,讓朋友驚呆了!
除了常用的tired、exhausted之外,母語人士最常使用的便是「worn out」了!worn是wear的過去分詞,在這裡為過去分詞作為形容詞使用,wear out為磨壞、 ...
#25. 翻译tired of的意思- 用法_同义词_例句_英语短语 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选tired of是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、tired of的用法、tired of是什么意思、翻译tired of是什么意思.
#26. 表達「心累」,英文可以這樣說「get tired of sth」
生活中總有各種消磨精神的事情,久了難免感到「心累」,英文可以用「get tired of (doing) sth」表達「對…感到厭倦」,其中「tired」也有「疲累;疲憊」的意思: ...
#27. "Sick and tired of something" 是甚麼意思? - Learn With Kak
其實不是,”I'm sick and tired of something” 是「我對某事情感覺極度煩厭/厭倦」的意思喔。 (1) I'm sick and tired of you asking me for money.
#28. sleep on it不是睡在上面?搞懂8個常見英文口語,跟老外聊天 ...
但是當這兩個字後面加上介繫詞of 意思就不同。Sick/tired of something 是用來表示「厭倦某件事」。 I think I'm going to quit my job soon.
#29. be tired of 造句 - 柚子答案
be tired of 造句||||I'm tired of doing so much homework. 我已经疲惫于做这么多家庭作业了!
#30. 【多益必考文法】分詞構句怎麼用?分詞又是什麼?一篇就搞懂!
Tired out, David went to bed early. 如果動詞是be 動詞,會改成being 嘛,這個being 可以省略、可以不省略,不省略的話更有「因為」的意思喔!
#31. "I just never get tired of that"--Toy Story 3 玩具總動員3
e.g. They're getting tired of eating the same thing every day. 他們對於每天吃一樣的東西感到厭煩。 另一個有相同意思的用法是to get sick of... / to ...
#32. tired是什么意思中文 - 星火网校
2、也可以是动词tire的过去分词和过去式时,它的意思是(使)疲劳,疲倦,困倦。 tired的读音. 英[ˈtaɪəd] 美[ˈtaɪərd]. tired同义词辨析. tired与exhausted、 ...
#33. "I'm kind of tired of"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)的問題
I'm kind of tired of的意思A little weariness or fatigue. An expression that you may be tired of something, but not to the point of falling ...
#34. dead tired翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
dead tired中文的意思、翻譯及用法:累得要命;筋疲力盡。英漢詞典提供【dead tired】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#35. 實用的過渡詞| EF English Live 部落格
Sally got tired of John calling her all the time eventually, since she was not interested in him. 莎莉最终厭倦了約翰一直打電話給她,因她對他不感興趣。 2.
#36. 課本上不會教的10 個超常見的英文俚語(slang),你真正聽懂幾 ...
sick 大家一定都知道是「生病的」的意思,但在俚語中有不同的意思,要從對話中判斷sick 到底是什麼意思。 sick 超酷的(和cool、awesome 是同義字). The ...
#37. 擺脫讓全場尷尬的四句中式英文 - Curious - 英語島
E.g., I am very tired, so I guess it's time for me to hit the sack. 我現在很累,所以我想該 ... 既然現在是夏天,就請大家照樣造句。「我不怕熱」的英文要怎麼說 ...
#38. Yes/NO問句的造句
Yes/NO問句的造句. Quiz. Show all questions. <= 1 / 14 =>. I am tired. Check Hint Show answer. Anna is in class. Check Hint Show answer. I am homesick.
#39. 超級英文俚語全集!100組超實用英文俚語 - FluentU
... 了,通常用來跟朋友、家人說你真的很累了想上床睡覺的意思。 除了hit the sack以外,也可以說hit the hay。 “It's time for me to hit the sack, I'm so tired.” ...
#40. 跟「變老」無關!美劇常說的It never gets old 到底什麼意思?
前面學了怎麼用never get old 造句,但當然我們也想要學會用英文表達「因為一直重複而讓人很 ... I'm tired of him being a free rider all the time.
#41. stressed out、造句.其实句子我来造,帮忙翻译成英文就可以了1 ...
用tired、hungry、thirsty、stressed out、造句.其实句子我来造,帮忙翻译成英文就可以了1.丽萨坐了一天的车觉得很疲倦.2.卡特里娜没有吃早饭,现在觉得很饥饿.3.
#42. 去銀行「存錢」不是save money!直譯中文最常錯的動詞一次看
Do myself加上一個justice變成do myself justice意思就很不一樣,是指「充份發揮能力」。 I was so tired that I didn't do myself justice in the performance.
