跑者的訓練量俗稱「跑量」,單位是「公里」,所以月跑量三百是指一個月總訓練距離300公里。在力量訓練圈的「訓練量」(Training Volume)常是「總反覆次數」 (Total Repetition)的同義詞;而「月總量」就是指一個月的總反覆次數,像我們會建議初跑者的月跑量最好不要超過100公里一樣,在做重訓時,有沒有一個區間可以讓大家參考呢?下面是《The System》的作者群建議:
從帳面上來看,750這個數字分配到一個月十二到十六次課表當中,看起來似乎很小,但我們這們所定的750這個數字比較像是「基本量」,而非下限,如果總反覆次數低於750下,就不會為運動員的成長帶來實質的影響。表 4.14 中的數值並不是意味著高水平或菁英運動員在四週內的總反覆次數永遠不會有低於1,000次情況發生,那只是維持成長的基本量。對運動員的恢復能力影響最大的是訓練量,因此這些範圍中比較需要注意的是上限的數值。若月總量超過上限值,恢復能力將快速到受到侵害,而且侵害的速度比任何其他因素都快。
The absolute floor of volume for a novice athlete is 750 total exercise repetitions per month, and the ceiling for the elite athlete is 1,600 total reps. During our time in the former Soviet Republics, we witnessed athletes performing even higher monthly training volumes. However, as we found later, that was often with the benefit of performance-enhancing substances that allowed for more rapid recovery.
In a single cycle, the total number of repetitions pertains to all exercises performed in the key movements. This means 750 total repetitions are spread between the different exercises among the range of training intensities we want to emphasize.
On the surface, these can seem like small numbers when we consider they may be spread out over 12 to 16 training sessions. That 750-rep total is really more like the basement rather than the floor of total volume—any less than 750 will not budge the needle on gains. That does not mean advanced or elite-level athletes will not have cycles that dip below 1,000 reps. These ranges should be more prescriptive of the ceiling of higher volumes to avoid exceeding. Pushing monthly volume beyond these ranges erodes recovery more rapidly than any other factor.
An elite-level athlete can use a month with a total volume of under 1,000 reps, as will often be the case when returning to training. However, a novice athlete can rarely exceed the 1,000-rep ceiling without risking an injury or a significant overtraining effect.
Many coaches worry their athletes will not do enough work to promote gains in strength and power. They do not want to “waste” a month by aiming too low on total volume and leaving some gains in the tank. That is a natural feeling when adopting this method, and each of us went through the same mental struggle.
Strength coaches in America are not hard-wired to accept less than maximum. However, trust us when we say that without fail, these ranges have proven to be the most effective in generating progress with almost no risk of overtraining.
Fine-tuning where your athletes fall in a volume range takes skill, experience, and consideration of their medical and training history, biological and training age, and gender.
The bloody trail of our mistakes can save you a lot of added stress: When in doubt, it is always better to err on the side of less volume than too much.
The total volume number does not include accessory work or exercises of “local effect.” Those exercises are more targeted muscle strengthening or exercises to support the main movements.
We are mainly concerned about the most physically taxing exercises that demand more of an athlete’s attention to technique—hence, the volume restrictions.
Although the accessory work is not included in the volume calculations, you still cannot go wild, adding as much as you want. Always remember this: efficiency first.
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,140的網紅寶博士,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【來賓:鄭國威 泛科知識公司知識長及共同創辦人】錄音時間2020.06.24 🔆 @PanSci 泛科學:https://pansci.asia/ | https://fb.com/PanSci/ 🔆 鄭龜煮碗麵 https://www.facebook.com/noodleswithturtle...
