Knock, knock ! Who's there ? joke-敲敲敲(扣扣)笑話(雙關語),你知道幾個?趕快學起來拉近與大小朋友間距離~(中文字幕有解答). ... <看更多>
Knock, knock ! Who's there ? joke-敲敲敲(扣扣)笑話(雙關語),你知道幾個?趕快學起來拉近與大小朋友間距離~(中文字幕有解答). ... <看更多>
Kent Who? (問是哪個Kent? 姓氏為何?) Kent you lend me some books? (同音笑話梗Kent=Can). 舉例: Knock, Knock, Who's There ... ... <看更多>
Knock Knock Who's there ! Thermos ! Thermos who ? Thermos be some way to tickle your funny bone! 這是美國人的笑話我搞不懂thermos在這裡被聯想 ... ... <看更多>
在knock knock who's there意思這個討論中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者sunnyjong31也提到媒體名稱:newsen 新聞 ... ... <看更多>
在knock knock who's there意思這個討論中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者sunnyjong31也提到媒體名稱:newsen 新聞 ... ... <看更多>
#1. 總是聽不懂美式笑話?英文笑話的笑點在哪裡? - LINE TODAY
常用雙關語的笑話有dad jokes(冷笑話)與knock-knock jokes(敲門笑話)。 ... 當我們在某人的名字後加上who 時,有詢問對方姓氏的意思。
#2. Knock Knock. Who's there? @ 孔雀開屏,在榕樹下... - 隨意窩
請完成這個對話: Knock Knock. Who's there? Aaron. Aaron who?這是讀者文摘出給讀者的題目,這倒底是什麼意思? 這要了解一點背景。
#3. 美國人最常說的13種英文笑話:EZ TALK 總編嚴選特刊(1書 ...
Knock -knock Jokes 敲敲門笑話 ... When you hear “Knock, knock,” the only correct response is “Who's there?” Yes, “Knock, knock” is the sound ...
#4. Knock-Knock 笑話 - 樂透移民記錄- 痞客邦
Who's there ? Doctor. Doctor Who? You just said it! (2) Knock Knock! Who's ...
#5. Knock, knock! Who's there? joke-敲敲敲(扣扣)笑話(雙關語)
Knock, knock ! Who's there ? joke-敲敲敲(扣扣)笑話(雙關語),你知道幾個?趕快學起來拉近與大小朋友間距離~(中文字幕有解答).
#6. "knock-knock jokes"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)(英文)的 ...
knock -knock jokes的意思It is a type of joke. Example: "person 1: knock knock! person 2: who's there? person 1: boo person 2: boo who? person ...
#7. 【週日放輕鬆】敲敲門笑話Knock Knock Jokes... - 禮筑外文 ...
Kent Who? (問是哪個Kent? 姓氏為何?) Kent you lend me some books? (同音笑話梗Kent=Can). 舉例: Knock, Knock, Who's There ...
#8. knock knock joke 的笑点在哪里? - 知乎
Doughnut (Don't know) by now! You better ask somebody! Knock, knock! Who's there? Pipe. Pipe who? Pipe down and be quiet! (pipe down 就是be quiet 的意思).
#9. knock knock joke 什么意思 - 百度知道
也就是说,这两句话更像是为了要讲笑话营造气氛的时候而抛出的一个开头。 举个例子:. -Knock, knock! -Who's there? -Ice cream. -Ice cream who?
#10. 敲門笑話 | knock knock who's there意思 - 訂房優惠
knock knock who's there意思 ,大家都在找解答。套路[編輯]. 一個標準的敲門笑話有五句:. 甲:Knock, knock!(敲門,咚咚咚!) 乙:Who's there?(是誰?) 甲:x.
#11. knock-knock jokes - 三位一体面试,aeas考试
意思 是“我对你的名字没印象!”)主动者于是利用谐音来一句点睛的回答,完成整个笑话。比如:. A: Knock knock! (A:敲门敲门!) B: Who's there? (B:谁啊?).
#12. 美國人的笑話.. | knock knock who's there意思 - 旅遊日本住宿評價
knock knock who's there意思 ,大家都在找解答。... who's there ? Banana .. Banana who ? knok ,knok .. who's there ? ..... ( 沒完沒瞭= = ) 請問.
