#1. Beach nourishment - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"Beach nourishment" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#2. beach nourishment 中文 - 查查詞典
beach nourishment中文 意思::海灘補給;填沙護灘;沙灘補給…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋beach nourishment的中文翻譯,beach nourishment的發音,三態,音標, ...
#3. beach nourishment-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context
在中文中翻译"beach nourishment" ... 实例包括建造新的、具有能应付海平面上升以及风速和浪高提高的额外防护余量的沿岸防护结构(堤坝、防波堤以及更换护岸)、沿岸造林、 ...
#4. beach nourishment area - 海灘養灘區 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
以beach nourishment area 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 海洋科學名詞-近岸工程, beach nourishment area, 海灘養灘區 ...
#5. beach nourishment 的中文含义- - 在线词典
单词beach nourishment 的含义:[0] [海洋] 人工育滩. ... 本工具支持查询英文和中文单词及词组的含义,查询效率高、结果丰富,包括单词变体、常用短语、英英释义、 ...
#6. 海滩喂养_百度百科
用挖泥船从遭受侵蚀而退缩的海滩附近的海底采挖、抽吸海沙输送或吹送到海滩上,进行填垫养护。 中文名称: 海滩喂养. 英文名称: beach nourishment;beach replenishment.
#7. beach nourishment 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
beach nourishment 中文 意思是什麼 · beach: n 1 (湖、河、海的)濱,海濱。2 海灘,沙灘。3 (水濱的)卵石,細礫。vt 使(船)沖上沙灘,使(船)... · nourishment: 補充 ...
#8. beach nourishment 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释beach nourishment这个英文词呢? beach nourishment这个英文词,中文意思如下:海滩养护。 Meaning of beach nourishment for the defined ...
#9. Beach Nourishment: Theory and Practice - 博客來
書名:Beach Nourishment: Theory and Practice,語言:英文,ISBN:9789810215484,頁數:420,作者:Dean, Robert G.,出版日期:2003/01/24,類別:自然科普.
#10. beach nourishment collocation | meanings and examples of use
Examples of beach nourishment in a sentence, how to use it. 20 examples: Crumbling sand cliffs feed beaches further round or down the coast—beach ...
#11. 人工育灘英文名稱 - 華人百科
中文 名稱:人工育灘英文名稱:beach nourishment 定義:採用機械或水力方法供沙的技術,恢復原有沙灘或形成新沙灘的工程措施。 套用學科:海洋科技(一級學科); ...
#12. 海岸保護工法--浚渫養灘之探討 - 國家圖書館期刊文獻資訊網
中文 摘要, 浚渫養灘工法,係以浚渫設備,在海上料源區挖取適當的材料,藉由排泥管線( ... 英文摘要, Beach nourishment by dredging is using dredging equipment to ...
#13. A case study of sand dispersion for beach nourishment. - 首頁
出版社: A case study of sand dispersion for beach nourishment. 起(迄)頁: pp. 85-92. URI:
#14. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 - SCI论文修改
推荐同事 机构合作 中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 日本語 Português Español ... 中英对照. 人工育滩, 人工养滩. artificial beach nourishment, beach nourishment ...
#15. DNR: Water: Beach Nourishment -
The supply of beach nourishment sand can come from many sources. When a coastal structure traps sand on one side, creating erosion problems on the downdrift ...
DRAGFLOW EL12.5 electric pumps were used in Sardinia and Puglia in a beach nourishment operation.
#17. Beach Nourishment | Martin County Florida
Coastal Engineering oversees the implementation of federal beach renourishment and sand bypassing projects throughout Martin County on an ongoing basis through ...
#18. 養灘- 海洋科學名詞-近岸工程- 英文翻譯- 三度漢語網
中文 詞彙, 英文翻譯, 出處/學術領域. 人工養灘, Beach Nourishment, 【環境科學大辭典】. 養灘, beach replenishment, 【地理學名詞】. 養灘, beach nourishment ...
#19. NOURISHMENT - 汉语翻译- bab.la英语-汉语词典
'nourishment'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。 ... Beach nourishment can be used alongside the groyne schemes. more_vert.
#20. Beach nourishment : theory and practice |
"This book is written for engineers, students of coastal processes and laypersons interested in beach nourishment, which consists of the placement of large ...