#43. 用tiring造句,tiring例句 - 乐学英语
He dragged his tired feet slowly along . 他拖着疲倦的步子慢慢地走着。 Skelton was too tired to argue further . 斯克尔顿累得没劲再争论了 ...
#44. He looks tired; he ______ get enough sleep last night. - Studio ...
Get a second wind (Idiom) 是甚麼意思呢? · Good job! Right answer! · Wrong answer · Good job! Congrats! You've got 2 coins!
#45. 雙關語- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
而這句話的另外一個意思是,這輛自行車用了很長時間,它現在太累了(too tired),兩者發音同音。 諧義雙關[編輯]. 利用同一個詞的多種意思造成一個歧義 ...
#46. 潮流英語- Throw the book at somebody 嚴厲懲罰某人 - BBC
Helen: Ahhh! I see! 你說to throw the book at someone 其實不是真的把書扔到別人頭上去, 這是個比喻,意思是嚴厲 ...
#47. 瞎咪!原來是這個意思:你一定要搞懂的外國人常用慣用語(附 ...
書名:瞎咪!原來是這個意思:你一定要搞懂的外國人常用慣用語(附贈慣用語猜一猜自我挑戰光碟),語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9789866010705,頁數:224,出版社:捷徑文化 ...
#48. tired是什么意思 - 英语词典
#49. 今晚要加班」、「請病假」、「找人代班」怎麼說? - 關鍵評論網
personal leave 事假; sick leave 病假; annual leave 特休; official leave 公假; marriage leave 婚假; funeral/bereavement leave 喪假 ...
#50. tired中文意思 - Mrij |
tired 的意思: adj. 疲倦的;困倦的;对不耐烦的;陈旧的; v. (使)疲劳( tire的过去式和过去分词);对(做)某事感到厌倦; [例句]Michael is tired and he has ...
#51. "What's the deal?"不是想知道你做了什麼交易 - 英語島
Alex剛剛拜訪了合作夥伴Professor Johnson。回到辦公室,外籍同事問他. What's the deal with Professor Johnson lately? 這裡的deal不是我們熟悉的意思「交易」,而 ...
#52. 1021_大一英文(1)(第三級)(9409): 造句
because: I love you because you are my boyfriend. yet: I haven't write my homework yet. 2. ving: I am tired to working to school everyday.
#53. 【那些課本沒教的英文】It never gets old. 和年紀無關
前面學了怎麼用never get old 造句,但當然我們也想要學會用英文表達「因為一直重複而讓人很膩、很煩」,可以 ... I'm tired of him being a free rider all the time.
#54. 介系詞(Prepositions) - 實用基礎文法
從上面這兩組例句,讀者不難發現,句子可藉由「介系詞」的變化來表達各種不同的語義。 behind, in front of, beside. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk ...
#55. be tired of doing sth造句- 欧创网
最佳答案: I'm tired of doing so much homework.我已经疲惫于做这么多家庭作业了!
#56. -ed還是-ing? 不再傻傻分不清!(Insights of ... - Lingvist
I am bored (by this book). 我被(這本書)無聊到了。 這就是所謂「被動」的概念。 再來看看annoy (令......感覺煩)的例句和照字面翻譯的結果,會 ...
#57. 現在完成進行式例句與現在完成式之比較 - Rose英文教學
I'm tired of the noise. 現在完成進行式例句用法解析情境圖. 木匠們已經施工整個早上了,他們現在還在施工,我對噪音感到厭煩。木匠從一早就開始施工,一直施工到我 ...
#58. Hanlin Junior High School English Book4 L7~9 - Google Docs
一、 請依字序做適當變化後,用If或if造句. 例:the weather / nice /tonight/ we / have a barbecue ... 2.he / feel sick / still go to school today.
#59. 老外聽得滿臉問號!10個例句教你說出最正統的社交英文 - 風傳媒
I'm feeling too tired to socialize tonight. I'll just go home after work.(兄弟抱歉啦,我今晚累到無法社交。我下班後會直接回家。).
#60. bored VS boring? 來搞懂「情緒動詞」ed 尾與ing 尾! - 英文庫
它們出現在句子裡的時候,句構都會形成「物+ 情緒動詞+ 人(受格)」,也就是「使某人感到…」的意思。 The trip excites me. 這趟旅行令我感到興奮。 The film bored me.
#61. To、For、以及Of 的用法與分別-三個最容易混淆的介系詞- Kaftin
to的不定詞用法的連結片語與例句:. To begin/start with, I'd like to thank my mother for supporting me. 這個片語的意思是– ...