#13. 定义Knock knock - Gymglish
-Knock Knock! -Who's there? -Ken. -Ken who? -Ken I come in? It's freezing out here!-咚咚!-是谁?-肯.-谁? -肯(Ken与can谐音)可以进来吗?外面太冷了!
#14. Knock Knock - 人間福報
〈Knock knock〉是澳洲「創作精靈」Lenka(蘭卡)的作品,她的歌以曲調輕快俏皮、 ... 聽到「Knock knock」,就該問「who's there? ... 「Merry」「Merry who?
#15. Knock Knock Knock-歌詞- 吳映潔GEmma Wu - KKBOX
Knock Knock Knock -歌詞- Who's there? (Na Na Na Na ) If you really want to know just Knock Knock Knock Who's there? (Na Na Na Na) If you really.
#16. Knock Knock Knock的歌詞– 吳映潔GEmma Wu - MyMusic
Who's there ? Who's knocking 我的Lonely heart 在我睡前傳張貼圖意味不明 熬夜猜不透是在裝忙還是害羞 浪漫 ...
#17. 請問Knock Knock jokes - 翻譯: 這個的中文怎麼說? - 英語討論區-
Dwayne the bathtub, I'm dwowning! ... Who's there? Norma Lee. Norma Lee who? Norma Lee I don't go around telling so many knock-knock jokes!
#18. knock knock jokes 中文 - 查查詞典
The structure of a knock-knock joke is as follows: Person 1: Knock-knock. Person 2: Who's there? Person 1: (Phrase A).
#19. 美國人最常說的13種英文笑話: EZ Talk總編嚴選特刊(附MP3)
Although the inspiration for the knock-knock joke can be traced back to Shakespeare—Macbeth includes the line, “Knock, knock. Who's there i' the name of ...
#20. knock knock 笑話,I've got nothing to lose 中文,沒什麼可損失 ...
也是鼓勵輸的人,勝敗乃兵家常事,有這樣的意思。 下面是很冷的笑話,不懂的話也沒關係。 6. A: Knock knock. 敲敲門。 B: Who's there? 是誰?
#21. knock knock-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context
使用Reverso Context: knock, knock out, knock down, knock off, knock it off,在英语-中文情境中翻译"knock ... 在中文中翻译"knock knock" ... Who's there?
#22. knock中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
knock verb (MAKE NOISE) ... She knocked on the window to attract his attention. 她敲窗想引起他的注意。 There's someone knocking on/at the door. 有人在敲門。
#23. knock knock joke 的笑點在哪裡? - GetIt01
Lynn.- Lynn Who?- Yep.有很多人編knock knock 的諧音笑話:Knock, knock!... ... Knock, knock! Whos there? ... (pipe down 就是be quiet 的意思) ...
#24. 歡迎來到italki!
how to understand this knock knock joke? Knock, Knock. Who's there? Willie. Willie who? Willie ever open the door and let me in? ______ Willie = ”will you" ...
#25. 我听不懂的美式笑话之-Knock, knock who's there - 哔哩哔哩
超烂英文谐音梗冷笑话! 39.3万 295 ; 【Dad Jokes 】英语谐音冷笑话/没品笑话. 19.8万 139 ; [自制双语]美式单口,吉米欧阳12分钟超长版:奇怪. 3.1万 11 ; (中文字幕) Knock ...
#26. Laugh-Out-Loud: The Big Book of Knock-Knock Jokes (Laugh ...
Who's there ? Annie. Annie who? Annie friend of yours is a friend of mine! With The Big Book of Knock-Knock ...
#27. 叩叩叩,是誰呀?( Knock knock Who's There?) - 兒童文化館
叩叩叩,是誰呀?( Knock knock Who's There?) 出版社: 小魯文化; 出版日期: 2015/06/01; 作者: 莎莉.葛林德列(Sally Grindley); 繪者: 安東尼.
#28. 101+ Knock Knock Jokes - PChome 24h書店
Knock knock ! Who's there? Juno! Juno who? Juno how long I've been waiting out here? Knock knock! Who's there ...
