#1. 10個在英語郵件中表達感謝的方法|EF ENGLISH LIVE部落格
當一位客戶或同事在短時間內回覆了你先前的郵件時,透過表示Thank you for your prompt reply 讓他們知道並謝謝他們。如果他們的回覆並不是很即時,只要把prompt 拿掉 ...
#2. 回信感謝不能隨便!10實用句讓人下次願意幫你 - 遠見雜誌
1. Thank you for contacting us · 2. Thank you for your prompt reply · 3. Thank you for the information · 4. Thank you for all your assistance.
#3. 謝謝對方回覆「迅速」,不是fast!盤點10個英文Email最常犯 ...
7. 謝謝你迅速回覆,如有評論或建議,我將不勝感激。 (X)Thank you for your fast response. (O)Thank you for your PROMPT RESPONSE.
如果某人詢問關於你的公司服務項目,可以在信的開頭使用這個句子,來表達感謝他們對公司感興趣的意願。 Thank you for your prompt reply. 當客戶或同事在很短的時間回覆上 ...
Thanks for your prompt reply. ... We trust you will share us a feedback at your earliest. ... Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.
#6. 「謝謝您的回覆」要用reply 還是response?5 個常用英文書信 ...
書信往來時,為表達禮貌,類似「謝謝您的回覆」的語句應該是必寫的了。這句話最常見的英文就是Thank you for your ...
#7. 【 謝謝你的回覆英文】、感謝幫忙英文句型 - 25Hoon 線上英文
Thanks for getting back to me. Thank you for your prompt reply. Thank you for your swift reply. I am very thankful that you reply ...
#8. thanks for your prompt action中文 - 你不知道的歷史故事
2017年2月3日· B. I appreciate you for your prompt response. 你選的是A 還是B ?來看看解答吧>> >.Thank you for your prompt ...
#9. Thank you for your quick response. 和Thank you for ... - HiNative
Thank you for your quick response.的同義字they have the same meaning really responce and reply are synonyms.
#10. 【英文】正式場合表達感謝的英文句子@ Eternalwind's ... - 隨意窩
句型:Thank you for +原因在比較正式或商務的場合表達感謝時,只說「Thank you」或「Thank you very much」會顯得表達不夠充分, ... Thank you for your prompt reply.
#11. 精華文章新聞- 十種電子郵件表達"感謝"之意的方式 - 台灣英語網
1. At the beginning of the email · 2. Thank you for contacting us. · 3. Thank you for your prompt reply.
#12. 不要寫「I appreciate you」 5大常見英文Email錯誤 - 經濟日報
說到「謝謝」,我們第一個想到的字就是「thanks」,但是有時候又不想用這麼簡單的字,而且在 ... (X) I appreciate you for your prompt response.
#13. Thank you for your prompt response.的翻译是 - 青云翻译
Thank you for your prompt response. 5个回答. 感谢您的及时答复。 2013-05-23 12:21 ...
#14. EF English Live - 【簡易商用英文】 Thank you for all your...
【簡易商用英文】 Thank you for all your assistance. 感謝您的協助Thank you for your prompt reply. 感謝您迅速的回覆Thank you for the ...
#15. 【英文書信】除了Thank you for your reply,你還可以怎麼說...
Thank you for your swift response to my e-mail. Thank you for the prompt reply. Thank you so much for the speedy reply. Thank you for the quick reply.
#16. prompt response 中文 - Qtill
give a prompt reply的中文翻譯,give a prompt reply是什么意思,怎么用漢語翻譯give a ... Thanks for your prompt reply. ... Thank you for the quick reply.
#17. 「謝謝您的回覆」要用reply 還是response?5 個常用英文書信...
Thank you for your prompt reply. 當客戶或同事在很短 ... 2. 初入職場,如何用英文優雅地寫郵件? | AMEC. Thanks for your kind reply. Thanks for your prompt ...
#18. 英文email最常犯的錯誤:回信說well received,老外只會疑惑 ...
(X)Well-received with thanks. 最常見. (O)Thank you for your email. (謝謝你) (O)Thanks for responding so quickly to my request.
#19. prompt reply 中文 - 查查綫上辭典
謝謝。 We thank you very much for your prompt reply and high working efficiency which we never acquire in china 我們非常感謝貴網 ...
#20. 商業英文書信常用結束語--
31. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly esteemed. 32. We look forward to receiving your early reply. 33. We thank you now ...
