近端脛骨骨折(Proximal tibial fractures) (Tibial plateau fracture) (1) The AO-OTA Comprehensive Long Bone Classification (A) extra-articular fractures:occur ...
#2. 脛骨骨折(tibial bone fracture) - 小小整理網站Smallcollation
一、脛骨平臺的骨折(fracture of the tibial plateau) 用Schatzker Classification可分為以下6種 資料來源:orthopaedicsone. Type Ⅰ:外側平臺的楔形骨折(wedge-type ...
#3. tibial plateau 中文 - 查查在線詞典
tibial plateau中文 :脛骨坪…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋tibial plateau的中文翻譯,tibial plateau的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#4. 脛骨平台骨折Tibia plateau fracture (脛骨近端骨折proximal tibia...
骨科李宜軒醫師: 脛骨平台骨折Tibia plateau fracture (脛骨近端骨折proximal tibia fracture)
使用Reverso Context: tibial plateau fracture; operation; inflammatory response; Qingre Jiedu Huayu Prescription,在英语-中文情境中翻译"tibial plateau"
#6. 膝關節脛骨平臺骨折(Fractures of tibial plateau of the knee joint)
膝關節脛骨平臺骨折(Fractures of tibial plateau of the knee joint). 院長施國正醫師. 2001.10.5. 有一位三十多歲的小姐騎機車上班,不小心發生車禍,跌倒時正好被 ...
#7. 脛骨髁骨(平台)骨折(Fracture of Tibial Plateau)
脛骨髁骨(平台)骨折(Fracture of Tibial Plateau). 脛骨髁骨(平台)骨折可分為內、外單髁骨折及T 或Y 型雙髁骨折,骨折. 類形也較多,治療方法亦有不同。
tibial plateau 中文 意思是什麼. tibial plateau 解釋 ... Treatment of tibial plateau fracture with link plate and bone autograft
#9. tibial plateau翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
tibial plateau中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:脛骨平臺脛骨坪。英漢詞典提供【tibial plateau】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#10. Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館_Tibial+Plateau+Fractures
Tibial Plateau Fractures. 脛骨平台骨折. 張冠宇(Guan-Yue Chang). Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery Taiwan ; 8卷3期(1991 / 09 / 01) , P157 - 165.
#11. tibial plateau 中文意思是什麼
tibial plateau 中文 意思是什麼 · tibial: 脛側 · plateau: n (pl x s )1 高原,臺地,高地;【心理學】學習高原〈指學習上無進步也無退步的一段〉;〈美喻〉平穩...
#12. tibial plateau 中文 - Zhewang
“tibial” 中文翻譯: 脛側; 脛骨的; 脛節的“plateau” 中文翻譯: n. (pl. -x, -s ) 1.高原,臺地,高地;【心理學】學習高原〔指學習上無進步也無退步的一段〕;〔美 ...
#13. Tibial Plateau Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Find tibial plateau stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#14. 脛骨平台骨折
1.什麼是脛骨平台骨折脛骨平台(Tibial Plateau)位於脛骨最上緣,屬於膝關節下半部,與其相連結的是股骨內外髁,由於此處正好是下肢承重的樞紐, ...
#15. 胫骨平台骨折的手术治疗-Surgical treatment of tibial plateau ...
通讯作者:张小龙李皓桓*. 摘要点击次数: 1743. 全文下载次数: 1000. 中文摘要: [摘要]膝关节是人体负重结构,在人正常活动中占有重要地位。胫骨平台骨折往往由车祸及高 ...
#16. 脛骨平台水平矯形術 - 國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院
本院率先引進新式手術技術脛骨平台水平矯形術 ( Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy TPLO ),為前十字韌帶受傷的狗狗提供更好的治療技術。
#17. tibial中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
This is a medial tibial plateau fracture with a split or depressed component. 來自. Wikipedia.
#18. tibial plateau 中文脛骨平臺骨折
medial tibial plateau的中文翻譯, Of or pertaining to a tibia or a structure associated with a tibia,翻譯,20例腕關節骨折中18例行…
#19. Tibial Plateau Fracture | IntechOpen
Tibial plateau fractures are a common orthopedic injury. These fractures involve the articular surface of the tibia that is part of the knee joint.
