Green Curry Clams by Jimmy’s Table
I love this dish because it’s so simple to make and goes well with rice. There are a few variations for making this, but I wanted to share with you my version of green curry clams.
Ingredients 食材:
Soup 湯汁:
1 can of Coconut milk (椰⼦奶)
1 can of Green curry paste (綠咖喱醬)
1 cup of Chicken stock (雞湯)
1 tablespoon fish sauce (⿂露)
1 cup garlic (切片⼤蒜) - sliced
1 tablespoon sugar (糖)
1 Large “non-spicy” red chili - (⼤紅辣椒-非辣)
1 Spicy Red Chilis (⼩辣椒) - sliced and used if you want it spicy(若是你想吃辣的⼝味可以加入)
Fresh Herbs Ingredients 新鮮香草:
2 cups Kaffir Lime Leaves (卡菲爾⽯灰葉) - if you can’t find kaffir lime leaves, you can use lime zest or lime juice. (可以⽤青檸檬⽪或者青檸檬汁來代替)
1 cup Cilantro (香菜) - leaves only
1 cup Basil (九層塔) - leaves only
Main Food 主食:
1 kg of Clams - be sure to soak them in cold, salt water for 30 minutes to get rid of the sand from the clams (1公⽄蛤蠣) *記住蛤蜊需要預先泡鹽⽔30分鐘來吐沙
Step 1
Prepare sliced large “non-spicy” chilies and sliced garlic to be added into the curry later. 步驟 1 將不辣的辣椒切成薄長片,蒜頭也切成薄片,備⽤。
Step 2
Heat up a pot and add in 1/2 can of coconut milk to heat up until the coconut milk starts to reduce and turn a bit into coconut oil mixed with coconut milk. This takes about 5-10 minutes. 步驟 2 將鍋⼦加熱後,放入1/2罐的椰奶,持續加熱⾄椰漿 收汁並且呈現椰⼦油跟椰奶的狀態,⼤約需要煮個 5-10分鐘左右。
Step 3
Add in 2 spoonfuls of green curry paste and stir in, and then add in 1/2 cup of chicken stock to dilute the curry and make it more soupy. You can use the chicken stock saved from the pomelo chicken salad dish, or if you don’t want to make chicken stock, you can buy pre-made stock from any grocery store. 步驟 3 在鍋中加入2湯匙的綠咖哩醬攪拌均勻,接著再加入 1/2杯的雞⾁⾼湯(湯⽔)來稀釋湯汁。(你可以使 ⽤先前煮雞胸⾁所使⽤的湯⽔加入或是購買雞⾼湯來 加入)
Step 4
Stir in garlic slices. 步驟 4 加入⼤蒜片後攪拌。
Step 5
Add in 1 tablespoon of fish sauce for extra flavor. 步驟 5 加入⼀湯鑰匙⿂露醬汁,可以增添鹹的風味。
Step 6
Stir in large “non-spicy” chilies. If you like it spicy, you can add in a few slices of spicy chili peppers. 步驟 6 將不辣的辣椒片放入鍋中,如果想做辣的綠咖哩蛤蠣 ,可以切⼀些會辣的⼩辣椒加入。
Step 7
Add in 1/2 cup of the coconut milk and taste. If it needs more curry flavor, add more curry paste in. If it needs to be more salty, add in more fish sauce. Also, if you like your curry a little sweeter, you can add in a tablespoon of sugar at this time. 步驟7 將剩餘1/2罐的椰奶加入鍋中,若是想要咖哩味道重 ⼀些,可以再依喜好⾃⾏調整加入咖哩醬,若是想 要鹹⼀些,可以加⿂露。若是想要有甜的風味,可 以在此步驟加入⼀湯匙的砂糖。
Step 8
Add in the clams as they cook very fast. 步驟 8 蛤蠣因為很快就會熟了,所以現在才適合加入鍋中。
Step 9
When the clams start to open up, add in kaffir lime leaves, cilantro and basil. These herbs turn brown if you cook them too long, so they are added towards the end. 步驟9 當蛤蠣開始開⼝熟的時候,在鍋中加入卡菲爾⽯灰葉、 香菜以及九層塔。香草容易變黃,不能煮太久,所以都 是在要起鍋之前才加入喔!
Step 10
Stir for 1 minute and serve directly out of the pot! 步驟10 再稍微煮⼀下就可以起鍋摟!
Edited by Apple