#1. thank you for a clarification - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"thank you for a clarification" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文 ... SIN, please wait for your turn because the clarification sought by you is ...
#2. "clarification" 和"explanation" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative
clarification 的同義字@JOHNNYJOESTAR: a clarification is an explanation that is ... @Gejemica: @moondust: Thank you for your clarification.
#3. thanks for your clarification的翻译是: 什么意思? 中文翻译英文
thanks for your clarification. 5个回答. 感谢您的澄清 2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名. 感谢您的阐明 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名. 正在翻译,请等待.
#4. 【英文】正式場合表達感謝的英文句子@ Eternalwind's ... - 隨意窩
Thank you for your detailed and clear explanation. Thanks for your detailed information. 當別人回答得很詳盡時,可以用這些句子來表達 ...
#5. I see. Thank you for clarifying.的繁體中文翻譯 - 英文翻譯
I see. Thank you for clarifying.的翻譯結果。
#6. CLARIFICATION在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
clarification 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. an explanation or more details ... answer105 is the correct answer. responseThank you for your swift ...
I would really appreciate meeting up if you can spare the time. Please let me know what suits you best. ... Thanks for your input/clarification/message.
#8. 想謝謝別人提供訊息說"Thanks for your knowledge.",這句話 ...
以下這些受中文干擾說出來的句子,要怎麼改才道地呢? 謝謝您提供的訊息。 Thanks for your knowledge.(X) Thanks for the information.或Thank you.( ...
#9. Thank you for the clarify this issue.是什么意思 - 百度知道
Thank you for the clarify this issue.是什么意思. 我来答. 1个回答. #热议# 生活中有哪些成瘾食物? 智能机器人61ed9e 2016-05-01 · 知道合伙人教育行家.
#10. thank you for your clarification中文 - 軟體兄弟
thank you for your clarification中文, that a good sentence in an email when you try to thank the people for some clarification? any other ideas, ...
#11. 職場常用英文100句@ 「常用英文」你才不會忘記Blog
45. Once again, thank you all for your commitment and support. 再一次感謝你的承諾及支持… 46. Thanks for your input/clarification/message.
#12. Thank you for clarifying or many thanks for your clarification?
Use this phrase if someone has clarified an issue or question that you had. Explanation provided by a TextRanch English expert. Some examples from the web:.
#13. thank you for clarifying this | 英文示例| Ludwig
类似的(7). Thank you for clarifying the potential differences between the two methods. 1. eLife. Thank you for clarifying".
#14. thank you for your clarification | WordReference Forums that a good sentence in an email when you try to thank the people for some clarification? any other ideas, thank you.
#15. 中英翻译: Thank you for your clarification! - 由~叶子~发表 - 论坛
Thank you for your clarification ! 来源: ~叶子~ 于2014-03-07 17:05:53 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 96 次(0 bytes).
#16. 台灣人報告完都會說Thank you for your listening,其實老外聽 ...
報告完之後,大家都會說「謝謝聆聽」,但英文說Thank you for your listening. 其實是文法錯誤的句子,在外國人耳裡聽起來非常奇怪。因為我們都很想表達「 ...
#17. How to say - thanks for clarification - English Language ...
Thank you for your clarification. Thank you for the clarification. Thank you for clarifying [describe the thing that was clarified].
#18. Thank you for clearing that up. vs Thank you for your ...
They are both formal, although some may shun the use of phrasal verbs in formal text/correspondence and hence prefer "Thank you for clarifying ...
#19. Technical clarification on active clamping circuit in Concept ...
In addition may we know the overall electrical specs so we can analyze the circuit properly? Thank you very much.
#20. Gracias por la aclaración - Translation into English - Reverso ...
Okay, thanks for the clarification, Professor, but you still didn't answer my question. Gracias por la aclaración ti. Thank you for clarifying.
#21. Thanks for the clarification. Your postings are very clear to me.
海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供Thanks for the clarification. Your postings are very clear to me.的在线翻译,Thanks for the clarification.
#22. LNK304 input voltage clarification request - Power Integrations
I'm requesting clarification on the LNK302/304-306 datasheet. ... Thank you for your assistance as we try to communicate clearly with all ...
#23. 碧藍航線Crosswave - DLC Loyalty Program Clarification - Steam
... to provide such critical information in our updates moving forward. We apologize again for the lack of clarity and thank you for your understanding.
#24. thank you for your clarification - English-Spanish - TR-Ex
The PRESIDENT: thank you for your clarification. is there any other delegation that wants to take the floor now? El PRESIDENTE[habla en inglés]: le ...
#25. Clarify definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Clarify definition: To clarify something means to make it easier to understand, ... Thank you for writing and allowing me to clarify the present position.
#26. clarification中文意思- 看影片不用背單字
clarification 的中文意思是什麼呢?2021年最常見的用法,有61影片中用到這個單字, ... members. thank. you. for. that. clarification. Carlo. what. was. the.
#27. GSK on Twitter: "Thank you for that clarification. I will escalate ...
Thank you for that clarification. I will escalate your question to my internal contacts. I will reach back out to you once I have received ...