#20. Jess In Management Of Tibial Plateau Fractures With Soft ...
書名:Jess In Management Of Tibial Plateau Fractures With Soft Tissue Injury,語言:英文,ISBN:9783659137655,頁數:76,作者:Siddiqui, Yasir Salam,Zahid, ...
#21. 【篤實關懷倫理卓越】光田綜合醫院Kuang Tien General Hospital
繁體中文, 全球資訊網-簡體中文 · 全球資訊網-English ... Bone Graft Augmentation for Split-Depression Tibial Plateau Fractures-A Report of Five Cases ...
#22. Tibia and Fibula Fractures | Johns Hopkins Medicine
These fractures occur in the knee end of the tibia and are also called tibial plateau fractures. Depending on the exact location, a proximal tibial fracture may ...
#23. 脛骨平台 - 中文百科知識
脛骨平台(tibial plateau) 脛骨的近端的乾骺端及關節面,骨科上稱此解剖位置之為脛骨平台。 脛骨上端與股骨下端形成膝關節。 脛骨與股骨下端接觸的面為脛骨平台。
#24. Tibial plateau fracture - Wikipedia
A tibial plateau fracture is a break of the upper part of the tibia (shinbone) that involves the knee joint. Symptoms include pain, swelling, ...
#25. Transverse Incision for Minimally Invasive Plate ...
the tibial plateau. 中文摘要. 脛骨平台的骨折通常需要外科手術。開放式手術越來越多地被微創技術所取代。鋼板固定可以是單髁或雙. 髁,並且手術切口通常是縱向平面的 ...
#26. 關節置換手術(共4項)
tibial plateau or unicompartment. 64170B. 部份關節置換術併整型術-只置換髖臼或. 股骨或半股關節或半肩關節. Partial joint replacement: cup or hip prosthesis.
#27. tibial plateau醫學中文相關資訊 - 哇哇3C日誌
tibial plateau 醫學中文,Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館_脛骨平臺骨折的治療,由石永常著作· 2001 · 被引用22 次— 北京醫學; 23卷6期(2001 / 12 / 10) , P341 - 343.
#28. medial tibial plateau — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“medial tibial plateau” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#29. 脛骨Tibia
脛骨Tibia. Keywords: Medial condyle Lateral condyle Medial tibial plateau Lateral tibial plateau Intercondylar eminence Medial intercondylar tubercle ...
#30. TPLO 十字韌帶斷裂脛骨平台水平矯形術 - 台大慈仁動物醫院
十字韌帶斷裂 TPLO脛骨平台水平矯形術( Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy TPLO ) 在籃球員和橄籃球員中,前十字韌撕裂斷裂帶是一種常見的傷害,同樣的情況也…
#31. Research progress on hyperextension tibial plateau fractures
Results: Hyperextension tibial plateau fractures is a specific type ... 本刊对一些大家都比较熟悉的常用词汇允许直接用英文缩写,即在中文正文 ...
#32. Ankle injury 受傷機轉
Tibial tuberosity. 2%. – Osteochondral injury 1%. • 判讀X光– 從容易miss 的來判讀. • Tibia plateau fracture 最容易miss. Tibial plateau fracture.
#33. 台大慈仁動物醫院-骨科電腦斷層掃描內視鏡牙科神經外科脊椎 ...
十字韌帶斷裂TPLO脛骨平台水平矯形術( Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy TPLO )...
#34. MDC8-骨骼肌肉系統編碼新知骨骼肌肉系統編碼新知
Left tibial plateau fracture,lateral fracture,lateral plateau fracture s/p open reduction internal fixation,complicated with sinbone.
#35. The Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament
Caudolateral源自股骨. 髁較側向遠端的地方,其延伸路徑較直,接在tibial較後方的位置上。 (A)與(B)為犬的左後隻,移除掉股骨後的tibial plateau dorsal view。1 ...
#36. Tibial plateau fracture - VisualDx
Synopsis. Causes / typical injury mechanism: Tibial plateau fractures are fractures to the articular portion of the proximal tibia.
#37. Total knee arthroplasty and fractures of the tibial plateau
Tibial plateau fracture is a common injury of the lower extremity that is seen in the population with a bimodal age distribution. These injuries ...
