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造句 與例句 手機版 · And the tempo of the sea speeded up . · We will be able to speed up that day . · They have speeded up production of the new car . · The train ...
#2. speed up - 詞典釋義與在線翻譯 - 海词词典
例句 · Harden up a little, we need more speed. 把帆索拉緊一點,我們需要加快速度。 · As we came onto the open road we gathered speed. 到達大路后,我們逐漸加快速度 ...
怎麼使用希平方片語? Seriously, speed it up. I'm kind of in a hurry.
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speed up 美英na.加快(机器等的)速度;使加紧做网络加速;加快速度;速达国际货运代理有限公司第三人称单数:speeds up现在分词:speeding up过去式:sped up过去式:speeded ...
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使用Reverso Context: up to speed, speed up the process, in order to speed up, up speed, speed up the implementation,在英语-中文情境中翻译"speed up"
Form a car speeding down the road. Speed up the image infinitely, then the car disappears. 假设一辆车在马路上奔驰,再把速度无限提高,车子就会消失。
speed up 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:加速;使加速。英漢詞典提供【speed up】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
How can I speedup data transfer from memory to CPU? 我如何能加速数据传输到 ...
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But students shouldn't speed up too much — because participants who watched the videos at two-and-a-half times the normal speed had lower test results.
#12. 用speed up造句- 高德地图
#13. 關於Accelerate的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
Q: accelerate是什麼意思. A: go faster, speed up. 查看更多回答. Q: accelerates 是什麼意思. A: It means to get faster, to gain in speed. I hope that helps :).
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Please get me up to speed. 這個片語的意思是:please updated me on what's going on. 當你的老闆想知道一個專案目前的進度時, ...
#16. Up to speed 了解最新情況- BBC 英伦网
短語up to speed 意思是了解事情發展的最新情況, 它也可以指一個人能夠勝任某事。 例句. Is Fran up to speed with the project yet? If not, can you ...
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speed 造句 / 例句 ; 1. The car was gathering speed. 汽车逐渐加速。 ; 2. Speed had always exhilarated him. 速度总是使他感到兴奋。 ; 3. Speed is key at this point. 在 ...
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The acceleration and deceleration lets you see where you speed up and ... 發音: 用"speed off"造句"speed off" in a sentence"speed off"怎麼讀.
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单词SPEED 例句大全,用单词SPEED造句: So go running or take up kickboxing or swimming orspeedwalking. 那就去跑跑步啊, 学学跆拳道啊, 游游泳啊, 快速跑啊。
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#22. 外商愛用的77個字》請注意他們的速度感 - 今周刊
Accelerate 加速;促進. We came up with a plan to accelerate progress. 我們擬定了一個加速進度的方案。 Let's focus on accelerating revenue ...
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It's difficult to findspeed up preparationin a sentence. 用speed up preparation造句挺难的Athens organizers have been pushing the government tospeed up ...
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hotting. /hɔtɪŋ/. speaker. v. hot up 激烈起來,更加活躍( hot的現在分詞) ... The speed of change is hotting up all over the world. 全世界變化的速度正在加快.
#26. pick up 的造句-六车网 - 词语造句
1、I& 39;ll pick you up我来接你。2、I pick up my gla. ... 的速度;(发动机)增速:例句: We picked up speed as we went downhill.
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He was had up for exceeding the speed limit . 他因超速行驶而遭控告。 He summed up his assets and liabilities . 他算出他的资产和负债总数。
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如果有人跟你說現在狀況”up in the air“,就是指目前狀況不明、不確定,塵埃未定的意思。 “Jen, have you set a date for the wedding yet?” “Not exactly ...
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With the aging population, we have to speed up our progress, as well as to expand the. [...] existing programme to retrofit barrier-free.
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加快、促進...."的意思,例如使汽車加速英文是accelerate the car、突然加速英文是suddenly accelerate,另外一種常見的加速英文說法是speed up(聽發音 ...
