take a back seat造句 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

#1. take a back seat造句 - 查查在線詞典
用take a back seat造句和"take a back seat"的例句: 1. European films take a back seat at cinemas歐洲電影日趨蕭條市場份額一年不如一年2.
#2. take a back seat中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
2022年1月19日 — take a back seat翻譯:(在組織或活動中)退居次要位置。了解更多。
#3. 俚语take a back seat的意思解释和用法例句
用法及例句: He said he wouldn' t take a back seat to anybody, but the President himself.他说除了总统本人之外,他对谁 ...
#4. take a back seat是什么意思 - 英语翻译在线翻译
take a back seat 的中文意思:<美>黯,点击查看详细解释:take a back seat的中文翻译、take a back seat的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握take a back ...
#5. take a back seat是什麼意思?不止是「坐在後座上」!
take a back seat 的意思是「to take or be given a less important position or role」,即「讓權給他人,退居二線」。 這句習語源於19世紀的美國。
#6. A take a back seat to B. A的事情之后就交给B来完成。 英语 ...
模仿造句. 句型结构. 比较A take a back seat to B. 问题. 1. 这个句型结构是什么意思? 2. 用这个句型结构将中文句子翻译成英文 句子1: 同任何一位同一时代的歌唱家相 ...
回答:8提问时间:2016-12-10 答: Have a seat .please ! 作业帮. take a back ...
#8. take a back seat是什么意思?不止是“坐在后座上”! - 网易
take a back seat 的意思是“to take or be given a less important position or role”,即“退居次要位置,让权给他人,退居二线”。
是那个一个人在后面睡觉的吗? European films take a back seat at cinemas 欧洲电影日趋萧条市场份额一年不如一年; Ls it that guy who was sleeping in ...
#10. 黯然引退, 处于次要…《抓鸟》英语词典
take a back seat 的解释是:黯然引退, 处于次要地位… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:take a back seat的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#11. 主管要你擔任"driving seat",跟「駕駛座」無關!它的隱含意思 ...
在會議裡聽見主管跟你說:"I'm in the hot seat",意思是... ... Athlete safety shouldn't take a back seat in track and field.
#12. take a back seat-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: to take a back seat,在英语-中文情境中翻译"take a back seat"
#13. 香港新浪網
路透社8月22日報道標題要解釋引文的take a back seat,先得說說back seat的意思,back seat是「(汽車的)後座」,也指「(禮堂的)後排位置」,後者遠離舞台,不是看 ...
#14. 翻译take a back seat to的意思_用法 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选take a back seat to是什么意思、英语单词推荐、take a back seat to的用法、take a back seat to是什么意思及用法、翻译take a back seat to是什么意思.
#15. seat - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
seat 的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:. 详尽释义. n. (名词). 座,座位,席位,坐处; 所在地, ...
#16. take a seat翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
片語 ; sit down坐下;扎營 ; take a back seat處於默默無聞的地位;處於次要地位;退居二線 ; I take a seat我坐下來 ; Please take a seat做手勢 ; Just take a seat只要坐.
#17. 會議時主管要你擔任"driving seat",跟「駕駛座」無關!它的隱 ...
在會議裡聽見別人說:"I'm in the hot seat",意思是面臨困難決定、處於一種 ... Athlete safety shouldn't take a back seat in track and field.
#18. "Backseat driver" 是甚麼意思?
“Backseat” 或“Back-seat” 是「後面的座位」的意思,也就是在車子後排的座位,可是坐在後排的座位是要怎樣開車啊? 就是用張嘴,指揮司機怎樣開始囉。
#19. in the hot seat"不是指「椅子很熱」的意思 - Cheers快樂 ...
當你是接待者時,請客人找個位子坐可以說Take a seat. / Welcome, take a seat. ... 駕駛座(Driving seat)與後座(back seat)的隱含意義.
