關鍵種或關鍵物種(英語:keystone species,又直譯基石種或基石物種)是指對環境的影響與其生物量不成比例的物種。 ... 這些物種對保持生態群落(英語:Community (ecology) ...
#2. Keystone Species - 關鍵種 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
關鍵種 · Keystone Species · 名詞解釋: 對群聚結構具有重大影響的物種。 · 關鍵種 · Keystone Species · 學術名詞 · 辭書.
#3. keystone predators 中文 - 英語翻譯
keystone predators中文 :關鍵捕食者…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋keystone predators的中文翻譯,keystone predators的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#4. 優勢物種與關鍵物種 - 科學Online - 國立臺灣大學
優勢物種(Dominant Species)與關鍵物種(Keystone Species) 國立成功大學生命科學所碩士生林彥瑾. 我們在學習有關生態系的知識時,都聽過針葉林生態 ...
#5. 關鍵種(keystone species): 是它們的消失或削弱 - 中文百科知識
關鍵種(keystone species): 是它們的消失或削弱能引起整個群落和生態系統發生根本性的變化的物種。 關鍵種的個體數量可能稀少,但也可能多,其功能或是專一的也可能 ...
#6. 关键种_百度百科
关键种(keystone species)是它们的消失或削弱能引起整个群落和生态系统发生根本性的变化的物种。关键种的个体数量可能稀少,但也可能多,其功能或是专一的也可能是多样的 ...
#7. keystone species 中文意思是什麼 - 線上英文字典
keystone species 中文 意思是什麼 · keystone : 1 【鍵】拱頂石,冠石,塞縫石。2 【無線電】梯形失真(光柵)。3 要旨,根本原理。 · species : n. 〈sing. , pl. 〉1. 種類 ...
#8. keystone species的意思- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
keystone species中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:關鍵種。英漢詞典提供【keystone species】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
2022年4月6日 — keystone的例句. keystone. In this sense then, molluscs can be considered as keystone species for digenetic trematodes. 來自Cambridge English ...
#10. keystone species 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释keystone species这个英文词呢? keystone species这个英文词,中文意思如下:关键物种关键种关键种(又称基石种,英语:keystone species) ...
#11. keystone-翻译为中文-例句英语
Elephants are a keystone species for preserving important ecosystems. 大象是保护重要生态系统的关键物种。
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#13. 關鍵種;基石種英文,keystone species中文 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 關鍵種;基石種 keystone species 【海洋科學名詞】 關鍵種;基石種 keystone species 【海洋科學名詞‑兩岸海洋科學名詞】 關鍵種;基石種 key species 【生態學名詞‑兩岸生態學名詞】
#14. Keystone Species That Live in the Sea & Along the Coastline
書名:Keystone Species That Live in the Sea & Along the Coastline,語言:英文,ISBN:9781680200645,頁數:64,作者:Hinman, Bonnie,出版日期:2015/07/30, ...
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KEYSTONE SPECIES ”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“KEYSTONE SPECIES” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
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#18. 翻译'keystone species' – 字典中文-英文 - Glosbe
检查“ keystone species”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中keystone species的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
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超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#20. 關鍵物種(keystone species) @ Dr. Yeong-Tyi Day 戴永禔
關鍵物種(keystone species):由Robert Paine於1969年所提出之群聚生態學概念。物理化學因子可以對族群造成限制因子(limiting factor)的現象,而單一物種或某物種 ...
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keystone species, Chinese Translation of keystone species, Chinese Definition of keystone species, keystone species in Chinese, keystone species中文翻译.
#22. keystone 中文 - Khushra
吉斯通式的〔指類似吉斯通電影公司拍的庸俗喜劇無“species” 中文翻譯: n. ... 中文詞彙學術名詞生態學名詞keystone species 基石種;關鍵種學術名詞生態學名詞-兩岸 ...
#23. 「基石物種例子」懶人包資訊整理 (1) | 蘋果健康咬一口
關鍵種或關鍵物種(英語:keystone species,又直譯基石種或基石物種)是指對環境的影響與其生物量不成比例的物種。[1]這些物種對保持生態群落(英語:Community ) ... #4 ...
#24. 拱心石物种 - JoVE
EN - English CN - 中文 DE - Deutsch ES - Español KR - 한국어 IT - Italiano ... Access provided by Google. Education. Keystone Species ... “Keystone Species.
