Hi, everyone. :) Today we'll show you how to make the strawberry jam in french way.
It’s strawberry season. It’s time to make strawberry jam to keep the flavor of spring. This recipe is a french style strawberry jam from the famous jam lady Christine Ferber’s jam book. It’s quite simple to make, you only need 4 ingredients and 3 days, it takes a bit longer but the results is amazing and worth to wait for it. You can enjoy the whole strawberry not mashed. If you are a lover of strawberry jam, you must try this recipe. Hope you like this video, enjoy. :)
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French Strawberries Jam Recipe
☞ Yield: 2.5 jars (180ml)
✎ Ingredients
strawberries 500g (remove the stem)
granulated sugar 400g
lemon juice 25g
water 50g
✎ Instructions
1. Wash the strawberries under clean running water. Make sure each one gets washed.
2. Let them drain in the colander, and then pat them dry with a paper towel, be careful not to damage the fruit.
3. Remove the stem with a knife, and put all strawberries in a large bowl.
4. Add sugar, lemon juice and water, stir well.
5. Cover with a parchment and plastic wrap, then place in the refrigerator overnight.
6. The next day, bring the strawberries to a simmer. Remove from heat, pour them into a bowl. Cover with parchment paper and plastic wrap, let cool and store in the refrigerator overnight.
7. On the third day, to sterilize jam jars and lids in a boiling water for 2-3 mins, turn off the heat, remove the jars, drain well, set aside to dry on a clean surface.
8. Using the sieve to collect the strawberries syrup into a saucepan. Bring the syrup over medium-high heat to bring to a boil. The texture will getting thicken when the temperature reaches to 105°C.
8. Add the strawberries, bring to a boil again, then keep cooking for 5 minutes. Drop a small portion of the jam onto a clean, cold plate or spoon, leave it to cool, use your finger draw a line through the middle, if the line is clear, the jam is down. Turn off the heat.
9. Pour the jam into sterilize jars immediately, place a lid on each jar and screw down firmly. Turn upside down and let cool completely. Store in refrigerator to keep jams fresher longer.
「christine ferber recette」的推薦目錄:
christine ferber recette 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的精選貼文
嗨!大家好,我是 Cassandre, 今天的『食不相瞞』我們要來做一款,可以吃到一整顆完整果肉,全天然無添加的法式草莓果醬(French Strawberries Jam/Confiture de fraises)。
草莓果醬的作法不難,不過今天要跟大家分享法式的草莓果醬做法,食譜是參考有著法式果醬女王稱號的 Christine Ferber(有小小微調配方),照這份食譜做出來的法式草莓果醬,可以吃到一整顆完整的果肉,果肉很有彈性,口感有點像軟軟的蜜餞,而漬過的寶紅色草莓糖漿,在經過熬煮後滋味變得很細緻。
這支影片還有無人聲的 #ASMR 版本:
French Strawberries Jam 法式草莓果醬怎麼作呢?
☞ 這份食譜可以做出約 2.5 罐果醬(果醬瓶的容量180ml)
✎ 材料/ Ingredients
草莓 500g (去蒂後的淨重)
水 50g
細砂糖 400g
檸檬汁 25g
✎ 做法/ Instructions
1. 把草莓倒在一個大盆裡,在流動的水下,用手輕輕滑動,清洗每一顆草莓,也要把蒂頭沖一下水,由於草莓不耐水,切勿長時間泡水
2. 把草莓瀝乾,並用廚房紙巾吸乾水份,手法要輕柔,儘可能不要壓壞果肉
3. 用小刀去掉蒂頭,並集合在一個大盆裡
4. 加入細砂糖、檸檬汁和水,充份拌勻
5. 把事先好的圓形烘焙紙直接貼合草莓覆蓋上,再包上保鮮膜,送進冰箱糖漬一整天
6. 第二天,把糖漬一天了的草莓倒入鍋中,以中小火煮到微滾,離火,蓋上烘焙紙及保鮮膜,放涼後移到冰箱裡冰藏一天
7. 第三天,在熬煮果醬前先來消毒 瓶子,把果醬瓶跟蓋子放入煮沸的熱水中,至少煮個2-3分鐘,然後取出放在乾淨的布或紙巾上晾乾
8. 接著用濾網把漬草莓的糖漿過濾出來,先用中大火把糖漿煮滾. 煮滾後續煮到糖漿明顯變得濃稠些,溫度會來到105°C,由於草莓水份較少,熬煮後的稠度會比其它水果來得稀一點
9. 加入草莓果肉,以中小火再次煮到滾,煮沸後再續煮五分鐘,這時可以滴幾滴果醬在盤子或湯勺上,放涼後用手指在果醬上畫條線,如果線條分明就是膠化完成了,關火
10. 煮好的果醬要儘快裝瓶、蓋上蓋子並旋緊,然後把果醬瓶倒扣、放涼,放涼後可以送進冰箱保鮮
更詳盡的作法與 Tips,可以參考我們的食譜網站喔:
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