於2023-03-26使用csTimer計時5 次去頭尾平均: 7.36 時間列表: 1. (5.00) F L D R' L' B D2 B L D2 R B2 D2 R' U2 D2 L U2 L F' 2. ... <看更多>
於2023-03-26使用csTimer計時5 次去頭尾平均: 7.36 時間列表: 1. (5.00) F L D R' L' B D2 B L D2 R B2 D2 R' U2 D2 L U2 L F' 2. ... <看更多>
averagely 翻譯:普通地;平常地;中等地;一般地。了解更多。
大量翻译例句关于"averagely" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
averagely中文 中文意思::平均…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋averagely的中文翻譯,averagely的發音,三態,音標,用法和例句等。
#4. averagely翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
averagely中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:adv. 平均地;一般地。英漢詞典提供【averagely】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#5. averagely - WordReference.com 英汉词典
主要翻译 ; 英语, 中文 ; averagely adv, (not extremely), SCSimplified Chinese 一般地yì bān de ; SCSimplified Chinese 平平地 ; SCSimplified Chinese 不出众地.
averagely 的中文意思翻譯:adv. 平均地,一般地。averagely的中文翻譯、averagely的發音、柯林斯釋義、用法、averagely的近義詞、反義詞和雙語例句等。
average · n. 平均,平均數[C];一般,普通;中等[C][U] · adj. 平均的[Z][B];一般的,普通的;中等的 · vt. 算出……的平均數,將……平均分配;平均達到,平均做到 · vi. 平均 ...
在中文中翻译"averagely" ... The land compensation fee is distributed averagely within the wholegroup. 全组平均分配了土地补偿款。
#9. averagely 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過500 萬人使用的線上學英文平台!十萬部YouTube 影片教材,輕鬆掌握真實情境的日常對話、瞭解單字片語的發音與實用的用法。免費提供中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典, ...
共發現3 筆關於[averagely] 的資料(解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1): 懶蟲英漢詞典[lazyworm-ec] adv. 平均地, 一般地來源(2): pydict data [pydict]
#11. averagely - 用法_例句_英语短语 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选averagely是什么意思、英语单词推荐、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、词汇辨析、英音发音音标、美音发音音标、averagely的用法、averagely的中文释义、 ...
#12. Average | SAP Help Portal
Chinese Traditional (繁體中文) ...
#13. AVERAGE 函數- Microsoft 支援服務
本文將說明Microsoft Excel 中AVERAGE 函數的公式語法及使用方式。 描述. 會(自) 的算術平均值。 例如,如果A1:A20 範圍,公式=AVERAGE (A1:A20) 會) 數位的平均值。
#14. average中文意思 - 看影片不用背單字
average 的中文意思是什麼呢?2023年最常見的用法,有1704影片中用到這個單字,並且可一鍵全部播放,快速聆聽各種外國人(真人),講述這個單字,不再是死死的機器發音。
#15. 共同保險條款,average clause,元照英美法詞典- 免費線上查詢!
average clause. 中文. 分攤條款;共同保險條款. 解釋. 由一份保險單承保的同一地點或幾個地點的相類似財產,應依據每一財產價值在總價值中的比例予以承保。 ( 撰) ...
#16. AVERAGE - Google 文件編輯器說明
傳回資料集的數字平均值(忽略文字)。 使用範本AVERAGE(A2:A100,B2:B100,4,26) AVERAGE(1,2,3,4,5,C6:C20) 語法AVERAGE(value1, [value2, ...]) 值_1.
#17. The average waiting time for completed (minutes)的中文翻譯
The average waiting time for completed (minutes)的翻譯結果。 ... 結果(中文) 1: [復制]. 復制成功! 平均等待时间完成时间(分钟). 正在翻譯中.
#18. 【SB024】華南產物比例分攤附加條款(AVERAGE PENALTY ...