#29. 电影里,美国人常说的knock,knock笑话是怎么回事 - 喜马拉雅
A:Knock, knock!(敲门,咚咚咚!) B:Who's there?(是谁?) A:X.(X可以是一个物件或者是人名 ...
#30. Knock Knock! Funny Knock Knock Jokes for Kids 電子書
This book is especially great for traveling, waiting rooms, and reading aloud at home. Jokes from this funny book... Knock knock! Who's there?
#31. knock knock是什么梗 - 搜狗搜索
是一个名为knock knock joke(敲门玩笑)的英文互动的小游戏,通常需要两人配合表演,其 ... Who's there?- ... knock knock是什么梗(knock什么意思) - 金芒果软件网.
#32. [DVD] - 有客到Knock Knock Who s There | Yahoo奇摩拍賣
[DVD] - 有客到Knock Knock Who s There | ... 有客到Knock Knock Who's There [ DVD ]. 音效: 廣東話、國語Dolby Digital 5.1. 字幕: 英/ 繁體中文/ 簡體中文.
#33. knock knock是什么意思? - 小鸡词典
是一个名为knock knock joke(敲门玩笑)的英文互动的小游戏, ... -Who's there? ... 也可以说是一类欧美常见的笑话:通常以Knock Knock开头。
#34. 在App Store 上的「Knock Knock with Bato」 - Apple
Knock Knock ! Anyone home? Who does that sound like? Help Bato, the little bat, collect his friends from their homes, and help him guess who ...
#35. knock knock joke---thermos這是什麼 - youtube中文版網址
Knock Knock Who's there ! Thermos ! Thermos who ? Thermos be some way to tickle your funny bone! 這是美國人的笑話我搞不懂thermos在這裡被聯想 ...
#36. Knock knock. Who's there? Cargo. Cargo who? Cargo vroom ...
Knock knock. Who's there? Cargo. Cargo who? Cargo vroom vroom! 在您的愿望单上. 登录以查看专为您精挑细选的更多项目。 登录. 所有项目. 新品与热门商品. 热销商品.
#37. knock - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"knock knock" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... Partners often found that there were “too many doors to knock on” and that the ...
#38. Knock Knock Knock:歌曲介紹,歌曲歌詞 - 中文百科全書
節奏動感的《KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK》,除了展現鬼鬼歌唱特訓後的有力唱腔,舞蹈方面更是邀請到知名的NIKE老師與YOYO ... Knock Knock 敲敲愛Knock Knock (Who's there?
#39. 鬼鬼吳映潔『Knock Knock Knock』數位單曲介紹 - 銀河網路電台
Who's there ? Who's knocking 我的Lonely heart 在我睡前傳張貼圖意味不明熬夜猜不透是在裝忙還是害羞浪漫節日暗示 ...
#40. "Please knock the door."這樣說,為什麼錯了?-戒掉爛英文
藉機來說說敲門"Knock"這個有意思的動詞,它的意思是「敲」,但敲門為什麼不是knock the door而是knock on the door(也可以用knock at the door)? 廣告.
#41. "knock the door"竟然不是敲門?學一下和konck有關短語- 人人焦點
「knock」我們都知道有」敲,撞」的意思,」door」確實也有」門」的意思,所以很多小夥伴下意識就會 ... 虛幻情報站# Knock knock, Who's there?
#42. Knock Knock! Who's there? Nobody - LinkedIn
Here's another article on how eCommerce is driving innovation in the Logistics Industry in the Philippines and my take on it!
#43. knock是什麼意思 - 海词词典
例句 · Someone is knocking at the door. 有人在敲門。 One may knock to signal one's presence to others. · There was a knock at the window. 有人敲了一下窗戶。
#44. Knock Knock Knock:節奏動感的《KNOCK ... - 中文百科知識
節奏動感的《KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK》,除了展現鬼鬼歌唱特訓後的有力唱腔, ... Who's knocking 我的Lonely heart ... Knock Knock 敲敲愛Knock Knock (Who's there?).
#45. Knock Knock Knock 歌词- 吴映洁 - 木兰词
吴映洁( 鬼鬼) - Knock Knock Knock 歌词:Who's there? ... Who's knocking 我的Lonely heart, 别向邻居到处打听我的Hobby 当个大丈夫二话不说带我走, 订了餐厅只会傻 ...