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「 Clover 」值得一試的特色在於它有一個稱為「 Surface 」的特殊版面設計,在這個結合了白板、繪圖、影音圖像、待辦清單、筆記草稿的「畫布」上,可以讓我們用更自由的方式「創意重組」內容。
從「 Clover 」的開場白提到:「where creativity meets productivity.」這款工具的核心在於提供需要創意內容重組的工作者,一個不再只是流水帳、表格、文件的筆記面板,而是可以更靈活的組織我們需要的內容。
但是「 Clover 」也不是單純的繪圖白板或筆記工具,他的目的是要完成「創意思考的任務」,既然是任務,就會有需要執行的待辦清單,需要完成的任務日期。所以「 Clover 」提供了一個「快速從各個分散的筆記頁面,統整出每日待辦清單」的功能。
surface意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
[商業寫作技巧] Jeff Bezos Final Shareholder Letter as Amazon CEO
上禮拜4月 15 日,亞馬遜創辦人 Jeff Bezos 發表了他 CEO 任內最後一封致股東的信。 歷年來亞馬遜的 shareholder letters 都廣受好評,甚至被許多專家封為美國最會寫股東信的企業之一。
1. 回顧:1997到今天,一路走來的成就
2. 價值:計算亞馬遜對社會各方創造的價值
3. 員工:亞馬遜其實對員工不錯,而且承諾未來會更好
4. 環境:亞馬遜對環境永續做的貢獻
5. 結語:世界要我們平凡,但我們要堅持獨特
🎯 針對「亞馬遜對世界是好是壞?」:貝佐斯列出公司對社會各界— 使用者、新創公司、小商家等等 — 所做出的貢獻。
🎯 針對「亞馬遜如何對待員工」:貝佐斯列舉證據,表示亞馬遜其實對員工不錯,但又反過來說:我們未來一定會做的更好!
✍️ I. Make it simple & focused
What are the top things your audience is thinking about? Focus on that. Don’t add a lot of other complicated stuff. Simplify and focus.
寫英文 — 尤其商業英文 — 最重要的就是簡潔、明瞭、聚焦。
If you want to be successful in business (in life, actually), you have to create more than you consume. Your goal should be to create value for everyone you interact with. Any business that doesn’t create value for those it touches, even if it appears successful on the surface, isn’t long for this world. It’s on the way out.
沒有什麼很艱澀,高學歷的人才會用的字。大部分都只有一個音節而已。可能只有 “isn't long for this world” 有些人會需要查 (就是不會活很久的意思)。
✍️ II. But… Be Conversational
但你有沒有注意到,內容有一點點重複?那一段的最後兩句:“isn’t long for this world” 跟 “It's on the way out” 根本是完全一樣的內容啊!這根本就跟英文寫作老師教我們的原則 — 可以刪的字就刪掉 — 相反對不對?
沒錯。因為這封信的語氣 (並非所有商業寫作),就像是聊天一樣。我們在聊天的時候,是否會為了強調一個重點,用稍微不同的方式,重複同一件事?
•She is the corporate group’s top-ranked sales representative
•She’s by far our best sales rep, just insanely good. Like, nobody else comes close.
✍️ III. Make it about PEOPLE
當然,除了語氣之外,還有另一個層面非常重要 — 就是說「人」的故事。
貝佐斯在這封信放了非常,非常,非常多的數字:亞馬遜雇用130萬人、超過二億人使用 Prime 服務、近兩萬商家使用平台銷售、亞馬遜為股東創造出1.6兆美元的財富,等等等等的…
...more than 7/8ths of the shares, representing $1.4 trillion of wealth creation, are owned by others. Who are they? They’re pension funds, universities, and 401(k)s, and they’re Mary and Larry, who sent me this note out of the blue just as I was sitting down to write this shareholder letter:
貝佐斯把焦點帶到一個散戶小股東家庭身上,並且用他們寫給他的一封信,來強調亞馬遜對「普羅大眾」的貢獻。這個很值得大家效法:別只是一味的丟出數據 (理性),也要不時的回到「人」的故事 (感性),才能打動別人。
There are many ways to improve your life: eating better, sleeping more, worrying less, and saying NO.