#38. functional outcome of schatzker type 5 and 6 tibial plateau ...
Proximal tibial plateau fractures are complex and complicated intraarticular fractures around the knee joint. [1] The incidence is rising among the younger ...
#39. tibial plateau中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答社区
tibial plateau中文 意思是胫骨坪,胫骨平台.
#40. 博碩士論文行動網
論文名稱(外文):, Proximal tibial fracture mechanism analysis in ... 語文別: 中文 ... compression load applied on the medial and lateral tibial plateau ...
POSTOPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS – KNEE Tibial plateau fracture ... 繁體中文 (Chinese): 注意:如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。
#42. 胫骨平台骨折的手术治疗 | 健康跟著走
tibial plateau fracture中文- Inspiteofthis,thesurgicaltreatmentoftibialplateaufractureisalsowithhighrisk,the...中文摘要:[摘要]膝关节是人体负重结...
#43. 胫骨con外翻截骨术-适应症和技术。
... and surgical technique of, tibial condylar valgus osteotomy (TCVO). ... TCVO indication criteria are the types of tibial plateau shape.
#44. 胫骨平台_百度百科
胫骨的近端的干骺端及关节面,骨科上称此解剖位置之为胫骨平台。 中文名: 胫骨平台; 外文名: tibial plateau. 区 位: 胫骨的近端的干骺端及关节面; 类 别: 骨科.
#45. Combined Direct Posterior Split-Gastrocnemius Approach for ...
Background: Several approaches of fracture reduction and fixation are employed in complex tibial plateau fractures. However, there is a lack of ...
#46. 59975593:醫療服務給付項目
中文 項目名稱, 部份關節置換術併整形術- 只置換股骨髁或脛骨高丘或半膝關節或只換 ... joint replacement - femoral condylar or tibial plateau or unicompartment.
#47. International Medical Service Center
6.Comminuted fracture of a proximal tibial plateau. A 20-year-old male experienced a traffic accident with multiple fractures, including left ...
#48. Managing lateral tibial plateau fractures by reversed 3.5 mm ...
Background: Tibial plateau fractures vary in severity and may be difficult to treat. The concept of "raft screws" -- inserting multiple 3.5 mm screws ...
#49. Tibial Plateau | Bumper Fracture - Medindia
Tibial plateau is a critical load-bearing area on the upper surface of the tibia. Tibial plateau/bumper fracture occurs at the top of the ...
#50. tibial plateau - 中国的翻译
Tibial plateau 的中国的翻译– 英语-中文字典和搜索引擎, 中国的翻译. ... Okay, um, she's she's postop day two From a tibial plateau fracture. 她脛骨平台骨折.
#51. 脛骨平台_中文百科全書
脛骨的近端的乾骺端及關節面,骨科上稱此解剖位置之為脛骨平台。 基本介紹. 中文名:脛骨平台; 外文名:tibial plateau; 區位:脛骨的近端的乾骺端及關節面 ...
#52. 胫骨平台的翻译结果 - 一本词典
tibial plateau (161); tibial plateau fracture (60); the tibial plateau (44) ... 来源:专利文献 中文专利号:CN102497837A 英文专利号:US2011022179.
#53. Use of genex in the treatment of a tibial plateau fracture
Use of genex in the treatment of a tibial plateau fracture - At 15 months' follow-up the fracture had healed with complete absorption of genex.
#54. Medline ® Abstract for Reference 6 of '成人膝关节急性疼痛的 ...
6: PubMed |; TI: Tibial plateau fractures: evaluation with multidetector-CT. AU: Macarini L, Murrone M, Marini S, Calbi R, Solarino M, Moretti B ...
#55. 胫骨平台骨折术后感染性骨缺损的分型和治疗策略 - 骨科
Type Ⅰ was lacunar bone defect of the tibial plateau, ... 英文关键词: Tibial plateau Infection Bone defect Classification ... 中文摘要:.
#56. Surgical fixation methods for tibial plateau fractures
Fractures of the tibial plateau, which are intra‐articular injuries of the knee joint, are often difficult to treat and have a high complication rate, ...
#57. pilon fracture中文– antoine olivier pilon - Sfartpo
Lisfranc injury. Tibial Plateau Fractures. 按一下以在Bing 上檢視11:18. 橈骨遠端骨折Fracture of the Distal Radius. pilon fracture中文- antoine olivier pilon ...
