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#川普 #波頓 #白宮
00:00 前導
01:36 美國「國安顧問」有多大?
02:41 當川普遇上波頓
04:49 反目成仇
06:22 出書爆料
08:20 川普的反擊
08:54 我們的觀點
09:59 提問
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→ From Bolton to Mattis, Trump Faces Aides Turned Adversaries:https://bloom.bg/3iBIIWN
→ 22 new books that reveal the inner workings of the Trump administration:https://bit.ly/2DJ4VmW
→ ‘Disgruntled boring fool’: Trump lashes out at former aide John Bolton over details in tell-all book:https://bit.ly/2XOJK9F
→ Trump lashes out against John Bolton in response to damning allegations in tell-all memoir, which the president says is 'made up of lies and fake stories:https://bit.ly/2CimIk3
→ John Bolton’s ‘The Room Where It Happened’ Sells Over 780,000 Copies in First Week:https://bit.ly/33O8a7e
→ John Bolton’s bombshell Trump book: eight of its most stunning claims:https://bit.ly/31KWmQq
→ John Bolton: Ten biggest claims in his Donald Trump book:https://bbc.in/33Sp054
→ Trump Once Asked If Finland Is Part Of Russia, Bolton Book Says:https://bit.ly/3fSry5g
→ White House attempt to block publication of Bolton book fails:https://on.ft.com/2DYgHd2
→ Donald Trump unable to differentiate between private affairs and nation’s interests' :https://bit.ly/3ahVyqj
→ How incompetent is Donald Trump? Interview with John Bolton | Conflict Zone:https://bit.ly/31DOgZU
→ 伊朗擊落美軍無人機》紐時:川普下令空襲報復,機艦全就位卻臨時喊卡!:https://bit.ly/31FUVD2
→ 阿富汗和談破局 揭美國務卿與國安顧問鬥法:https://bit.ly/30QpFlz
→ 川普撤換國安顧問波頓 紐時:爭論政策是導火線:https://bit.ly/3fQgsO6
→ 討好政治「強人」?波頓爆料:川普傾心習近平、普亭:https://bit.ly/33MV1eF
→ 波頓新書曝:習親自求川普放了中興、華為一馬:https://bit.ly/3fKnmEB
→ 座標圖:https://bit.ly/31MBB7b
→ 法官對DoJ申請書及出版禁制令的判決:https://bit.ly/2PMrSb8
【 延伸閱讀 】
→ 誤讀尼泊爾為nipple!川普外交內幕曝光 超愛致電給馬克宏閒聊:https://bit.ly/2DI20e4
→ 波頓新書《事發之室:白宮回憶錄》導讀:川普為何對台灣如此不在乎?:https://bit.ly/33RbjDm
→ 他是外交鷹派、也是親台派:美國國安顧問波頓下台,將如何影響美外交政策?:https://bit.ly/2DZYGuw
→ 波頓新書雖是充滿主觀恨意的報仇之作,但也撕去了川普的國王新衣:https://bit.ly/3fPQrif