#46. Re: [討論] 為什麼爛笑話要用knock knock? - 看板movie
我不太確定這說法正不正確但根據我從小在外長大的英文老師的說法knock ... 門這笑話的玩法通常是小朋友先開始敲門knock knock 爸媽會發問Who's there ...
#47. knock knock 中文- 英文词典 - wordow.com
在中文里面,我们如何解释knock knock这个英文词呢? knock knock这个英文词,中文意思如下:磕磕。 Meaning of knock knock for the defined word. ... Who's there?/
#48. 有客到(Knock Knock Who's There?)觀後感:較適合女性觀眾
這個關於復仇的故事蠻富新鮮感的(撇開中段女主角無厘頭大跳貓舞的不說),結局也有籲人要愛護動物的意思,只是劇情也如某些泰國短篇鬼故般最後要作 ...
#49. Knock, Knock! Who's There? (June 30, 2000 edition)
Knock, knock who's there? by Tad Hills, June 30, 2000, Simon & Schuster (Juv) edition, Paperback in English.
#50. 購買Knock-Knock - Microsoft Store zh-TW
查看螢幕擷取畫面、閱讀最新的客戶評論,以及比較Knock-Knock 的評分。 ... There is an unusual cabin deep in the woods. ... Who's there?
#51. supergaande on Instagram: Knock, knock…
supergaande. Verified. Knock, knock… View all 16,473 comments · davaazrial @lativams · January 12. More posts from supergaande.
#52. 老外的文字游戏你会玩么? knock knock jokes - 新东方上海学校
其实这就是美国有名的文字游戏knock knock jokes,只要对美国人说一句knock knock,他们一定会忍不住回答Who's there?这种文字游戏通过特殊的名字, ...
#53. [DVD] - 有客到Knock Knock Who's There - PChome 商店街
有客到Knock Knock Who's There [ DVD ]. 音效: 廣東話、國語Dolby Digital 5.1 字幕: 英/ 繁體中文/ 簡體中文 導演: 吳家麗. 演員: 劉心悠、陳家樂、徐子珊、吳家麗、 ...
#54. Knock, Knock. Who's There? Harassment, And It's Never Funny
v. Department of Homeland Security, his supervisors found his disability rather amusing and repeatedly joked about it. See EEOC App. No.
#55. [影評]有客到- Knock Knock Who's There? - LittleDiDi亂靠北
[影評]有客到- Knock Knock Who's There? ... 以三段式靈異故事接合成的《有客到》,故事以殯儀業為背景。 ... 幸福美滿的Isabella(劉心悠飾)和名流男友Harry( ...
#56. Knock Knock Who's There Hatch Who? Card | Twinkl Party
Knock knock ! Who's there? Hatch. Hatch Who? Bless You! This joke card is a great way to make someone smile. Easy to download and print at home!
#57. Knock knock! Who's there? A DDoS attack! | ALE 中国
A distributed denial of service attack can happen in several different ways. In this case, there was a deluge of web traffic that overwhelmed servers such that ...
#58. 中文
有客到. Knock Knock! Who's There? | | | | | | | | |, ©
#59. Mary Hopkin – Knock, Knock Who's There ? 7"黑膠唱片Vinyl ...
Buy Mary Hopkin – Knock, Knock Who's There ? 7"黑膠唱片Vinyl Records 沒有花痕100% No damage 98%new 存放良好Used - Like New面交時可檢查Check the product ...
#60. knock-Knock at 和knock on有何区别?/Kn-爱问知识人
请问"knock knock笑话"是什么意思?它的中文翻译是什么呢? 是一种固定形式的笑话,有点像文字游戏,举例如下: 1. Knock, knock. Who's there? Luck. Luck who?
#61. Jake Drake, Class Clown - 敦煌書局
Knock, knock. Who's there? Jake. Jake who? Jake Drake, Class Clown. Miss Bruce is the new student teacher in second grade, and she never smiles. Never.
#62. Knock! knock! who's there | WorldCat.org
Knock ! knock! who's there. Authors: Ted Weems (Conductor), Red Ingle (Performer). Front cover image for Knock! knock! who's there. Music, English, [1936].
#63. Knock, Knock, Who's There?: Making Sense of Organizational ...
