Useful filing tips │如何正確使用銼刀-基本銼工解析. 4,781 views4.7K views. Jun 1, 2018 ... 單刃斜口鉗正確 使用方法 !免修湯口利器! ... <看更多>
filing用法 在 昨天才完成網路報稅的小編今天特地提醒老外同事去report tax ... 的美食出口停車場
沒關係,今天我們就來看看這些報稅的相關用法吧~ • 報稅file taxes / file tax return • 納稅人taxpayer • 綜合所得稅individual income tax • 基本 ... ... <看更多>
filing用法 在 [請益] 請教polylemma petition 與file法律中文- 看板Eng-Class 的美食出口停車場
請教polylemma大大有關 petition 與 file 的法律中文解釋為何?
petition常見的解釋為 "請願書"
1.但下面解釋中的法律層面來說petition 的legal/law的用法 相當中文中的哪一個解釋?
2.例句中的file 就法律術語來說中文解釋為何?
2. legal
a formal letter to a law court asking for a particular legal action:
She's filing a petition for divorce.
2 (law)
an official document asking a court to take a particular course of action
a bankruptcy petition
Her husband has already filed a petition for divorce.
noun [C]
1. a document signed by a large number of people demanding or asking for some a
I signed a petition against the proposed closure of the local hospital today.
Making appeals and requests
2. legal a formal letter to a law court asking for a particular legal action:
She's filing a petition for divorce.
(Definition of petition noun from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary &
petition noun
1 petition (against/for something)
a written document signed by a large number of people that asks somebody
in a position of authority to do or change something
a petition against experiments on anim
The workers are getting up (= starting) a petition for tighter safety standards
Councillors were presented with a petition calling for more money to be spent o
2 (law) an official document asking a court to take a particular course
of action
a bankruptcy petition
Her husband has already filed a petition for divorce.
3 (formal) a formal prayer to God or request to somebody in authority
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※ 編輯: tucson 來自: (06/22 21:54)
因為如果翻成"聲請提告"的話 搭上file a petition for divorce
就會變成"聲請提告離婚" 這樣感覺不是很順
如果翻成"訴請離婚"的話 似乎就比較好
所以想請問 把file a petition for... 翻成 "訴請..." 可以嗎?
※ 編輯: tucson 來自: (06/23 11:21)
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