#25. Ecology Terms
英文(譯者), 台灣中文, 大陸中文, 同, 備註, 編修 ... keystone mutualist, 《臺灣不收錄》, 关键互利共生者 ... keystone predator, 《臺灣不收錄》, 关键捕食者.
#26. What is a keystone species, and why do they matter? - The ...
Examples of keystone species include starfish, sea otters, wolves and elephants. What happens when a top predator is removed from an ecosystem?
#27. keystone species中文 :: 水產百科網
keystone species中文 | 水產百科網 · keystone species中文 oldest silver dollar fish 拜佛蟹 珍珠蟹 龍占魚肉質 菜蟳價格 旗魚特徵 旗魚料理 大閘蟹發源地.
#28. keystone的中文意思翻譯和英語場景例句- 留聲詞典 - 留声词典
研製高效能的非同步電動機變頻電源,是交流調速的關鍵所在. speaker. Fig trees are a keystone species in the ecosystem of tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna ...
#29. 关键种,关键在哪里? KEYSTONE SPECIES - 生态学报
北京勤云科技发展有限公司旗下网站最专业的期刊搜索引擎国内最大的二次文献数据库期刊界OA 免费获取文献All Journals 搜尽天下杂志传播学术成功.
#30. 臺灣魚類資料庫
英文, 中文, 英文, 中文. keystone species · 關鍵種 · 有解說 · krohnius stage · 鼠尾鱈幼魚 · 有解說. kidney portal system, 腎門靜脈系統, Kupffer's vesicle ...
#31. keystone: 翻译中文, 发音, 同义词, 反义词, 图片, 例子
A keystone species is a species that is connected to a disproportionately large number of other species in the food - web. 关键物种是与食物网中数量众多的其他 ...
#32. Keystone Species 中文 - Tamiaxecthec
關鍵種關鍵種Keystone Species 是它們的消失或削弱百科知識中文網 ... Wild Boar A True Keystone Species The Boaring Truth Facebook.
#33. The rupicolous bromeliad (Encholirium spectabile) as ... - X-MOL
Bromeliad species (Bromeliaceae) have stood out as an important example of keystone species in the Neotropical region (Benzing 2000). 中文翻译: ...
#34. keystone plate中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答社区
keystone plate中文意思是n.波纹钢板.
#35. 城市植物景观与关键种的协同共生设计框架——以野花草甸与 ...
In recent years, the researches on the conservation of keystone species of ... the collaborative symbiosis of “urban plant landscape and keystone species” ...
#36. 你是無可取代,但是你卻死掉了 - 環境資訊中心
生態學家發現,有些生物特別重要,些許變動就會大幅牽動整個食物網,甚至會讓整張網瓦解,牠們稱為「關鍵種(keystone species)」。
#37. When Business Champions are a Keystone Species - LinkedIn
These Keystone Species are so valuable to the business's ecosystem, that their departure wreaks havoc on the business processes and teams they ...
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英文名稱 中文名稱 學門 indeterminate cleavage 非決定性卵裂 大一普生 indeterminate growth 無限生長 大一普生 indicator 指示劑 細胞生物
#39. Sea-level rise and the emergence of a keystone grazer alter ...
英文摘要: Keystone species have large ecological effects relative to their abundance and have been ... potentially elevating new species to keystone roles.
#40. 搜索
论文详情. Using Food Webs and Metabolic Theory to Monitor, Model, and Manage Atlantic Salmon—A Keystone Species Under Threat ... 中文翻译: ...
#41. Energy Storage and Indeterminate Growth in the Keystone ...
This archetypal example of the stable regulation of prey populations depends, in part, on the predators' numerical response to changing mussel zonation. We ...
#42. 关键种英语翻译,生命科学名词 - 学术双语词典
中文 词汇关键种. 英文翻译keystone species. 学术领域生命科学名词. 关键种用英语怎么说? 以【关键种】 进行词汇精确搜索结果 ...
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and banner-tailed kangaroo rats Dipodomys spectabilis are commonly considered keystone species of grassland ecosystems, creating a mosaic of unique habitats ...
#44. keystone 中文– keystone jack - Smyo
Keystone Prima Plus 中文名稱”凱石”沛馬普拉斯牙科植體系統英文名稱,”Keystone” ... 中文詞彙學術名詞生態學名詞keystone species 基石種;關鍵種學術名詞生態學名詞- ...
