So due to music problems my last video can't be played on certain devices and countries, hence the reupload :/
Hellllo YouTube ?
So the weather in Hong Kong is pretty crappy today, with typhoon warning signals T8 going on for most of the day, meaning my gym and yoga studio is closed ? So I thought I'd use this time to quickly film my core workout and plank routine that I usually do at the gym.
?? Core Workout
- 15 Leg Raises
- 15 Reverse Crunch w/ Leg Raises
- 20 Flutter Kicks
- 40 Bicycle Crunches
- 15 Knee crunches
- 15 Right Cross Body Crunch
- 15 Left Cross Body Crunch
Repeat 3 Times
?? 6 Minute Plank Workout
1 min Front Plank
1 min Front w/ Leg Raises
30 sec Left Side Plank Dips
30 sec Left Side Plank Hold
30 sec Right Side Plank Dips
30 sec Right Side Plank Hold
1 min Front Plank
1 min Plank Hip Dips
E N J O Y ??
gogreengolean ?
➤ INSTAGRAM: GoGreenGoLean
➤ SNAPCHAT: Susana_tsang