#62. get tired of造句 - 梗大全网
I'm getting tired from reciting the terminologies in the textbook.我对背诵教科书里面的专用术语感到累了.不懂问我,希望对您有帮助,南无地藏菩萨! 6、Did you…造句.
#63. belatefor造句.外加中文翻译,谢谢啦_用tired造句带翻译
拍照搜题,秒出答案,一键查看所有搜题记录 ? 题目: 用be tired、be late for造句.外加中文翻译,谢谢啦. 英语. 作业帮用户2017-09-26 举报 ...
#64. tired of 中文tired - Pwbrup
英漢例句. i know. i「m sick and tired of this cold weather . ... be tired of中文翻譯,get tired of的發音,例如,tired of的發音, bell peppers and sprouts ...
#65. tiredof意思以及造句
be tired of 对什么什么感到厌倦了的意思be tired 就是很累的意义.比如说sorry,i`m tired today. tired 造句: i am very tired.
#66. tired是什么意思中文翻译
tired 是形容词,意思是:疲劳的,劳累的这个单词是用来修饰人的,还有一个tering是修饰物的例:I'm so tired after I play football with my friends!
#67. 用“tired”造句
用“tired”造句. I am really tired when I finish my homework. Man was made at the end of the week's work when god was tired.
#68. be tired of something - 罗辞问答网
be tired of sth是什么意思,be tired of sth的解释:厌烦(做)某事, 对...感到厌倦,be tired of sth中英例句,英汉词典。
#69. 用“tired”造句 - 竹尹网
用“tired”造句 · Man was made at the end of the week's work when god was tired. 人类是上帝在工作了一周已经疲劳的时候创造出来的。 · Tired to play ...
#70. 用be reminded of造句 - 句子大全网
1、be rid of造句. 只要加个主语就行了,注意主谓一致he is unable to get rid of ... 3、造句英语be born with ... 8、be tired of 造句. I'm tired of doing so much ...
#71. be tired of的意思 - 脱壳百科网
沪江词库精选be tired of是什么意思、英语单词推荐厌倦…,讨厌… 相似短语tired of 厌烦反义: 厌倦be amused at be tired with 因…精疲力竭be tired of ...
#72. be tired中文翻译,翻译betired-翻译知识网
疲劳的疲惫的. be tired of 对什么什么感到厌倦了的意思be tired 就是很累的意义.比如说sorry,i`m tired today. 衰弱疲惫精力衰惫. 变得很累.
#73. be tired of同义词组- 美林网
of的意思,be tired of的翻译,be tired of的解释,be tired of的发音,be tired of的同义词,be tired of的反义词,be tired of的例句,be tired of的相关 ...
#74. English and You 9: Eating Out - 第 80 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Don is tired of playing computer games. 2. Jenny is thinking of buying a new ... Page 44 造句: (答案僅供參考) 1. ... Donna is tired of cleaning the house.
#75. be tired of (对……厌倦) 用以上短语造句并翻译 - 名言名句网
网友问题:be tired of (对……厌倦) 用以上短语造句并翻译,谢谢? 回答作者:既生非何生萌-既生非何生萌. 采纳时间:2020-09-30 05:07. 对什么厌倦的英语造句_be ...
#76. 翻譯
Google 的免費翻譯服務提供中文和其他上百種語言的互譯功能,能即時翻譯字詞、詞組和網頁內容。
#77. 破解大学英语四级新题型: 写作分册 - 第 49 頁 - Google 圖書結果
语言方面,可以有少量错误,用词和造句要清楚确切地表达思想。 ... 就包含着从句 Because I was very tired , I went into sleep as soon as I went to bed .
#78. 小学英语教学参考书 6A - 第 60 頁 - Google 圖書結果
教师出示课件或利用简笔画呈现一个在躺椅上休息的人,对学生说 My father is tired . He is resting on a chair . We are tired Let's rest ,请学生用 rest 造句练习。
#79. 用terrible 和tired 各造句一条句子
用terrible 和tired 各造句一条句子. 外语. 最佳答案. I am tired. It sounds terrible. 查看全文. 2010-09-28. 0. 更多回答(5). 其他回答. 5条回答. 锂铱硼 ...
tired of造句 在 歡迎造句~增加印象~ I'm tired of... - 每日一句學英文 的美食出口停車場
歡迎造句~增加印象~ I'm tired of Ving/N. 我厭倦XXX了;我受不了XXX了 e.g., I'm tired of my work. 我厭倦了我的工作了。 ... <看更多>