#58. 脛骨骨板之生物力學探討 - 國立成功大學機構典藏
Biomechanics of Tibia Bone Plate: Finite Element Analysis. 研究生:黃韋澐 ... 中文摘要. 近端脛骨骨折的發生率占全身骨折中的 1%,雖然發生機率很低,但是此.
#59. Tibial plateau fracture ends JJ Watt's year - McFarland Sports ...
Watt's left knee fractured the lower half of his knee joint. This area is called the tibial plateau. Typically it takes an extreme injury to ...
#60. Comparison of effect in different methods of treating complex ...
patients with open tibial plateau fractures that were treated in our hospital ... 本刊对大家较熟悉的以下常用词汇,允许直接使用缩写,即首次出现时可不标注中文。
#61. 上下肢常見的副木介紹
#62. proximal tibia 中文 - ZQILZ
proximal tibia的中文意思:胫骨近端,查阅proximal tibia 的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和 ... “pedipalpal tibia”中文翻译须肢胫节“plateau of the tibia”中文翻译胫骨 ...
#63. left tibia 中文
其上以tibial plateau 形成膝關節的下界,承受膝蓋以上來的力量;其下以distance to the distal tibia 形成medial malleolus,和ankle 一起承受全身百分之五十的力量。
#64. Tibial Plafond Fractures - Trauma - Orthobullets
A tibial plafond fracture (also known as a pilon fracture) is a fracture of the distal end of the tibia, most commonly associated with ...
#65. Prevalence of Deep Surgical Site Infection After Repair of ...
Our inclusion criteria included studies with patients who were ambulatory and had sustained a distal femur, tibial plateau, proximal tibia, or ...
#66. 后侧入路手术治疗胫骨平台后柱骨折的临床观察 - 维普期刊
维普中文期刊服务平台,是重庆维普资讯有限公司标准化产品之一, ... Conclusion Posterior approach surgery for post-column tibial plateau fractures of the exact ...
#67. tibial plateau - Englisch-Deutsch | Medizin-Fachwörterbuch
Hier die Übersetzung Englisch ↔ Deutsch für tibial plateau nachschlagen! Kostenfreier Vokabeltrainer, Konjugationstabellen, Aussprachefunktion.
#68. Manuela Martinez - CORA Physical Therapy
中文 (繁體) ... I was in an accident where I had a lisfranc fracture on the right feet, tibial plateau fracture and a sprained ankle on the left leg.
#69. 兔胫骨平台骨折愈合的生物力学变化规律***
Abstract. BACKGROUND: Studies regarding the biomechanical changes during tibial plateau fractures healing are few. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the maximal ...
#70. 多重解析地址选择页面 - 中文DOI
题名:, Timing of internal fixation and effect on Schatzker Ⅳ-Ⅵ tibial plateau fractures. 第一作者:, TANG Xin. 期刊名称:, 中华创伤杂志(英文版), 出版年 ...
#71. 愛派司生技股份有限公司A Plus Biotechnology Corporation ...
PROD. NO, DESCRIPTION, LENGTH(mm). 0701-1710-05, APP Tibial Plateau Medial Anatomical Locking plate, Left, TI 6AL 4V, 115, 17˚.
#72. 双侧钢板置入内固定治疗复杂胫骨平台骨折:同一机构6年17例随访
Dual plating through two separate incisions for repair of complicated tibial plateau fractures: Six-year follow-up of 17 cases in an institute.
#73. Tibial plateau fracture的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
『欧路词典』为您提供Tibial plateau fracture的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的Tibial plateau fracture的中文意思,Tibial plateau fracture的读音,Tibial plateau ...
#74. Clinical study on the treatment for posteromedial tibial plateau ...
Clinical study on the treatment for posteromedial tibial plateau fracture by medial approaches. LI Zeng-chun△, LI Guo-feng, HAN Ning, LU Qing-you, ...
#75. 截肢與義肢
BK (medial tibial plateau MTP). AK (ischial tuberosity). BE (lateral epicondyle). AE (acromion process). 2) 周圍徑(circumference). 3) 關節活動度(ROM).
