What's up, everyone! I've finally got this Pakistani Wedding vlog episode 2 ready!
I know its been a while, so Click start and enjoy the vlog!
Massive shoutout to Hashim & Alleyna for inviting me to their wedding! It was really a whole new experience for me and for sure one of the best wedding experiences I've ever had.
這天是新娘要正式出嫁 離開自己的家裡
搬去新郎的家裡 開始跟新郎一家的生活 所以會比較捨不得與感人
第四天的儀式 Walima 瓦利瑪
在結婚儀式之後舉辦, 意思是團圓團聚, 是新娘嫁去夫家後的第一餐請大家吃飯. 也是婚後家庭幸福的象徵.
- Walima: The second of the two traditional parts of an Islamic wedding. The Walima is performed after the marriage ceremony. The word walima is derived from alwalam, meaning to gather or assemble.
- Mehndi: A form of body art originating in ancient India, in which decorative designs are created on a person's body, using a paste, created from the powdered dry leaves of the henna plant.
- Mehndi Night: The night before the wedding or just a few nights before and is called Mehndi-Ki-Raat, which literally translates into Mehndi night. A night when everyone dances and sings in the event.
Filmed with: iPhone X
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