Topic: Organizational Entry and Humorous Communication Author(s), Title and Publication Heiss, S. N., & Carmack, H. J. (2012). Knock, knock ...
#64. undertale knock knock jokes :: Undertale 综合讨论
Knock knock *Asgore answers* Who's there? Goat Asgore: Goat who? ROW, ROW, ROW YOUR GOAT Asgore: GTFO. 最后由Diddy Doodat 编辑于; 2016 年1 月27 日下午5:32.
#65. Knock Knock Jokes - SchoolTube - SchoolTube
Who is there any any knew anyone how I get it? Anyone who gets any sounds like anyone who knock knock bath the bath time ever? Mark, who's their Diane.
#66. Knock Knock Who's There?|CATCHPLAY+ Watch Full Movie ...
Knock Knock Who's There ?|Directed by Hong Kong actress and Golden Horse winner Carrie Ng (*Remains of a Woman*), this film presents three strange urban ...
#67. knock knock梗、knock knock笑話在PTT/mobile01評價與討論
在knock knock who's there意思這個討論中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者sunnyjong31也提到媒體名稱:newsen 新聞 ...
#68. Art Activity with LITTLE RED
Knock, knock. Who's there? Howl. Howl, who? Howl you'll know if you don't open the door. Costume rendering of the Grandmother in Little Red.
#69. Knock knock 笑話
Keanu who? Keanu let me in, it's cold out here ! Knock knock. Who's there? Kanga. Kanga who? Actually, it's kangaroo! Knock knock. Who's there?
#70. 當幸福來敲門最後的笑話是什麼意思 - 多學網
當幸福來敲門最後的笑話是什麼意思,1樓青壬knock knock joke是美國的小孩子 ... (固定開始模式,表示這是一個knock knock遊戲). 父親:who's there?(
#71. RealPage: Real Estate and Property Management Software
RealPage has acquired Knock, Inc., a provider of leading CRM and ... that boosts satisfaction and loyalty, and maximizes value throughout their journey.
#72. Virat Kohli hailed for knock in India vs Pakistan match at T20 ...
It drew parallels with another famous knock of his, ... the many athletes who took to social media to show their appreciation for the knock.
#73. America and China Don't Need to Knock Each Other Out to Win
In a nearly two-hour address to the Chinese Communist Party's continuing 20th congress on Sunday, Xi Jinping — who is expected to win a third ...
#74. 寶可夢排名 - PvPokeTW
Explore the top Pokemon for Pokemon GO PvP in the Great League. Rankings include top moves, matchups, and counters for every Pokemon, as well as ratings for ...
#75. Concussion - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
Seek emergency care for an adult or child who experiences a head injury and ... At this time, there's no conclusive evidence indicating that ...
#76. 幸福安康 - Gracecity
Many of you who are not in any of those vocations are nodding right now because this ... There is a knock at the door and we want to hide.
#77. Guardiola: Top spot with a game to spare is biggest ...
"We will play Sevilla, with fresh people who didn't play regularly and the same in the ... "Then the third, he had a knock in his foot.
#78. Haaland half-time substitution explained by Guardiola as Man ...
Guardiola revealed after the match that the striker had a bit of temperature and also suffered a knock. WHAT THEY SAID: "[There were] three ...
#79. Mount Isa drug bust operation charges six people with 70 ...
Mount Isa Police are warning criminals that there will be more ... people out there who should be nervous because they can expect a knock on ...
#80. Heroes knock off defending champions Wiz in KBO postseason
But he couldn't get past Song, who drove a high slider into the right-field stands to put the Heroes up 3-2. The Heroes got their insurance run ...
#81. Halloween with Dead by Daylight: LABS, Skins, Events, and ...
The Killer's out there in the Fog and our teammates are currently risking their ... Receiving damage from damaged state will knock you out.
#82. NRL great had head-knock brain disease - The Australian
AFL footballers Danny Frawley, 56, and Shane Tuck, 38, who took their own lives, were both diagnosed with CTE post-mortem. Geelong great Polly ...
#83. Celebrating Pétanque - Google
“Shooting” is a popular strategy, often used at competitive levels, where players attempt to knock away an opponent's boule from the target.