(AVERAGE PENALTY RELIEF CLAUSE). 100 年07 月20 日(100)華產企字第519 號函備查. 茲經雙方同意,本保險契約所承保之保險標的物(貨物除外)遭受毀損或滅失,其實際現金 ...
#19. 移動平均- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
移動平均(英語:moving average,縮寫:MA ),又稱滾動平均值、滑動平均,在統計學中是一種通過創建整個數據集中不同子集的一系列平均數來分析數據點的計算方法。
#20. I'm just an average... - 會說中文就會說英文Catchy English
人名篇1: I'm just an average Joe! 我只是個普通人! Average Joe是指普通無奇的男生,女生是average Jane,average是平凡無奇的意思, ...
#21. On Average的意思 - 希平方
You're gonna expect us Corgis to live on average between 11 and 12 years. 你能預期我們科基平均活11 到12 年。 觀賞完整影片 分享至FB ...
#22. on average (【片語】平均, 通常)意思、用法及發音 - Engoo
"on average" 例句. Japanese people sleep for 7 hours and 50 minutes on average per night.
#23. 8152A Optical Average Power Meter Operating and Service ...
08152-90002 (March 1987) The 8152A Optical Average Power Meter is a discontinued product. This manual is provided for information only.
#24. Reconstruction 4.97 Average of 5 FAIL(中文) - YouTube
於2023-03-26使用csTimer計時5 次去頭尾平均: 7.36 時間列表: 1. (5.00) F L D R' L' B D2 B L D2 R B2 D2 R' U2 D2 L U2 L F' 2.
#25. 请问,中文怎么说we should take into account the average ...
有關中文(簡體) 的問題. 请问,中文怎么说 we should take into account the average, which is the data the system provides us with. 查看翻譯.
#26. 英文期刊查詢-Effects of average speed ... - 交通部運輸研究所
篇名, Effects of average speed enforcement on speed compliance and crashes: A review of the literature. 簡稱, AAP. 作者, David W. Soole, Barry C. Watson, ...
#27. average - 用法 - 海词
average · n. 平均數;平均水平 · adj. 平均的;一般的;通常的 · v. 取平均值;達到平均水平.
#28. Average Rate of Return - MBA智库百科
Average Rate of Return可能是指:*平均報酬率(Average Rate of Return)是投資項目壽命 ... 全球专业中文经管百科,由121,994位网友共同编写而成,共计436,512个条目.
#29. The Average Everyday Adventures of Samantha Browne
The Average Everyday Adventures of Samantha Browne. 開發人員. Lemonsucker Games ... 不支援繁體中文. 本產品尚不支援您的目前所在地的語言。
#30. on average 的简体中文翻译 - Collins Dictionary
'on average' 的简体中文Translation of | 官方柯林斯English-Traditional Dictionary 网上词典。10 万条英语单词和短语的简体中文翻译。
#31. 一文看懂移動平均線(Moving Average)及其運用策略
移動平均線(Moving Average,簡稱MA)是利用統計分析的方法,將一定時期內的價格加以平均並將不同時間的平均值連接起來,便得到了移動平均線。
#32. Average Americans - 博客來
書名:Average Americans,語言:英文,ISBN:9783732678747,頁數:146,作者:Roosevelt, Theodore,出版日期:2018/05/15,類別:文學.
#33. MA線移動平均線是什麼?公式如何計算?MA線圖 ... - 市場先生
想要判斷股市趨勢、預測未來市場可能的走勢,許多人會觀察移動平均線(Moving Average),這篇文章市場先生介紹移動平均線的定義、週期、功能,以及如何 ...
#34. 國立陽明交通大學-環境工程研究所
論文名稱, Differences in 24-h average PM2.5 concentrations between the beta attenuation monitor (BAM) and the dichotomous ... 語言, 中文 ...
#35. "average"在汉语中的翻译是什么? - bab.la在线词典
The average household size was 2.79 and the average family size was 3.43. English 如何在句子中使用"averagely". more_vert.