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英文翻译be overdue 重点词汇逾期───be overdue 使用场景We must speed up delivery of those goods ... 【造句】:「逾期作废」【近义词】:过期引证解释◎亦作“逾。
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14、I anxiously packed my things up while waiting topick upmy children. 15、The train stopped topick uppassengers then it picked up speed.
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speed -up”的中文翻译词典解释美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 名词n. 1. 增加生产2. 增加速度. ... speedup version(speed) “办理驾驶证公证,在国外换证就方便了。
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For quite a while, we have no longer walked through our lives – we run and rush and speed up in order to make everything happen on time. We have fast food, ...
#38. speed up是什么意思,speed up翻译为:(使)加速;开快车 - 树脂井盖
speed up 基本解释(使)加速;开快车;加紧;增速网络释义1. 使加速2. 加快速度3. 升速4. 使加速,增加速度5. 催促6. 紧着speed up的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就.
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Expedited為形容詞,expedite則是動詞,解釋為「快速處理」,等同於speed up。 例句:. With an additional fee, we can expedite the delivery of ...
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#41. Problems with the Project Designs II. (專案設計圖出問題(2))
and I hope you can speed up the application process for us. (達倫:我明白了。這真是始料未及。 謝謝你幫忙這件事,史奈德先生, ... 照樣造句→. ex:Thank you.
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單字中的字首meta- 有「自身的,同類的」的意思。 16:8 Intermittent fasting can speed up your metabolism. 168 斷食法可以加速你的新陳代謝。
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This is because the speed of modern technology forces us to speed up our ... 我们在使用encourage造句的时候,我们会写encourage sb to do sth;当使用end up造句 ...
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look up造句并翻译 ... 一、to give up放弃;to put up张贴;to dress up装扮;to get up起床.根据“as Santa Claus”可知,此处是装扮成圣诞老人.it's fun to do ...
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KK[ˋspid͵ʌp]; DJ[ˋspi:dʌp]. 美式. n. 增加生產;增加速度. Dr.eye 譯典通 · speed up · 查看更多. 美式. ph. (使)加快速度. Dr.eye 譯典通 · speed up.
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(2) Two boys helped (15) Please speed up if you don't want to lag behind. 常见的含“up”的片语动词(phrasal verbs)还有: bring up(抚养长大), ...
#52. Catch up 中文 - Ecoturismolapancha
2 天前 — 更多例句: 1 2 3 4 5 用"catch up"造句英文解释Catch Up 更新日期: ... "to catch up" (intransitive) means "to [arrive at]/ [match the speed and ...
#53. look up是什么意思_用look up造句并翻译 - 墨客
好转:pick up 拾起;重拾(话题(开车)去接;偶然学得;得(病恢复(健康等收听,加快(speed),好转(look up) 3. look up的翻译3. 查询:因此10进位数的美元、美分及消费税的计算 ...
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柯林斯高阶英语词典30 years ago, scientists came up with the theory that protons and neutrons are composed of three smaller particles. 30年前, ...
#55. 用“Look up”造句有哪些?_look up造句简单带翻译 - 努努书库
好转:pick up 拾起;重拾(话题(开车)去接;偶然学得;得(病恢复(健康等收听,加快(speed),好转(look up) 3. look up的翻译3. 查询:因此10进位数的美元、美分及消费税的计算 ...
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pick up造句. 15、The train stopped topick uppassengers then it picked up speed. 16、Has strict rules within the gang, all the "little brother" ...
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好转:pick up 拾起;重拾(话题(开车)去接;偶然学得;得(病恢复(健康等收听,加快(speed),好转(look up) 3. look up的翻译3. 查询:因此10进位数的美元、美分及消费税的计算 ...
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But it's all mixed up together in a homogeneous, macroscopic fashion. Dad: home, your daddy? They can work, even you couldn't afford, I white ...
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2.maintain or continue the same speed or level;not fall behind继续;保持某一速度和某一水平;不落后*If we can keep up this speed,we should ...
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speed up. Example sentences from the Collins Corpus. 这些示例已被自动选择并可能包含敏感内容。 We welcome feedback: report ...
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