#21. 交通部運輸研究所中文版-雙語詞彙
No. 詞彙 英文翻譯 分類 781. 救助 Assistant 海運 782. 亞太經濟合作會議 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC 海運 783. 人工港 Artificial Harbor 海運
#22. 成功大學電子學位論文服務
系統識別號, U0026-0812200910344965. 論文名稱(中文), 養灘海域漂沙濃度擴散之研究. 論文名稱(英文), The Dispersion of Sand Concentration in Beach Nourishment.
#23. NOURISHMENT 中文是什么意思- 翻译 - Tr-ex
NOURISHMENT ”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“NOURISHMENT” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。 ... beach nourishment · needs nourishment.
Recreational beaches, such as this one on the Gold Coast of Australia, can be shaped and maintained by beach nourishment projects.
#25. Coastline Protection Works of Cijin District in Kaohsiung
Hence, out of environmental, safety, recreational, and scenic considerations, offshore low-crested breakwaters and artificial beach nourishment were chosen ...
#26. Nourishment 中文-在PTT/巴哈姆特上手遊推薦遊戲排行攻略整理
Nourishment 中文 -在PTT/巴哈姆特上手遊推薦遊戲排行攻略整理-2022-07(持續更新) ... 使用Reverso Context: beach nourishment,在英语-中文情境中翻译"nourishment" ...
#27. Beach and shoreface nourishment — English - Climate-ADAPT
Beach nourishment or replenishment is the artificial placement of sand on an eroded shore to maintain the amount of sand present in the foundation of the ...
#28. SQL - 國家教育研究院-土木工程學術名詞 -
英文名稱, 中文名稱 ... Beach artificial nourished, 人造砂灘. Beach at ebb tide, 落潮灘 ... Beach nourishment, 海岸培養. Beach width, 灘寬.
#29. 人工育滩 - 快懂百科
中文 名称:人工育滩. 英文名称:beach nourishment. 定义:采用机械或水力方法供沙的技术,恢复原有沙滩或形成新沙滩的工程措施。 应用学科:海洋科技(一级学科); ...
#30. Beach Nourishment - Document - Gale Academic OneFile
Beach nourishment is the artificial process of adding sediment to a beach for recreational and aesthetic purposes, as well as to provide a buffer to coastal ...
#31. 交通各業專有名詞中英譯對照表
類別 英 譯 中文 海運 A Loader(A Stevedore,A Docker) 裝卸工 海運 A Sailor(A Crew Member) 船員 海運 Able Sailor 幹練水手
#33. Beach Renourishment |
Citation: FEMA-1806-DR-FL, Gulf County, Beach Renourishment, Project Worksheet (PW) 14. Cross-Reference: Coastal Barrier Resources Act.
#34. SFPUC and Army Corps of Engineers Celebrate Ocean Beach ...
Ocean Beach Nourishment Project Initiative to create 3,000-foot protective sand berm at Ocean Beach critical phase of
#35. 中文
中文. Home 中文. 公司资质. 美国海岸科学与工程公司(简称CSE)专长于海岸带的工程、规划 ... Buxton Village 2022 Beach Renourishment Completed September 9, 2022 ...
#36. 748 Beach Replenishment Images, Stock Photos & Vectors
Find Beach Replenishment stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock ... Beach Renourishment Replenishment Dredging Florida Stock Photo.
#37. 3: Beach Nourishment Flashcards - Quizlet
Terms in this set (31). Beach Nourishment. Placing sand on the shoreline to widen beaches ...
#38. 成果報告資料顯示 - 工程科技推展中心
中文 關鍵字, 海岸緩衝帶、人工養灘、暴浪型海灘剖面、海灘剖面模擬. 英文關鍵字, storm beach buffer, artificial nourishment, storm-built beach profile, ...
#39. Sand colour at Cuba and its influence on beach nourishment ...
The colour of 93 beaches in Cuba was assessed in CIEL*a*b* colour space. Study sites comprised exposed and sheltered mainland beaches and keys. Notwithstanding ...
#40. New round of sand nourishment at Mettams - City of Stirling
Update 25/11/22: To ensure the sand nourishment works at Mettams Pool and Trigg Beach will be completed by Monday 5 December, the section of ...
#41. 國立成功大學水工試驗所
Title:, 「Coastal protection and beach nourishment research near the Xingda power plant」Part Ⅱ Physical modeling research.
