(Eng Sub)Vlog #1 | Life in Shanghai | 酪梨培根吐司, grwm, 永康路咖啡
搬來 #上海 將近一年的時間, 居住在 #上海徐匯區 , 這裡是我最喜歡的上海生活區域, 希望能在這裡與你們分享忙碌生活中的平淡小幸福, 今天的 #vlog 記錄了我的週末日常, 難得的週末可以自己煮早餐, 很珍惜週末能坐在桌前吃自己煮的早餐時光, 今天沒有太多行程, 白天可以慵懶的在家做做自己喜歡的事, 然後去喜歡的咖啡店跟朋友聚聚, 喜歡這樣的放鬆行程
I am Mrs. Raven, I moved to Shanghai with my husband about one year ago. Being a wife, a healthy work-life is my top priority now, and I'd loved to share my leisure moment and how I maintain my little happiness with you. Hope you enjoy the film and if you have any secret of your life, please also share with me!
A simple weekend in my daily life, having homemade brunch in weekend is one of my favorite moment in life. Hope you are all having quality time with beloved friends and families :)
#lifeinshanghai #vlog #couplelife #shanghai #avocado toast #anyasmells #candle lover #bacon
#lifestyle #homemadebrunch #couplevlog #grwm #mrsraven #vlogger #上海 #上海生活 #早餐 #夫妻生活 #早午餐