#45. Keystone Species 中文 - Rolandothubiurz
Nat Geo Education On Twitter Get The Details Behind Educator Wendy Threatt S Elemed Unit On Keystone Species Extinction This Multimedia Unit ...
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以及明星物種(Flagship species)具有保育之優先性。 ... 物種(keystone species)及庇護物種的角色。 ... 中文:亞洲黑熊攝食及果實類型對於種子萌芽之影響.
#47. 原型:全能石| 英雄联盟维基 - League of Legends Wiki
V10.4 Removed: Can no longer gain or as its first Keystone. ... Bug Fix: Omnistone-granted Predator now has a proper cooldown regardless of when the user ...
#48. species中文意思 - 看影片不用背單字
species 的中文意思是什麼呢?2022年最常見的用法,有453影片中用到這個單字,並且可一鍵全部播放,快速聆聽各種外國人(真人), ... keystone. species. everything.
#49. 私醫聯招普通生物學,高點醫護神猜題!,高點醫護網
keystone species ; dominant species; major species; recessive species. 命中事實:《高點醫護「普通生物」講義》第五回,李時珍(李淑貞)老師編撰,頁100。
#50. 莱州湾鱼类群落的关键种 - 水产学报
And L. tanakae was the key predator which could control the density of the predators and other ... Keystone species of fish community in the Laizhou Bay.
#51. 關鍵種 - 中文百科全書
關鍵種(keystone species)是它們的消失或削弱能引起整個群落和生態系統發生根本性的變化的物種。關鍵種的個體數量可能稀少,但也可能多,其功能或是專一的也可能是 ...
#52. anti-predator 中文蝴蝶
關鍵種關鍵種或關鍵物種(英語: keystone species ,巖羚或其他羚羊或鹿和草原 ... “ground” 中文翻譯: ground2 Compare the anti – predator strategies of several ...
#53. Keystone mammal plunges 87% in Mesoamerica - Mongabay
The main threat to the species is the destruction of its rainforest habitat, largely attributed to the expansion of agriculture and cattle ...
#54. 讓腸道復原的腸道菌 - Germark Biotechnology 微菌方舟生物科技
抗生素治療會降低腸道菌相多樣性,而且各病人的復原速度也有差異。 作者分析117 人的500 多個腸道菌相,發現其中有21 種"重點菌種(keystone species)" ...
#55. Traductions de keystone dans le dictionnaire anglais»français
He positions it as an important keystone predator directly controlling the diversity and abundance of other species in the great web of life.
#56. 玉山國家公園南二段地區中大型哺乳動物調查暨台灣水鹿族群 ...
玉山國家公園南二段地區中大型哺乳動物調查暨台灣水鹿族群監測計畫. 中文摘要 ... We predict that they will be the potential keystone species in alpine forest ...
#57. 文章總匯- 國家地理雜誌中文網
因為鯊魚是頂級獵食者,能協助維持食物網的穩定,我們能合理地推論出牠們是關鍵種(keystone species,或稱基石種)。所謂關鍵種,就是對自己的生態系影響力大到不成 ...
#58. Keystone species in seed dispersal networks are mainly ...
Keystone species in seed dispersal networks are mainly determined by dietary specialization. 作者: Marco Aurelio Ribeiro Mello; ... 中文硕士论文.
#59. 關鍵種(keystone species): 是它們的消失或削弱能引起整
關鍵種的個體數量可能稀少,但也可能多,其功能或是專一的也可能是多樣的。中文名稱關鍵種外文名稱key species提出時間1962-1964年提出人Paine.
#60. Wildlife, zoo veterinary careers, conservation medicine courses
University of California - Davis 2000 Envirovet Alumna Sea Otters - Keystone species play video read transcript 繁體中文翻譯 Transcripción ...
#61. keystone species 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
keystone species 中文 意思是什麼. 英 美 澳. keystone species 解釋. 關鍵種. keystone: 1 【鍵】拱頂石,冠石,塞縫石。2 【無線電】梯形失真(光柵)。3 要旨,根本 ...
#62. Community structure (article) | Biodiversity | Khan Academy
Species richness and species diversity. Why more diverse ecosystems may be more stable. Roles of foundation and keystone species.