#42. 环渤海砂质岸侵蚀和海滩养护
ZHUANG Zhenye,YANG Yanxiong,LIU Huixin.SANDY BEACH EROSION AND BEACH NOURISHMENT IN CIRCUM-BOHAI BAY[J].Marine Geology Development,2013,29(2):1-9.
#43. Fisheries and Aquaculture
Evaluating the effects of beach nourishment on littoral morphodynamics at Kuala Nerus, Terengganu (Malaysia) ...
#44. Level 19 - Coastal Geography Human 中文- GNIS IG ...
beach nourishment. 沙丘稳定. dune stabilisation. 按步撤退. managed retreat. 保住防线. hold the line. 软工程. soft engineering. 硬工程. hard engineering.
#45. Introduction to Beach Tennis (沙滩网球) | 学术写作例句词典
本研究的目的是评估沙滩网球训练对高血压患者动态血压和身体健康的影响。 Effect of recreational beach tennis on ambulatory blood pressure and physical fitness ...
#46. 氣候變遷下海岸防禦的非工程治理: 海岸後退帶的試驗規畫研究(I)
Soft engineering approaches for coastal defense may include beach nourishment and dune reconstruction. They benefit from the natural barrier function of ...
#47. Millions spent to protect Gold Coast beaches, but climate ...
The Gold Coast's annual beach nourishment program involves dredging 60,000 cubic metres of sand from Tallebudgera and Currumbin creeks and ...
#48. 博碩士論文etd-0425115-143624 詳細資訊
論文語文/頁數, 中文/211 ... As to the evaluation of beach nourishment, the results indicated that it was necessary to integrate the project ...
#49. Coastal crisis: We're running out of sand along Florida's ...
Renourishment project in Naples, Florida. What is causing beach erosion, and what are communities doing about it? Matt: In addition to increased hurricanes ...
#50. Comparative analysis on numerical simulation of the impacts ...
Comparative analysis on numerical simulation of the impacts of different beach nourishment schemes on beach profile[J].
#51. The unlikely source of Texas' beach nourishment sands | Grist
Researchers are hunting for sand deposits buried in the Gulf of Mexico that could be mined for climate adaptation projects.
#52. Navigational Dredging Project Plan 2 - Beach Nourishment
... Wetlands Permit Program » Tidal Wetlands Permit Program: List of Sample Plans and Diagrams » Navigational Dredging Project Plan 2 - Beach Nourishment.
#53. 花蓮北濱海岸(養灘)改善方案驗核分析研究 - GPI政府出版品資訊網
... 作/編/譯者:財團法人成大研究發展基金會; 語言:中文; 頁數:350; 裝訂:平裝 ... of the Beach Nourishment Plans Proposed for the Bei-Bin Coast,Hualien ...
#54. Bate Bay Excursion (@batebayexcursion) • Instagram photos ...
Year 10 Geography GRC Peakhurst Ms S. Beck & S. Schenk · Beach nourishment is the practice of adding large quantities of sand or sediment to beaches ...
#55. Beach nourishment to replace sand eroded by waves — Photo
Stock photography ▻ Beach nourishment to replace sand eroded by waves and storms ◅ 10350235 ⬇ Download pictures from the photo stock library ⚡ Millions ...
#56. Sample 20: 海洋四維體| 誠品線上
語言/, 中文繁體 ... 為了維持沙灘的質素及模樣,政府就會以人工養灘(beach nourishment)的方法,從附近的海域或其他地區挖出泥沙,噴送到沙灘上,再以重型機器推整 ...
#57. Data on Climate Change an Effective Weapon in Fighting ...
A stabilized beach in the southern Indian state of Karnataka, ... soft measures or hybrid methods combing beach nourishment with structures.
#58. Embassy of the Republic of China(Taiwan), Funafuti, Tuvalu ...
... 21-11-2015 Gravel Beach Nourishment Project 21-11-2015 Gravel Beach Nourishment Project 21-11-2015 Nauti Primary School 2015 Prize Giving Day 20-11-2015 ...
#59. 台南海岸斷面測量監測計畫(1/2)(附光碟) - 三民網路書店
三民東大 · 親子 · 中文 ... Use numerical models to assess the impact pumping sand on the nearshore wave, and the feasibility of beach nourishment off the ...
