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Hope this would be a useful and enjoyable video for you
See you in my next video??
Mention Products:
FANCL - Cleansing powder
肌研 - 極水清爽無油化粧水
The body shop - 茶樹精油
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✼ Farrah頻道的其他影片 ✼
*韓國叫雞特輯* | 誰說女生不能叫雞?! |FarrahTang
g l i t t e r y p a r t y l o o k | Farrah Tang
Camera: Canon EOS Kiss X7i
Edit: Final Cut Pro
❥❥ Disclamer ❥❥
❀The video is filmed and edited by Farrah
❀Products that were sponsor I will put a ❤︎ in front of it. This is not a sponsor video.
❀I will only work with brands or products that I like and I trust.
❀All my opinions are 100% honest and by my own as always.