雞 1 ,蔥 1,蒜 10
調味醬料:砂糖 1 tbsp,辣椒粉 2 tbsp,咖喱粉 1 tbsp,蒜 1 tbsp,味醂 2 tbsp,豉油 2 tbsp,鹽 1/2 tbsp,胡椒粉,意大利辣椒
1. 將砂糖,辣椒粉,咖喱粉,蒜,味醂,豉油,鹽,胡椒粉,意大利辣椒拌勻
2. 將雞脊椎骨除去,清洗乾淨
3. 塗上醬料
4. 準備熱油,加入蔥,蒜,炸雞,將熱油重複淋在雞上,完成
-Sauce: 1 Tbsp Sugar, 2 Tbsp Red Pepper Powder, 1 Tbsp Curry Powder, 1 Tbsp Garlic, 2 Tbsp Mirin, 2 Tbsp Soy Sauce, 1/2 Tbsp Salt, Little Bit Of Pepper, Minced Pepperoncini
-Fried Chicken: Chicken, Green Onion, Whole Garlic
1. Make sauce with the ingredients.
2. Slice off the back of chicken and flatten.
3. Coat chicken with the sauce.
4. Add enough oil to large pan, and add enough green onion, garlic and marinated chicken. Deep fry.