#60. 泥岸养滩技术与效益评估——以天津东疆浴场建设和评估为例
维普中文期刊服务平台,是重庆维普资讯有限公司标准化产品之一,本平台以《中文科技期刊数据库》 ... Beach nourishment at muddy coast is an innovation by Chinese.
#61. Collier County $5M beach renourishment project set to begin ...
Its beach renourishment plan also includes Vanderbilt and Pelican Bay beaches. While beachgoers understand the why, they question the timing of ...
#62. Coastal Protection Engineering | LinkedIn
Specialties: Coastal Engineering, Marine Biology, Coastal Geology, Beach Nourishment, Inlet Management, Numerical Modeling, Marine Investigations, ...
#63. Environmental Review Documents | SF Planning
U.S. Army Corps Ocean Beach Nourishment 2020·009324ENV, Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of ...
#64. 館藏查詢 - 經濟部水利署圖書典藏及影音數位平台
湖山水庫工程計畫:大壩築壩材料輾壓試驗成果報告(光碟版)=Hushan Reservoir Project Trial Embankment Testing Report of Construction Materials. 中文摘要.
#65. 河北省沙质海岸侵蚀灾害和防治对策
COASTAL EROSION DISASTER AND COUNTERMEASURES ON SANDY BEACH IN HEBEI PROVINCE ... and groin combining with the artificial beach nourishment by ad.
#66. Beach & Shoreline | Lee County Visitor & Convention Bureau
Each year the Tourist Development Council (TDC) appropriates a portion of the beach and shoreline program funds to a beach re-nourishment trust fund to assist ...
#67. nourishment - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
食物,營養品;養育,滋養;營養狀況. Dr.eye 譯典通 · nourishment · 查看更多. IPA[ˈnʌrɪʃmənt]. 美式. 英式. n. 營養食物;營養提供. 牛津中文字典. nourishment.
#68. 1 Hotel South Beach: Sustainable Beachfront Hotel
1 Hotel South Beach is a sustainable luxury hotel inspired by 600-feet of beach along the Atlantic Ocean and is designed for ... Restore Natural Nourishment.
#69. Beach Nourishment and Protection
What is an Ebook? Many coastal communities have built structures at their beaches and added quantities of sand in contoured designs to combat erosion. Are ...
#70. CNA: Breaking News, Singapore News, World and Asia
CNA. Breaking news in Singapore and Asia, top stories from around the world; business, sport, lifestyle, technology, health and commentary sections.
#71. Beach nourishment - Wikipedia
Beach nourishment (also referred to as beach renourishment, beach replenishment, or sand replenishment) describes a process by which sediment, usually sand, ...
#72. Beauty of Joseon - YesStyle
Offering dense moisture and nourishment with its viscous texture, the Beauty of Joseon Dynasty Cream is made with 29% rice bran water (an ingredient rich in ...
#73. Beach Nourishment - Institute for Water Resources - US Army
This "soft structural" response allows sand to shift and move with waves and currents. Dune restoration is commonly carried out during a beach nourishment ...
#74. nourishment的中文翻譯和情景例句- 營養
nourishment 的中文意思翻譯:n. 食物; 滋養品,營養品; “nourish”的派生。nourishment的中文翻譯、nourishment的發音、柯林斯釋義、用法、nourishment的近義詞、反義詞 ...
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Top rated cock sucking xnxx porn and more free sex clips. en. English · Español · Deutsch · 简体中文 · हिन्दी · Bahasa Indonesia · tiếng Việt ...
#76. 神秘島(下部)(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
... throw himself onto the beach, out of one of the windows of Granite House. ... the stranger accepted a less bestial nourishment than that on which he fed ...
#77. Beach Nourishment (U.S. National Park Service)
Beach nourishment at Assateague Island in 2002, added sediment and widened the beach. Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland and ...
#78. Beach Nourishment | Explore Beaches
Beach nourishment, or beach filling, is the practice of adding large quantities of sand or sediment to beaches to combat erosion and increase beach width.
beach nourishment中文 在 Nourishment 中文-在PTT/巴哈姆特上手遊推薦遊戲排行攻略整理 的美食出口停車場
Nourishment 中文 -在PTT/巴哈姆特上手遊推薦遊戲排行攻略整理-2022-07(持續更新) ... 使用Reverso Context: beach nourishment,在英语-中文情境中翻译"nourishment" ... ... <看更多>