#20. take a back seat 中文- 英文词典| take a back seat 意思、解释
在中文里面,我们如何解释take a back seat这个英文词呢? take a back seat这个英文词,中文意思如下:退居二线。 Meaning of take a back seat for the defined word ...
#21. take a seat 造句_百度知道
take a seat 造句 · 1. Everything is great.Take a seat. · 2. Step back and take a seat. 请向后走一点,找个位子坐下。 · 3. Let me find a sofa and ...
#22. 360问答,总有你的答案take a seat 造句
take a seat 造句. Ladies and gentlemen, please take a seat, the show will begin soon.女士们先生们,请就坐,表演就要开始了. adidas8707 2013-02-19 查看全部1个 ...
#23. “Please sit down” 其實聽起來跟「給我坐下!」差不多刺耳
較隨意)Take a seat./Have a seat. 請坐。 ... 簡單來說,Sit是「坐」,而seat意思是「使某人坐下」。所以seat常常以被動 ... Just sit tight – I'll be right back.
#24. 擺脫讓全場尷尬的四句中式英文 - Curious - 英語島
Let me confirm it and get back to you tomorrow. Is that ok for you? ... 既然現在是夏天,就請大家照樣造句。 ... (X) Sorry, we don't have any available seat.
#25. seat 翻譯
aisle seat中文的意思,漢語查詞等服務, (辦公室)某人的專門座位,信息科學等各個 ... 2016-02-21 take a seat 翻譯成英文2008-03-10 take a backseat怎么翻譯~ 4 ...
#26. take a back seat是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全
处于默默无闻的地位:swith majors 转系| take a back seat 处于默默无闻的地位| take a break 休息一下. 2. 不得意,不重要:Tailors and writers must mind the ...
#27. 把in the hot seat 翻譯成「在熱的座位上」,留學生竟然也搞錯
我們要知道in the hot seat 其實是英語習慣表達,意思不是「坐在熱的位置上」,而是「處境艱難,承擔重任,面臨困難決定。 ... take a back seat.
#28. 關於Seats的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
Q: lie-flat seats是什麼意思 ... All passengers please take your seats and fasten your seatbelt." ... A: Rear seats and back seats are the same thing.
#29. 「您請坐」千萬別說Please sit down! 這6句學校教的英文
(o)Please have a seat. 「請坐」. “Sit down”是命令對方坐下 ... Just a moment"則有馬上回來請稍待的意思,也可以說"I'll be back in a minute." ...
#30. taking a back seat - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"taking a back seat" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#31. 【take a back seat意思】資訊整理& back seat 意思相關消息
為了迎接家裡第二個寶貝的到來,最近有很多很多的事情在忙碌,生活開支真的也越來越緊繃,不過該給小朋友的也絕對不能省,譬如說安全第一的汽車安全座椅,我們全家目前 ...
#32. 超級英文俚語全集!100組超實用英文俚語 - FluentU
然後好像”someone's been stabbed in the back 有人被從背後捅了一刀“? 到底在說什麼呀? 明明單字就聽得懂,但到底是甚麼意思呀?怎麼好像摸不著頭緒?
#33. seat什么意思?动词seat的用法你可能不知道 - 一线口语
三、seat的常用短语你应该用得上 · on the edge of your seat 异常兴奋;极为激动;有浓厚兴趣 · take a back seat 允许他人领先;甘愿居于人下;退居幕后.
#34. 用seat(及物动词) 和sit(不及物)分别造句 - 作业九九网
例句:to seat a camera 把相机装在底座上短语 1.back seat a.后座 b.次要地位 2.be seated a.坐着 b.= take a seat 3.by the seat of one's pants[俚语]凭本事;凭直觉
#35. take 造句/ 例句 - 趣词词典
趣词词典为大家提供take造句,take例句等单词或短语的双语例句的查询服务。 ... 'Take a seat,' she said crisply. “坐下。 ... Why did she take him back?