#21. thanks for your prompt reply and assistance - 軟體兄弟
thanks for your prompt reply and assistance,Thank you for your prompt reply ... 如果你想具體地提到他們為你做的事,就在Thank you for all your assistance 後再 ...
#22. "Thank you for your prompt reply on a Sunday night..." - LinkedIn
Admittedly, there are many platforms to contend with nowadays, be it the old faithful telephone, much relied on email, or the newer messaging ...
#23. A prompt reply.在線翻譯 - 海词词典
例句. Thank you for your prompt reply to our telegram. 多謝您對我們電報的即刻答覆。 I'm looking forward ...
#24. thank you for your prompt reply是什么意思 - 百度知道
你好! 翻译为:感谢您的快速回复! 希望能够帮到你! 本回答由提问者推荐. 已赞过 已踩过<. 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起.
#25. thanks for your prompt reply – AOGV
Thanks for your prompt response to this matter. | WordReference Forums, 9/10/2008. thank you for your quick response and your understanding | WordReference ...
#26. for your prompt response - Chinese translation – Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "for your prompt response" – Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations.
#27. prompt response-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: It welcomed Chile's prompt response in deciding to ... I also want to thank you for your prompt response in organizing this meeting.
#28. "Thank you for your prompt reply." 和"Thank you for - 遊戲基地 ...
Thank you for your prompt reply.的同義字They are the same. Response is more formal. 英語(美國) 法語(法國) 德語意大利語日語韓語波蘭語葡萄牙語(巴西) 葡萄牙 ...
#29. 【台式英文害死你】Appreciate? 英文信想寫「我非常感激」卻 ...
4) Appreciate for what you've done. 5) Thanks for your swift reply! 以上各式寫法有對有錯喔... 但其中大家廣泛使用的兩個字, 就是”Thank you” ...
#30. 英語感謝郵件 | 蘋果健康咬一口
thank you for your understanding中文- Thankyouforyourunderstanding. ... 回覆了你先前的郵件時,透過表示Thank you for your prompt reply 讓他們知道並謝謝他們。
#31. Thank you so much for your prompt response and reminder.的 ...
Thank you so much for your prompt response and reminder.的翻譯結果。 ... 結果(繁體中文) 1: [復制]. 復制成功! 太感謝你的及時回應和提醒。 正在翻譯中.
#32. 英文邮件12种礼貌的开头表达方式(强烈建议收藏!) - 知乎专栏
Thanks for your prompt/quick reply/response. ... 咱们国人写中文邮件可能也很少说谢谢,反正是给老外写邮件,我们就多注意点,多和他们的用法保持 ...
#33. thank you for your prompt response.とは 意味・読み方・使い方
thank you for your prompt response.の意味や使い方 迅速な返事に感謝します。 - 約1175万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。
#34. 找prompt reply中文相關社群貼文資訊
提供thank you for your prompt reply中文相關文章,想要了解更多謝謝你的通知... tw日文的「pr範例?gl=tw」在翻譯中開啟【日本面試問題】 . ... email reply回覆錄取 ..
#35. prompt response 中文- 劍橋詞典 - XKNKP
Thank you for your prompt reply. の類義語They are the same. Response is more formal 相手に通知されません。 質問者のみ,” “a big house.” (quick) 迅速的xùn sù ...
#36. Thanks for your prompt response.的简体中文翻译 - 自动识别翻译
Thanks for your prompt response.的翻译结果。
#37. 只會「You're welcome」嗎?這16種用法讓你表達「不客氣」
除了You're welcome,以下幾種說法也相當常見,試著根據不同場合,挑選適合的句子回應吧! ... A: Thank you for sending the sample so promptly.
#38. prompt reply 中文give - Elleve
希望能夠盡快得到您的答復。 i would be grateful to receive a prompt reply as the holiday is approaching. 英語感謝郵件 5/13/2016 · Thank you for your prompt ...
Translations in context of "THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR PROMPT RESPONSE" in english-spanish. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "THANK ...
#40. Can we use the sentence "your prompt action would be ... - italki
If you're going to write a formal letter to an authorit. ... in more than words, that you want a quick reply and are willing to do something ...
#41. thank you very much for your prompt reply - YUMK
Below are some polite ways to thank someone for a quick answer, in an email message or in a letter: More formal Many thanks for the prompt reply. Thank you ...
