Final 10 km to finish line.在比賽的過程裡,有5天半夜都在極光的照耀下前進,這是最後一晚要抵達終點時所出現的極光,也給了所有參賽者最棒的祝福與禮物,我們出生於文明,在大自然中喚起原始的野性,但不是用征服,而是用虔誠的信念,大地之母會顫開雙臂接納你
- Photo by Martin Hartley.
There are still three competitors on the YAU trail, all of them have passed the Indian River checkpoint and are less than 40 miles to the finish line at Dawson City.
Here's a photo of Tomi Fulop - whoafter racing on every continent, said the Yukon Arctic Ultra was the hardest race he has ever done.
Photo by Martin Hartley.