#84. Sprint 2 Begins – Chips for Treats! - World of Warships
*knock knock*. Chips for Treats! Collect Portal Chips by ... After the first Sprint ends, there will be a break in activity for a few days.
#85. FoodShare: A Recipe for Good Health
Have lost their jobs. Are disabled and can't work. ... If you aren't sure who you're talking to, hang up. ... They might even knock on your door.
#86. Uber Careers
That's why Uber reflects the incredible diversity of the people who connect on our platform. ... There's a place for every go-getter at Uber.
#87. Essentials: Tyrrell Winston | HYPEBEAST
... we speak to NYC-based multimedia artist, Tyrrell Winston, who's known for his provocative works which turn discarded objects such as ...
#88. A4k字幕网
转载. 有客到字幕下载/ 有客到中文字幕/ Knock Knock Who's There? 字幕有客到(简繁体字幕)Knock.Knock.Who's.There.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264-WiKi.rar.
#89. | Washington State Coronavirus Response (COVID-19)
WA Notify · College and University Toolkit · What to Do if Exposed · Suicide Prevention · Knock Out Flu · Infographic Library (Color).
#90. 解释下这句话Knock,knock jokesKnock,knock jokes是现在美国 ...
意思 是哪个Tom Who相当于问他的姓是什么(比如回答是Tom Hanks).所以问Tom who?和问Who's Tom(Tom是谁)?是不同的. 例如: A:Knock knock. B:Who's there?
#91. Knock Knock - inooknit
摳摳!有人在家嗎? inooknit帶著動物紋強勢回歸,歡迎你解放心中的動物魂和我們一起在都市叢林中享受自己可愛狂野的一面。inooknit發揮想像並延續對環境的承諾, ...
#92. The Weakness of Xi Jinping - Foreign Affairs
The need for such patrons early on has knock-on effects decades down the line. ... periodic reports to Xi, who personally reviews their performance.
#93. PREVIEW | FC Barcelona v Bayern Munich
FC Barcelona are have hit some fine form, especially in their last two matches at ... but it was just a knock and nothing to worry about.
#94. Python好好玩|趣學電玩遊戲程式設計(電子書)
反之,若以雙引號括住的字串內,要對雙引號加反斜線轉義,但單引號則不用。 print()函式和關鍵字參數接下來我們回到 jokes.py 程式,請看第 9 到 16 行: 9. print('Knock ...
#95. 文学论 - Google 圖書結果
... knock! Who's there? ... Knock, knock; never at quiet! What are you? ... 光看一字一句的表面意思还不行,有时为惰性所支配,还是以因循的眼光去看一字一句, ...
#96. FUCK的使用說明書 - 第 80 頁 - Google 圖書結果
我的意思是,我超討厭槍的。雖然那把看起來還挺好看的。那是啥?二戰的嗎?」——《雙面任務》( Layer Cake , 2005 ) ,美國犯罪電影。> } " Knock knock . " " Who's there ...
knock knock who's there意思 在 Re: [討論] 為什麼爛笑話要用knock knock? - 看板movie 的美食出口停車場
※ 引述《sunsptt (我是一隻瑪瑙水母)》之銘言:
: 如題 從神鬼交鋒就一直很好奇了
: 我知道是美國的小遊戲但實在搞不懂為什麼這是個笑話
: 感覺在台灣的話就是要講一個笑話 結果說了個猜猜我是誰
: 有人可以解釋一下很多為什麼不擅搞笑的人講笑話都會安排這個嗎?
: -----
: Sent from JPTT on my iPhone
我不太確定這說法正不正確 但根據我從小在外長大的英文老師的說法
knock knock其實是一種跟小朋友玩的訓練語言的遊戲
所以 如果你上網查knock knock很多都是很簡單的英文
會有點傻眼 因為這讓人感覺很幼稚
不是這是爛笑話 而是因為這不是亞瑟這個年齡層該說的
所以仔細看 knock knock在電影裡面可能比較常出現在爸媽跟孩子的互動
印象最深刻 這個橋段就出現在當幸福來敲門
knock knock
Who's there
Nobody Who
兒子沉默 爸爸就笑了
通常就是這種結構 意思都很單純簡單的句子
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1570669097.A.223.html
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