#36. (機器學習)什麼是Global Average Pooling?. Global ... - Medium
Global Average Pooling,簡稱GAP,簡單說,就是卷機層後,一種可以取代全連接層(就是MLP)的作法。. “(機器學習)什麼是Global Average Pooling?
#37. Revenue Management 101:一次看懂5 大飯店營收相關財務 ...
Occupancy Rate 入住率(出租率) · Average Daily Rate 平均房價 · Revenue Per Available 平均客房收益.
#38. on average/on the average/on an average - Piece by Piece
根據我查網路後的結果是, > on average 是最常見的用法> on the ... 沒有一種幾千幾百年都固定的用法,中文也是,這就是學習語言讓人又愛又恨的地方 ...
#39. average的意思在线翻译,解释average中文英文含义,短语词组 ...
词组、短语、俚语及习惯用语• average absolute value 平均绝对值。 • average acceleration 平均加速度。 • average accounts payable period ratio
#40. LeetCode: 2256-Minimum Average Difference 解題紀錄
題目. You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums of length n . The average difference of the index i is the absolute difference between ...
#41. average 在线翻译_英语_来源_在线词源词典
average 意思是: 平均的; 15世纪后期,“船主为保管货物向货主收取的超过运费的任何小费”,也指“由于货物在运输过程中损坏而产生的财务损失”,源自法语avarie“船只损坏” ...
#42. 在TradingView中設置均線紐帶(Moving Average Ribbon)指標 ...
本篇文章將介紹在TradingView中設置Moving Average Ribbon的方法。Moving Average Ribbon中文可以稱為移動平均線紐帶,其是一種趨勢技術指標, ...
#43. Moving average 移動平均線定義 - IG
您訪問的是澳大利亞的繁體中文網站。 差價合約為複雜的金融產品,由於槓桿作用而存在迅速虧損的高風險。您並非實際擁有或持有任何相關基礎資產。請您在交易前充分了解 ...
#44. 貝葉斯平均值Bayesian Average: 最新的百科全書
最新的貝葉斯平均值Bayesian Average 科學新聞、研究評論和學術文章。 Academic Accelerator 最完整的百科全書。
#45. 最新消息-112年8月28日夜間22時至翌日6時國道1號頭屋交流道 ...
... Vehicle Identification,Auxiliary Lane,Average,Azimuth,Back,Back Up,Balanced Cantilever Method,Basal Dressing,Base,Bearing,Bearing,Bedding Plant,Begin Of ...
#46. Calculating Your Average Weekly Wage
Average Weekly Wage (AWW). Your average weekly wage is based on your earnings for the 52 weeks prior to the date of injury. Your AWW is based on your gross ...
#47. excellent, good, average, fair, poor 中文怎么翻 - 百度知道
excellent 优秀good 良好average 中等fair 及格poor 差另外还有一个: Fail 不及格 ...全文. eeENJOY. 2008-07-10 知道合伙人教育行家. 优秀,良好,中等,及格,差.
#48. 國立中央大學成績表說明
參、等第積分平均(Grade Point Average,以下簡稱GPA)之計算方法如下:. 一、 GPA 計算公式:. (一) 本校109 年9 月開學日前已完成 ... 一、中文成績單註記. 代號XXX.
#49. Dow Jones Industrial Average - S&P Global
The Dow Jones Industrial Average® (The Dow®), is a price-weighted measure of 30 U.S. blue-chip companies. The index covers all industries except ...
#50. 美国Prime Lending Rate: Month Average - 贷款利率 - CEIC
CEIC提供的优惠贷款利率:月平均数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Federal Reserve Board,数据归类于全球数据库的美国– Table US.M005: Lending Rates。 查看图表中1949 ...
