We tried following the trend and made a galaxy pattern cake.This is a recipe for an easy to make tart base and filling.
*Recipe* (makes one 18cm tart)
We'll make the tart base out of store bought biscuits.
1. Finely crush 140g of biscuits.
2. Mix in 10g of black cocoa powder.
3. Mix in 60g of melted unsalted butter.
4. Pour the mixture from Step 3 into a tart mold, and using something like the bottom of a cup, firmly press the mixture into the shape of the mold.
5. Leave to cool in the fridge.
6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
7. Bake for 15 minutes.
Now we'll make the rare cheesecake filling.
8. Place 60g of marshmallows in a heat resistant container, add 80g of cream cheese, and heat in a 600w microwave for 1 minute.
9. Mix with a whisk. If there are any unmelted parts, heat in the microwave while keeping an eye on it.
10. Stir in 60g of milk.
11. Stir in 5g (1 teaspoon) of lemon juice.
12. Distribute among containers.
13. Add color to your liking. This time I opted for blue, red, and black food coloring. I think leaving some areas of unmixed color helps create a spacey vibe. As we'll be using it adjust the color, also leave some white.
14. Pour the mixture from Step 13 into the base from Step 5. It's best to start with the darker colors. Adding the mixture in a fixed direction helps create the right look. Without fussing over it too much, using something like the back of a spoon, brush gently to adjust the design.
15. Add dots randomly using the white mixture. Sprinkle pearl, silver, or white cake sprinkles to add to the spacey vibe.
16. Leave to cool in the fridge for about 1 hour.
17. The design is a matter of sense and luck. That's something to be enjoyed while making it. To those who say, "It doesn't look like space," I'll leave it to Saint Seiya to reply. "Have you ever felt the Cosmos inside you?!"
Steps 1-3 can also be completed by putting the ingredients into something like a zip lock bag and then beating it with cotton swabs. The amount of melted unsalted butter used in the tart base should be adjusted according to the type of biscuit you use. Of course the tart base can be eaten after just cooling it. For those of you who would like a crunchy texture, we suggest baking it in the oven.
*レシピ*(18cmのタルト 1個分)
1.ビスケット 140gを細かく砕く。
2.ブラックココアパウダー 10gを入れ混ぜる。
3.溶かし無塩バター 60gも入れて混ぜる。
8.耐熱容器にマシュマロ 60g、クリームチーズ 80gを入れ、600wの電子レンジで1分加熱する。
10.牛乳 60gを加え混ぜる。
11.レモン汁 5g(小さじ 1)も加え混ぜる。
1〜3の工程はジップロックなどに入れ、めん棒などで叩いて作ることもできます。タルト台の溶かし無塩バターの量はビスケットの種類によって調整してください。タルト台は冷やしただけでも もちろん食べられます。サクサク食感がお好みの方はオーブンで焼いてください。

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