#42. awaiting your prompt reply Anxiously – PZXV
33 Thank You For Your Response Email Examples. Tip #2: In the examples, ... 發音,查閱we will appreciate your prompt reply的詳細中文翻譯,很有…
#43. What’s the best way to politely thank someone for a quick ...
Below are some polite ways to thank someone for a quick answer, in an email message or in a letter: More formal. Many thanks for the prompt reply. Thank you ...
#44. How do you thank someone for a prompt action? - Quora
Thank you for your prompt action. ... you could say something like, “I really appreciate your quick response when I asked you to do the thing.
#45. Definition Prompt response | Gymglish
Can you prompt me to brush my teeth if I forget please? Going deeper... Still having difficulties with 'Prompt response' Test our online English lessons ...
#46. Top ten ways to say “Thank you” in an English email
Show your appreciation for their interest in working with your company. Thank you for your prompt reply. When a client or colleague replies to a previous email ...
#47. Prompt reply 中文\ 來自風平浪靜的明天劇場版
點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋prompt reply的中文翻譯,prompt reply的發音,音標,用法和例句等。 謝謝您的迅速回覆. Thank you for your swift response to my ...
#48. Thank You For Your Prompt Reply - Zaniyahczthec
Erik Nadal On Twitter Biyahenidrew Drewarellano I Appreciate Your Prompt Response Thank You For The Referral Http T Co Fnqyhexzc7 ...
#49. prompt response 中文prompt - Vnfp
Synonym for Thank you for your prompt reply. They are the same. Response is more formal The Language Level symbol shows a user's proficiency in the ...
#50. thank you for your prompt response - TextRanch
thank you for your prompt response or thank you for your prompt respond? - Which English form is more popular?
#51. 每次都回覆同樣的話?除了You're welcome - 風傳媒
A: Thank you so much for packing my shopping for me.(謝謝你幫我裝好我買的東西。) B: Oh, you're very welcome.(喔,完全不需要客氣。) Lucy 在影片中有提到, ...
#52. Cake Stand Cupcake Storage Bowls,European Double-Layer ...
prompt : This product is only the product itself, there are no other accessories; Your goods are ... Thank you for your patronage and make the store shine.
#53. Understanding Your IRS Notice or Letter
Respond. If your notice or letter requires a response by a specific date, there are two main reasons you'll want to comply: to ...
#54. 【 謝謝你的回覆英文】、感謝幫忙英文句型- 3分鐘搞懂!| 數位感
I appreciate your prompt response. I was so pleased to hear from you. 注意:快速回覆的形容詞 ... 【英文書信】除了Thank you for your reply,你還可以怎麼說.
#55. 非常感謝您英文
2. Thank you so much for your generous hospitality. ... 就很像中文常說的:「太感謝你了! ... I appreciate you for your prompt response.
#56. Achieve3000
Achieve. Whether you're solving for immediate needs or planning for the future, our differentiated and targeted online solutions help students reach their ...
#57. thanks for your prompt support | 英文示例| Ludwig
thanks for your prompt support的例句,都来自富于启发性的资源. 类似的( 8 ). Thanks for your prompt response. 1. Huffington Post. "And thank you for ...
#58. Twitter's Best of Tweets List for 2021 Salutes 8 Brands - Adweek
Our old friend, Steve from Blue's Clues, stopped by Twitter to catch up in a touching ... Best campaign that said 'thank you' for all of us.
#59. “Covid Heroes Among Us” Award NA21073dm - LAPD Online
Thank you, Covid Heroes, for your long-standing partnership with the Southeast Community Police Station. We are a better Department, ...
#60. 20 of the Best Ways to Say Thank You for a Prompt Response
When you meet someone that responds quickly, how do you thank that person without using the old favorite: ”Thank you for your prompt ...
#61. Dear Mr/Ms, I thank you for your prompt reply to my letter of 23 ...
I thank you for your prompt reply to my letter of 23 March inviting you to actively cooperate with. EU consumer protection (CPC) authorities ...
thank you for your prompt response中文 在 EF English Live - 【簡易商用英文】 Thank you for all your... 的美食出口停車場
【簡易商用英文】 Thank you for all your assistance. 感謝您的協助Thank you for your prompt reply. 感謝您迅速的回覆Thank you for the ... ... <看更多>