#28. Working with Clarification Requests - SAP Help Portal
When you create a clarification request, it displays as New in the relevant user's worklist. When the recipient processes the clarification request, the status ...
#29. Wine Clarification Methods and Systems | Pall Corporation
View Pall's wine clarification solutions for hassle-free winemaking. ... Thank you for your interest a sales representative will contact you about our wine ...
#30. Your account is disabled - Google Help
If you're redirected to this page, your Google Account has been disabled. ... If your account is disabled, you'll get an explanation.
#31. 商業英語:Email 這樣寫!完結電郵如是說 - Wall Street English
Thanks again for your help. ... I really appreciate the support you've given to me. ... Please let me know if you have any questions.
#32. Further Clarification of Intercollegiate Athletics Policy ...
Thank you for your continuing interest in this subject. Sincerely,. Gerald Reynolds Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights. Top ...
#33. Pacers pull away late to beat Mavs without Carlisle -
''I did say thank you earlier.'' CLARIFICATION. Myles Turner tried to clarify comments that appeared in The Athletic this week, which prompted some to ...
Tłumaczenie słowa 'thank you for your clarification' i wiele innych tłumaczeń na polski - darmowy słownik angielsko-polski.
#35. Seattle department of construction and inspections
Tag: Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections Giving My Thanks to You; This Week in the Budget: Council adopts Final 2020 budget; Public Hearing ...
#36. 2022 Welcome Wagon - MARVEL Strike Force
That's it from all of us at MARVEL Strike Force for 2021! Thank you for your continued passion and support this year. Keep an eye on your inbox ...
#37. Includesvg - Family Dentist in Tyler, TX
Inkscape is an open-source vector graphics editor similar to Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, or Xara X. You can do this with the graphicx package, ...
#38. Joan Surry - Thank you for your clarification on the... | Facebook
Thank you for your clarification on the situation in Catherine Road and I have therefore removed my previous comment.
#39. 只會「You're welcome」嗎?這16種用法讓你表達「不客氣」
No problem! 這是比較偏美式的用法,老一輩似乎比較不喜歡這樣的回答方式,要小心。 A: Thanks for ...
#40. Thank you for your clarification - Grammar Checker
thank you for the clarification vs Thank you for your clarification which is much better to use in a sentence. Which is more popular in English form?
#41. Iran-Contra Investigation: Testimony of Oliver L. North ...
Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition ... I thank you for your clarification . Mr. FASCELL .
#42. Vocational Education Amendments of 1974: Hearings Before the ...
Hearings Before the General Subcommittee on Education of the Committee on Education and Labor, ... Thank you for your clarification on that .
#43. Abuses, Favoritism, and Mismanagement in HUD Programs: ...
We are grateful for the clarification from our colleague from New Jersey , but that makes the advertisement even more phoney . Mrs. ROUKEMA . That is true .
#44. Presidential Campaign Activities of 1972, Senate Resolution ...
We appreciate that and we appreciate your coming forward of your own ... that you would like to clarify based on your understanding of the facts and the ...
#45. Clarification Relating to Factors to be Considered in Postal ...
So we've got an institution that works reasonably well . Let's make it work a little bit better . Mr. McCLOSKEY . Thank you , Mr. Volner . Mr. Horton .
#46. International Business Correspondence - 第 204 頁 - Google 圖書結果
16 There are times where you will have to go an extra mile to be able to pacify ... Give them a full reply once your clarification and investigations were ...
#47. Copyright Remedy Clarification Act and Copyright Office ...
You seem to be pretty clear that you feel the Court has taken the position , I would agree with you — that Congress can abrogate the fourteenth amendment .
#48. Public Works for Water and Power Development and Energy ...
I have endeavored to point out for your clarification the aspects of the development of the ... Thank you very much , Mr. Cape for your fine statement .
#49. Tongass National Forest: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on ...
I have provided brief answers to your clarification questions . ... Thank you for the opportunity to follow up my testimony with your questions .
#50. 影/別再說「Thank You」!這7種英文表達更誠懇
接受別人幫助後,想要表達謝意,只說「Thank You」又擔心讓人感覺不夠誠懇, ... 的朋友間,可以使用較口語的感謝「Cheers」表達,與中文中的「謝啦!
#51. Federal Tort Claims Act: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on ...
Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental ... Mr. DANIELSON said , “ You say you believe the agency's regulations would permit ...
#52. 搞定進階商務口說:Clarification During Conversation. - 登峰美語
Joyce:Thanks for telling me your ideas for improving our ... Joyce:First, could you clarify the point about training the assembly line ...
#53. "Thank you for your listening." 是不對的!?避免這五個錯誤
你給了一場精采絕倫的演講最後用“Thank you for your listening. ... 但很多人用英文回答時,直接用了中文的邏輯,回答“Yes, I like.”,這是很常見的 ...
thank you for your clarification中文 在 Joan Surry - Thank you for your clarification on the... | Facebook 的美食出口停車場
Thank you for your clarification on the situation in Catherine Road and I have therefore removed my previous comment. ... <看更多>