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※ POP EDM 混搭 Future Bass ,打造時尚電氣新感受
※ 與瑞典製作人 Freddy Häggstam 再度攜手合作,橫跨地球找尋愛的理由
周興哲再度與瑞典知名製作人 Freddy Häggstam 的國際音樂團隊合作,攜手打造 POP EDM 混搭 Future Bass 的電子新曲風,在朗朗上口的歌詞與深具感染力的旋律下,成功營造出一種全新的時尚感受。兩人相隔半個地球透過數十次的 Email 往來,不斷互相修改、調整、撞擊出新的想法,才終於完成這首充滿國際前衛感的獨特情歌。當男孩愛上一個女孩時,從眼睛到笑聲、從個性到感受,所有的一切都是《That’s why I like you》
・Song Lyrics・
You're the one that
I've been looking for
Good hearted
Cute and beautiful
I can't take my eyes off you
Cuz you're the reason
That I think I'm falling
In love with you
In love with you
In love with you
In love with you
Girl I can be your sunshine
You can be my blue sky
I'm falling for your brown eyes
Easy going my type
I like your imperfection
I like our crazy laughter
I like my world better
When I'm here with you
That's why I like you
That's why I like you
That's why I like you
That's why I like you
That's why I like you
You're the one that
I've been looking for
Good hearted
Cute and beautiful
I can't take my eyes off you
Cuz you're the reason
That I think I'm falling
In love with you
In love with you
In love with you
In love with you
Girl I can be your sunshine
You can be my blue sky
I'm falling for your brown eyes
Easy going my type
I like your imperfection
I like our crazy laughter
I like my world better
When I'm here with you
That's why I like you
That's why I like you
That's why I like you
That's why I like you
That's why I like you
Girl I can be your sunshine
You can be my blue sky
I'm falling for your brown eyes
Easy going my type
I like your imperfection
I like our crazy laughter
I like my world better
When I'm here with you
That's why I like you
索尼音樂 Sony Music Taiwan Instagram
索尼音樂 Sony Music Taiwan CPOP
#周興哲 #EricChou #주흥철

can't take my eyes off you中文歌詞 在 Can't Take My Eyes Off You 含中英文歌詞English, Chinese lyrics 的美食出口停車場
老歌不死, 已經流傳50年囉....英文超簡單的, 好記好學,獻給你心儀的對象吧! ... <看更多>