紅林大空派手メイク|Kawaii big eyes FLASHY COLOR MAKEUP TUTORIAL How-to by Japanese designer Kurebayashi
Color Contact |I-LENDS - Super World GREEN(スーパーワールド グリーン)
Base|MAIHADA - SUMIHADA CC Cream 01(米肌 澄肌CCクリーム) [https://amzn.to/2KcrjTT]
Concealer|CALYPSO - MAGIC CONCEALER(マジックコンシーラー サーモンベージュ) [https://amzn.to/2lsEt4h]
ETVOS(エトヴォス) ミネラルシルキーベール SPF20 PA++ 7g[https://amzn.to/2Wpm78o]
EyeShadow|Eyeshadow Palette MEP-120#01(アイシャドウパレット MEP-120#01) [https://amzn.to/2K9k6DS]
キャンメイク アイニュアンス21 ロイヤルブルー 3g[https://amzn.to/30Smo2U]
セザンヌ 極細アイライナーR 00 ブラウンブラック 0.75ml[https://amzn.to/30PD9vH]
FLASHY COLOR big eyes MAKEUP Tutorial
by fashion designer Haruka Kurebayashi
- ファッションモデル紅林大空のカラーメイク講座 -
Big eyes are not enough, you need color, and a lot of it! This is what this tutorial is for★
Haruka Kurebayashi is a famous model of the magazine KERA and well known among the fans of Japanese fashion overseas. Since last year she also participates to the popular Harajuku fashion walk with very colorful and eccentric fashions.
She is the designer of the brand 90884 and presents her latest product at the end of the video!
First you apply the CC Cream
Spread it out evenly
With CC Cream, you could cover up the uneven skin color or roughness of the skin, so it is a useful item
Next, I will use the concealer
I will apply the concealer under the eyes where it is likely to become dark or have shadows, and on the corner of the eyebrows. It does not look good to have marks after you shave your eyebrows so I will apply it just in case
This will also be applied on scratches, freckles and pimples.
On the side of the nostrils
On the bottom corner of your mouth
When you apply it to the rough part of your face, it will make your face look brighter and healthier
Just like this
I will now put foundation powder
This is the finishing touch, so lightly tap it in.
Having applied CC Cream, you do not need to cover it up so much. If you apply too much, it may crack, so just add a thin layer
I will now put in blue contact lenses
The contact lenses for flashy makeup should not be ones with clear edges, but ones which the color gradually blends in and is brightly colored
I will use COLOR to draw eye shadow
When you do flashy makeup, it would be better if you have a variation of colors to choose from, so you should either use a color palette with many colors, or have your favorite colors stacked up in your collection to use
Today the color of my hair is pink, so I will use green
Put some on your fingers…… and apply a big amount
I have already put quite some amount, sticking out a little
I will use pink directly over the green, giving it another layer
Right around the center of the eye, apply pink to the double eyelid
It would make sort of a gradation of color
Use brown eye shadow to give shadow to the bottom corner of the eye
Use the darkest color to give some shadow
The key here is, the shadow here should go along the eye bags in a round shape up until one third the length of the eye
Add color to the eye bags using cream color
The reason why I use cream color is, with white, it is too bright, and when using makeup with many colors, the white will stand out too much, so I need to use cream color with glitter to let it blend in
I will use the eye liner
Use the black liner to circle around
The thickest line is toward the middle, and the corner of the eye should be going upward
Next we will put the fake eyelashes
Move a little to the corner side of the eye and stick it
As you can see, the corner of the eyelashes should be facing a little downward
We will use this type of eyelashes
This flamboyant fake eyelash with quite an amount of bundle of hair I had cut myself .I will put it on around the center of the eye towards the corner of the eye. To give more volume to this area, I should paste it like this
I will now use two mascaras
To give the lower eyelashes more volume, this is the mascara for the bottom line.
It is the mascara for extension
After this I will apply a normal mascara
The base of the mascara is transparent
After you apply this to the whole face,
Let it dry a little
When the base is done enough, the extension works much better
Just as you see
When you put on the base, it will extend enough that you don’t need to add on the bottom eyelashes
Let us draw the shadow of the eyelash using this eye liner
When you use flashy colors, it will make the colors blur, so using one black color here will make the eyes stand out
Up to around the pupil of the eye, add in short and minute strokes.
Oh, I leaked out. More short strokes
Now, I would like to draw my eyebrows
I will use light pink
Take the pink with a brush and add little by little to the inner corner of the eye
As the nose line is like this, try to paint it going closer to it and draw your eyebrows
The part to draw your eyebrows is, start tracing the top line of the eyebrows, draw straight and let it flow