#36. Add insult to injury (Idiom) 是甚麼意思呢? - Studio Classroom
Chinese translation. Add insult to injury (Idiom). After leaving this page, need to use 1 more coin to play audio. Cancel Accept ...
#37. backpacker的用法_学习英语网
学习英语网为大家提供backpacker的例句,backpacker造句,backpacker的用法等英语单词 ... Can I put my backpack at the back seat. ... I will take my backpack, too.
#38. Google 翻譯
Google 的免費翻譯服務提供中文和其他上百種語言的互譯功能,能即時翻譯字詞、詞組和網頁內容。
#39. 解詞造句 - 華語文語料庫應用系統整合入口
解詞造句──華語文基礎詞語彙編 ... get sick. 搭配詞病了. 例句他昨天病了,所以沒來上課。 20. 不ㄅㄨˋ ... 英譯a new semester starts, back to school.
#40. 三個你都懂的字,組合在一起你卻不懂了?認識動詞片語!
Verb Meaning Example ask someone out invite on a date Brian asked Judy out to dinner an... ask around ask many people the same question I asked around but nobody has s... add up to something equal Your purchases add up to$205.32
#41. happily怎麼造句_東光縣教育
You can take a seat from the back. I often see them strolling happily arm in arm. 我經常看到他們幸福地挽臂散步。
#42. 三個你都懂的單字,組合在一起卻不懂了?一起認識Phrasal ...
Verb Meaning Example ask someone out invite on a date Brian asked Judy out to dinner an... ask around ask many people the same question I asked around but nobody has s... add up to something equal Your purchases add up to$205.32
#43. 排排坐學職場英語如何說「我掌控大局」? - 香港經濟日報
在會議裡聽見別人說:「I'm in the hot seat」,意思是面臨困難決定、 ... in the hot seat, facing angry customers who wanted her to take full ...
#44. 「出席、缺席、遲到、早退」英文怎麼說?「教室用語」英文大 ...
編輯/林以晨如果你有機會去國外念書、或是留學時,一定會需要到「教育用語」,當老師說出「Take your seats.」的時候,是什麼意思呢?
#45. 用英文句型「To one's +情緒性名詞」來表達心情
To my great relief, I was able to get a seat on the train for the long trip to Kaohsiung. 我能夠在往高雄的長途火車上弄到一個座位坐,讓我著實鬆了口氣。
#46. 生活英語1000句
I'll be back soon. 我馬上回來。 ... He can't take a joke. 他開不得玩笑。 ... Take a seat please, make yourself at home. 請坐,隨便一點。
#47. 開啟英文模式,一個人就能練出反射式造句力 - 知識家
開啟英文模式,一個人就能練出反射式造句力:隨時用英文說出一天作息,表情達意到內心OS高頻3000句練上 ... Isn't this person taking up two seats?
#48. 英文測驗題庫彙編04~107-new年 - S-link 電子六法全書
Please return to your seats and keep your seat belts fastened.答案顯示:【C】 ... What can I do to get my money back?答案顯示:【B】
#49. [雞屍牛從]成語解釋 - 詩詞大全
... 雞屍牛從成語故事,雞屍牛從的反義詞近義詞,雞屍牛從造句,雞屍牛從的意思, ... better to lead in a small position than to take a back seat under a great ...
#50. take a back seat to... - 道地學英文Learning English American ...
【釋義】沒有某事來得重要【翻譯】重要性不如【用法】如果有兩件事A與B,大家注意到的都是B,而不是A,你可以說:A takes a back seat to B.
#51. 63歲老人嫌讓座慢辱罵乘客被行拘,讓座英語怎麼說? - 今天頭條
這裡的take表示接受,take the seat意思就是接受別人讓給你的座位。同樣的,接受別人的建議 ... back seat后座empty seat空座. 63歲老人嫌讓座慢辱罵 ...
#52. 16個跟時間有關的詞彙,您知道英文怎麼說嗎?
意思:有時間。 說明:這個Time的搭配詞意味有足夠的時間做某事。 例句: I'd like to take violin lessons, ...