#76. Treatment Strategies - Paley Orthopedic & Spine Institute
The tibial plateau is the top (proximal end) of the tibia where it meets the knee joint. In patients with chondroectodermal dysplasia, the tibial plateau is ...
#77. Rehabilitation care of patients with tibial plateau fracture and ...
This paper summarized the nursing experience of four cases of tibial plateau fractures with osteofascial compartment syndrome treated by ...
#78. 临床医学名词词典
中文 曾称: 名词来源: 所属专业: 骨科. 所属类别: 疾病诊断名词. 加入我的词汇本. Pubmed相关的文献. fracture of tibial plateau, tibial plateau fracture相关文献:.
#79. a finite element analysis study - 香港中文大學學術研究文庫
Tibial cutting guide (resector) holding pins position and subsequent risks of ... The maximum von Mises stress on the tibial plateau was evaluated.
#80. Outpatient physical therapy intervention for a patient post non ...
Project (D.P.T., Physical Therapy)--California State University, Sacramento, 2015. A patient post non-surgical lateral tibial plateau fracture was seen for ...
#81. 遠端脛腓骨開放性骨折治療心得分享 - ZBest
... Tips and Techniques in Managing Open Distal Tibia and Fibula Fractures ... joint ESF 先reduction 維持好, 一端打在tibial plateau 後側fibula head 前, ...
#82. tibia 中文
tibia-fibula的中文翻譯,tibia-fibula是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語 ... 其上以tibial plateau 形成膝關節的下界,承受膝蓋以上來的力量;其下以distance to the distal ...
#83. MSCT三维重建技术在胫骨平台骨折分型的临床应用价值
维普中文期刊服务平台,是重庆维普资讯有限公司标准化产品之一,本平台以《中文 ... Methods From Febuery 2016 to July 2018, 82 cases of tibial plateau fractures ...
#84. Melanie Friedlander on Twitter: "Regarding @JJWatt's injury ...
Regarding @JJWatt's injury, a tibial plateau fracture is a break in the tibia where it forms part of the knee ...
#85. [Open reduction and internal fixation of lateral tibial plateau ...
Since February 2014, a total of 23 lateral tibial plateau fractures were treated using the described technique; 4 patients were lost to ...
#86. tibial plateau - Sesli Sözlük
tibial plateau çevirisi anlamı nedir nasıl telaffuz ediliz. ... tibial plateau. listen to the pronunciation of tibial plateau. İngilizce - Almanca ...
#87. articular step-off;是什麼意思_Keywords tibial plateau;fracture
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供Keywords tibial plateau;fracture;meniscectomy;contact pressure;articular step-off;的在線翻譯,Keywords tibial plateau ...
#88. Lower limbs Flashcards | Quizlet
tibia proximal end. medial and lateral condyles tibial plateau( anterior and posterior intercondylar arear) Intercondylar eminence fibular articular facet
#89. plateau的中文意思翻譯和英語場景例句- 留聲詞典
中國的不少山地、 高原、 丘陵和盆地是不適宜人居住的. speaker. Objective : To discuss the relation of articular surface reduction and therapeutic effect of tibial ...
#90. Tibial Plateau Fractures - Everything You Need To Know
#91. Tibial Plateau Fractures - Orthopaedic Trauma Association
Schatzker. • Type I: Split fracture of the lateral plateau. • Type II: Split depression fracture of the lateral plateau.
#92. Tibial plateau | Radiology Reference Article |
The tibial plateau is the proximal articular surface of the tibia. Gross anatomy The tibial plateau is composed of two parts: concave ...
#93. Tibia - Physiopedia
Osteologic features of the tibia include medial and lateral condyles, the tibial plateau, the tibial tuberosity, the soleal line, the medial malleolus, ...
#94. Arthroscopic Assisted Tibial Plateau Fracture ... - AAOS OVT
Purpose: Tibial plateau fractures are devastating injuries that lead to restricted joint motion, knee instability, pain, and early arthritis.
tibial plateau中文 在 台大慈仁動物醫院-骨科電腦斷層掃描內視鏡牙科神經外科脊椎 ... 的美食出口停車場
十字韌帶斷裂TPLO脛骨平台水平矯形術( Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy TPLO )... ... <看更多>