然後轉換主題:說一個有關 saying no 的故事。
💡還需要貝佐斯(或是他的寫手)更高段的一些寫作技巧嗎? 需要的同學請按個讚和留言「It’s all about PEOPLE.」。
完整信件: https://bit.ly/3v9P1a9
surface意思 在 寶博士 Youtube 的最佳解答
【來賓:鄭國威 泛科知識公司知識長及共同創辦人】錄音時間2020.06.24
🔆 @PanSci 泛科學:https://pansci.asia/ | https://fb.com/PanSci/
🔆 鄭龜煮碗麵 https://www.facebook.com/noodleswithturtle/
📍西伯利亞「北極38度C」的最熱紀錄 https://global.udn.com/global_vision/story/8662/4652482
📍中國9月啟動「尋找外星人」計畫-天眼 https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/3184232
📍內田有紀 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/內田有紀
📍《多啦 A 夢 大雄的宇宙開拓史》解釋蟲洞 https://unwire.hk/2014/12/05/interstellar-and-doraemon/movie-2/
📍遊戲《質量效應系列 (Mass Effect)》 https://store.steampowered.com/app/17460/Mass_Effect/
📍人類史上首張黑洞照片 https://pansci.asia/archives/159420
📍《蘭船東去》作者: 張焜傑 https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010820027
📍改造猴子大腦變大 https://www.thenewslens.com/article/117160
📍鄂霍次克海 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/鄂霍次克海
📍戴森球(英語:Dyson Sphere) https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/戴森球
📍大型強子對撞機(Large Hadron Collider,縮寫:LHC) https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/大型強子對撞機
📍美國防部公開 3 段影片,首次正面承認曾遭遇「不明飛行物」 http://technews.tw/2020/04/28/us-navy-declassifies-3-ufo-videos/
📍川普:我知道一些非常有趣的事 https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/3202977
📍NASA「阿提米絲」計劃 https://technews.tw/2020/04/07/nasa-outlines-lunar-surface-sustainability-conceptnasa/
📍胡一天 專欄 https://www.storm.mg/authors/20144
📍Starlink 申請測試網站 https://www.starlink.com/
📍 The Boring Company https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boring_Company
📍 地底隧道(Convention Center Loop) https://technews.tw/2020/06/16/the-boring-company-projects-in-las-vegas/
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Instagram▶️ https://reurl.cc/XX6Z3j
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🎵片頭:Music from https://icons8.com/music/author/savvier Fame Inc by SAVVIER
🎵片尾:Music from https://icons8.com/music/author/NORDGROOVE
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主持:北科大互動設計系 專任助理教授 葛如鈞/寶博士
感謝:北科大創新思考與區塊鏈應用社群計畫補助|北科大互動設計系 https://ixd.ntut.edu.tw |北科大創新創業情報站 https://fb.com/ntuticorner by NORDGROOVE
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主持:北科大互動設計系 專任助理教授 葛如鈞/寶博士
感謝:北科大創新思考與區塊鏈應用社群計畫補助|北科大互動設計系 https://ixd.ntut.edu.tw |北科大創新創業情報站 https://fb.com/ntuticorner
surface意思 在 大牌黨 Big Party Youtube 的最佳貼文
##Ruby盧春如 #九官鳥家族很投入 #上班不要看
Lady Gaga女神卡卡主演電影一個巨星的誕生最經典主題曲Shallow中出現一個單字hardcore,你知道這個單字是什麼意思嗎?別再說you are so fashion!Ruby老師建議用哪個字呢?你期待的Ruby’s English Class盧英文回來了!最療癒、幽默、瘋狂的Ruby盧春如的盧氏英文教學,和最有台灣味的九官鳥家族同學,一起從KTV必點熱門流行英文歌曲教唱中輕鬆學英文
💌合作邀約💌 bigpartychannel@gmail.com
❤️女神卡卡Lady Gaga和布萊德利庫柏Bradley Cooper主演電影「一個巨星的誕生A Star Is Born」中很重要的一首歌,獲金球獎、奧斯卡金像獎最佳原創歌曲、葛萊美獎最佳影視媒體作品歌曲&最佳流行團體/組合等大獎,Lady Gaga授獎時曾說「如果你看到有人受傷,不要置之不理;如果你受傷了,即便這麼做很難,但也請你挖掘內心深處的勇氣,並勇敢向外求助。」
I’m off the deep end, watch as I dive in
I'll never meet the ground
Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us
We're far from the shallow now
In the shallow, shallow
In the shallow, shallow
In the shallow, shallow
We're far from the shallow now
#盧英文 Ruby's English Class
#Ruby盧春如 #九官鳥家族 和你一起學英文歌
#StayHome and learn #跟我一起 #宅在家 #哈哈哈哈
surface意思 在 Aotter Girls: Girl's Tech Talk Youtube 的最佳貼文
這禮拜不只微軟出了一堆新產品,果粉期待已久的Deep Fusion也即將實裝囉!
本集小電報由 S10+前鏡頭 拍攝
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surface意思 在 高速公路速度區分 - Mobile01 的美食出口停車場
我上班飆,百二百三以上但下班龜,外線七十確實不斷會有大車迫近,但頂多閃大燈意思意思,鮮少被叭過反而是學長們絕大數就轉中線去逼中線龜車了 ... <看更多>
surface意思 在 Chun-Teh Lee - 請問: 植體表面所謂turned surface 跟machine ... 的美食出口停車場
請問: 植體表面所謂turned surface 跟machine surface 是一樣的東西嗎? ... <看更多>