#63. 建築的生物學筆記
繁體中文. 建築 ; 生物學 ; 湧現性質 ; 突變 ; 型態發生 ; 關鍵物種 ; 演化 ... properties ; mutation ; morphogenesis ; keystone species ; evolution.
#64. “Keystone” gene controls species diversity in | EurekAlert!
In an experimental laboratory food web containing a wasp predator species, two aphid herbivore species, and the plant Arabidopsis, ...
#65. Nature's backbone at risk | IUCN
Many are 'keystone' species, without which their ecosystem could collapse, taking other species with them to extinction. Unsustainable logging ...
#66. What does keystone species mean? -
Find a translation for the keystone species definition in other languages: ... Select another language: - Select -; 简体中文 (Chinese - Simplified); 繁體中文 ( ...
#67. keystone翻译为:重点;要旨;基本原理
keystone 的中文意思:重点;要旨;基本原理,点击查看详细解释:keystone的中文 ... They 're what ecologists call a " keystone " species , who control the ...
#68. keystone species - Sesli Sözlük
keystone species çevirisi anlamı nedir nasıl telaffuz ediliz. ... keystone species. listen to the pronunciation of keystone species. İngilizce - Türkçe ...
#69. Jaguar Keystone Species Video - SchoolTube
Jaguar Keystone Species Video. From bonintik August 26th, 2019. likes views. Policy. The video (file) shared on this page is submitted by a user who claims ...
#70. 澎湖南方四島國家公園海域自然資源經營管理策略研析
中文 摘要. 本計畫已完成澎湖南方四島國家公園周邊海域共18 個測站、26 ... (2000) Recovery of a coral reef keystone predator, Balistapus.
#71. Florida Gopher Tortoise | The Nature Conservancy
A keystone species, gopher tortoise burrows offer protection to over 350 species of animals, but drastic habitat reduction has threatened ...
#72. Conserving Orangutans, the National Pride Keystone Species
Envisioning Leadership APP Wildlife Warrior: Conserving Orangutans, the National Pride Keystone Species Aug 19, 2021 Orangutan is the only ...
#73. 關鍵種- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - KFD.ME
關鍵種或關鍵物種(英語:keystone species,又直譯基石種或基石物種)是指對環境的影響與其生物量不成比例的物種。 ... 這些物種對保持生態群落(英語:Community (ecology) ...
#74. Maintaining Biodiversity Video For Kids | Middle School Science
What is a keystone species, and why is it important to an ecosystem?ANSWER ... Keystone species DEFINE ... 繁體 中文. Pусский.
#75. Endangered and Extinct Species - The New York Times
In recent years, experts say the animals have taken on a new role: softening China's authoritarian image. By Alyssa Lukpat · 阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版. Feb.
#76. Rising to the challenge of providing all students with high ...
The keystone species is the species that keep an entire ecosystem in balance. Amidst the turmoil and uncertainty that is growing up, teachers ...
#77. Ecosystems Flashcards | Quizlet
What is the most famous predator ... What is a keystone species? ... habitat destruction, introducing forgein species, pollution, failure of food chains.
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... Raid boost · Keystone Master M+ carry · PvP 1800/2100 boost and Gladiator ... to improve your Apex Legends account with the help of Predator players on ...
#79. 43. 關鍵掠食者(keystone predator)常能維持一個群聚的物種多..
關鍵掠食者(keystone predator)常能維持一個群聚的物種多樣性(species diversity),其主要原因為何? (A) 完全排除群聚內其它掠食者 (B) 允許群聚內其它掠食者的捕食
#80. Book the millennium wolves. Keira Paranormal. Artist's ...
Wolves have long been understood to be a keystone species; one that, ... English (US) Español; Français (France) 中文(简体) Get the latest news in real time ...
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我們可以找出哪些微生物是關鍵物種(keystone species,意思是數量少但對環境影響重大), ... 然而考慮到這兩個單字在英文中誤用狀況頻繁,沒有辦法以單一中文名詞對應。
#82. Best Animal People Podcasts (2022) - Player FM
Thomas F. Thornton and Madonna L. Moss, "Herring and People of the North Pacific: Sustaining a Keystone Species" (U Washington Press, 2021) 56:00 ...
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你好!如果需要帮助,请尽管提出。 展开. 首页 · 简介 · 照片 · 点评 · Keystone Predator Outfitters. 相册. 全部 · 手机上传. 378 项内容 · 时间线照片. 154 项内容. ... <看更多>