#53. take a seat怎么读 - 985知识网
by take a seat是什么意思中文 at 2021-12-29 06:53:44 ... 坐下就座take e a seat 就座坐下就坐take a back seat 处于次要地位让步参考资料: 1.百度翻译:take a seat ...
#54. 用topsy-turvy造句大全_快好知
5) Her books take you into a topsy-turvy world where you can be sure of nothing. ... Stoppard makes Hamlet himself take a back seat and elevates two minor ...
#55. seat什么意思-笨笨熊做题网
高中阅读理解的) seat 的意思 back seat 意思,急 seat of China意思 Do you mind my taking this seat?taking在这里什么意思taking this seat是短语?
#56. take造句带翻译 - qacc
take造句 带翻译,take是什么意思_take怎么翻译及发音_用法_同义词_反义词_,用法: 短语: take after 1. 仿效:将…作为榜样跟随2. 相象:在相貌、脾气或性格上相似take ...
#57. 每日1句輕鬆學I'll take a back seat. - 蘋果日報
古時慈禧太后垂簾聽政,表面上退居次要位置,實際上是坐「第一把交椅」,如果是居次要位置,不是當家作主的人,英文可以說:I'll take a back seat.
#58. 無題
點擊查看更多water splash的造句 A compound sentence with “splash” contains at least two ... She's now working on "Anna Delvey TV" to take back control of her ...
#59. 汽车push是什么意思
英语seat belts什么意思? ... Push your weight into the child seat as you tighten the seat belt to make ... 2、take a back seat处于次要地位.
#60. 無題
She's now working on "Anna Delvey TV" to take back control of her ... The single-engine, five-seat Piper Cherokee Six crashed into the ocean Monday.
#61. take a seat造句 - 手機王國
關于take a seat造句相關的項目:. 用驚心動魄,意趣盎然,疾如閃電,難以下咽造句? 求造句呀! - 知乎 · SEAT光芒| 希望,這裏有20個體育教育機構榜樣 ...
#62. 無題
Pantridge was widely regarded as the Dr Frank Pantridge received a BHF grant to use a portable defibrillator in an ambulance for the ...
#63. take的短语归纳大全初中 - 帮博知识网
take 短语用法完全归纳1. take back 收回,接回,退回。 ... take的短语有:take a back seat 占一不显眼的位置,谦让;take a bad picture 不上镜头, ...
#64. 初二英语句子大全700句英语句子大全100句 - 英语学习
... 英语句子初二”和“初二英语中英文写句子”和“关于初二英语的句型”和“初二英语造句” ... 33、 Get back/get something back ... 59、 Take a seat.
#65. Wordr 英汉词典, bake 中文翻譯
By bake造句子简单at 2021-12-30 01:30:10. 一分鐘英語第25期:Break The Bank ... The english we speak(BBC教學)第228期:Take a back seat 讓權.
#66. 千万不要把“Take a back seat”翻译成“坐后排”哦
例句:. We don't like him, because he is really a chatterbox. 我们都不喜欢他,因为他是个话痨。 Take a back seat ...
#67. 無題
But what you really mean is that it's too exciting, so you never get to rest. ... and to back up the natural aids (the leg, seat, hands, and voice).
#68. 無題
A sacral dimple is a small indentation (dent) in the lower back, ... Even though anyone can have dimples of Venus, women are the ones who get the most ...
#69. 「【出國必看】10 招教你挑到超棒機位」- How to Pick a Great ...
Don't get stuck in the middle seat near a bathroom on your next flight. ... If you like to sit back, avoid the last rows in any section.
take a back seat造句 在 take a back seat to... - 道地學英文Learning English American ... 的美食出口停車場
【釋義】沒有某事來得重要【翻譯】重要性不如【用法】如果有兩件事A與B,大家注意到的都是B,而不是A,你可以說:A takes a back seat to B. ... <看更多>