#51. Yearly Average Currency Exchange Rates - IRS
Country Currency 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Afghanistan Afghani 90.084 83.484 76.651 77.579 73.598 71.086 Algeria Dinar 142.123 135.011 126.741 119.402 117.409 115.876 Argentina Peso 130.792 95.098 70.635 48.192 28.167 17.227
#52. average:釋義,例句 - 中文百科全書
例句. 1、Take the average of those ratios and multiply by a hundred. 算出那些比率的平均值再乘以100。
#53. 8 Ways To Increase Your Average Deal Size - LinkedIn
Why should you increase your average deal size? Increasing the number of transactions you close can be an inefficient way to achieve your ...
#54. Nikkei 225 70th anniversary website
The Nikkei Stock Average, the Nikkei 225 is used around the globe as the premier index of Japanese stocks. More than 70 years have passed since the ...
#55. Our World in Data
Research and data to make progress against the world's largest problems.
#56. Let's Get Wellington Moving staff paid on average twice ... - RNZ
Trade Me figures show Wellingtonians earn an average salary of around $73,000 a year. Meanwhile, data from the Public Service Commission shows ...
#57. DAILY - LGM - Malaysian Rubber Board
Average, Average. Peninsular, 508.93, 229.82. USS **, Latex (100% DRC), Cuplump (50% DRC). Average, Average, Average. Sabah, 269.06, 477.00, 191.74.
#58. GDT Events Results » GlobalDairyTrade
Figures within the dials represent the percentage change in GDT Price Index and the weighted average price. All information published on this page may be ...
#59. July heat soared to record, EU agency says
The EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service announced on Tuesday that July's global average temperature was 16.95 degrees Celsius.
#60. DJIA | Dow Jones Industrial Average Historical Prices - WSJ
Dow Jones Industrial Average | historical charts for DJIA to see performance over time with comparisons to ... English; 中文 (Chinese); 日本語 (Japanese).
#61. Shipping Intelligence Network
Latest Research; Analysis; Briefings; 中文; Green ... The average haul of global seaborne oil products trade has trended upwards over the last five years, ...
#62. What is your carbon footprint? - The Nature Conservancy
A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by our actions. The average carbon ...
#63. Average Life Expectancy in Taiwan at Lowest Point Since 2014
The Ministry of the Interior says life expectency in Taiwan fell sharply lastyear.According to statistics released yesterday, the average ...
#64. Victorian COVID-19 data | Coronavirus Victoria
lives lost on average each day over the past week. 8332. total lives lost. 2,970,588. cases recovered. Data is progressively extracted from systems at ...
#65. Dow Jones Index Average Today | DIJA Live - Investing.com
Get a complete Dow Jones index overview today including live update index price, stocks, interactive chart, news, analysis and historical data of the DJIA ...
#66. Switch and Save on Your Insurance | TD Insurance
An average of 29% * or $940 **. That's because we offer so many ways to save including discounts for fire alarms, multiple vehicles, bundling home and car, and ...
#67. Kowanyama has higher rates of diabetes than average ... - ABC
Dale Josiah and his family moved eight hours' drive from their community for vital health treatment. He's "overwhelmed" a new facility could ...
#68. Life Expectancy in the U.S. Dropped for the Second Year in a ...
Life expectancy at birth in the United States declined nearly a year from 2020 to 2021, according to new provisional data from the CDC's ...
#69. World Development Indicators | DataBank
Can we get your feedback? Click here. Sign In. WB Staff Login; Public Login. This page is in. English · Español · Français · عربي · 中文 ...
#70. Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) Live Ticker - DailyFX
Follow the Dow Jones Index with the interactive chart and read the latest Dow news, analysis and DJIA forecasts for expert trading insights.
#71. Water: How much should you drink every day? - Mayo Clinic
For your body to function properly, you must replenish its water supply by consuming beverages and foods that contain water. So how much fluid does the average, ...
#72. Check Point Research Reports a 38% Increase in 2022 ...
Global volume of cyberattacks reached an all-time high in Q4 with an average of 1168 weekly attacks per organization; Top 3 most attacked ...
#73. Menopause - World Health Organization (WHO)
Globally, a woman aged 60 years in 2019 could expect to live on average another 21 years.[ii]. Menopause can offer an important opportunity ...
#74. Greenland/Antarctic Ice Sheet Today | Surface Melt Data ...
Melting along the northern rim of the ice sheet is also greater than average. These changes are a result of a shift in the air circulation, ...
#75. The State of New York City Jails
In final quarter of FY22 (April-June 2022) there were 1,798 use of force incidents and allegations, a rate of 32 per 100 Average Daily ...
#76. JUPAS - Scheme/Programme Requirements - Study@PolyU
Preferred Subjects with the Highest Weighting in the Calculation of Admission Scores, Relevant Applied Learning Subjects, Average HKDSE Scores of Admittees ...
#77. The Swiss have an average of four close friends - Swissinfo
The Swiss have an average of four close friends ; 日本語 (ja) スイス人の「親しい友人」は平均4人 大規模調査で ; 中文 (zh) 瑞士人平均每人四名密友 ...
#78. MOC: Average steel prices in China down slightly during July ...
China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) has announced that during the July 31-August 6 period this year the overall average finished steel price ...
#79. Ridership Watch: daily updates related to riders ... - BART.gov
Average weekday ridership for June 2023 was at 39% of pre-COVID expectations while average Saturday increased to 60% and average Sunday ridership increased ...
#80. COVID-19 data and statistics
COVID-19 cases · 171. Cases in hospital as at midnight Sunday · 763. New case 7-day rolling average · 5,372. New cases reported in the last week · 101. People ...
#81. Statista - The Statistics Portal for Market Data, Market ...
Find statistics, consumer survey results and industry studies from over 22500 sources on over 60000 topics on the internet's leading statistics database.
#82. Common questions - Paid Leave Oregon
The size of the business is based on an average headcount of employees working in and outside of Oregon (part-time and full-time employees).
#83. Ratings & Review on the Play Store - Google Play
... on the app's current quality ratings from user reviews, rather than the lifetime average value of user reviews, unless the app has very few ratings.
#84. Guggenheim Museum Staff Ratifies Union Contract
The contract will provide an average salary increase of 11 percent, similar to what other museum workers across the country have obtained ...
#85. Dominican Republic's Income Convergence Signals Path to ...
This stands in contrast to Latin America as a whole, where the average standard of living is around one-quarter that of the United States.
#86. SORA Interest Rate Benchmark
The Singapore Overnight Rate Average (SORA) is the volume-weighted average rate of borrowing transactions in the unsecured overnight ...
#87. 美國簡史(中文導讀英文版) 英語學習專家 克萊兒老師專業推薦
A dangerous policy, we says and one which in modern times would lead the average citizen to business failure and would make him socially impossible.
#88. Service Expertise - World Container Index - 10 Aug - Drewry
The average composite index for the year-to-date is $1,771 per 40ft container, which is $913 lower than the 10-year average ($2,684 mentioned above). The ...
#89. 寬容(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
It could not rise above the mean average of intelligence of the majority of its adherents. And as a result the people of western and northern Europe did not ...
#90. 兩年假期(中文導讀英文版): 英語學習專家 克萊兒老師專業推薦
The average temperature fell, and during the early morning the thermometric column fell below freezing. The winter was coming, and with it would come its ...
#91. 美國簡史(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
From the point of view of the average European and American this not inconsiderable achievement had one great disadvantage. It came exactly two hundred ...
#92. 員警與頌歌(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
... of philosophy through the art of nature, old K. M. has got your man beat by drills, rows, paragraphs, chest measurement, and average annual rainfall.
averagely中文 在 I'm just an average... - 會說中文就會說英文Catchy English 的美食出口停車場
人名篇1: I'm just an average Joe! 我只是個普通人! Average Joe是指普通無奇的男生,女生是average Jane,average是平凡無奇的意思, ... ... <看更多>